
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        먼지응애류인 벼먼지응애(신칭, Steneotarsonemus spinki Smiely 1967)는 쌀생산국인 태국, 필리핀, 중국, 대만 등에서 쌀의 중요한 해충이다. S. spinki가 국내에서 처음으로 환경조절온실에서 재배중인 쌀에서 발견되었다. 응애 피해를 입은 쌀은 이삭에서 기형을 나타내었으며 잎집내부 표면의 갈변증상, 쌀알의 표면 갈변증상 등을 나타내었다. S. spinki암컷의 체장은 263.0(246.5~12.2), 체폭은(79.5~7.6)였으며 전체적인 모양은 난형으로 중앙부위가 가장 폭이 넓었다. 채색은 연한 황색이었다. 다리는 잘 발달되어 있었으며 암컷 제4각 끝은 채찍모양의 강모로 이루어진 전형적인 먼지응애류의 특징을 가지고 있었다. 수컷 체장은 196.5(176.5~222.815.8), 체폭은 109.3 98.6~6.4)였으며 전체적인 모양은 길쭉하고 전동체부 중앙부가 가장 체폭이 넓었다. 내돌기 III은 내돌기 IV보다 전방으로 신장되어 있었다. 제4각퇴절은 커다란 안쪽귀가 발달되어 있었으며 안쪽 및 바깥쪽 강모는 같은 길이로 짧게 잘 발달되어 있었다. 부절 발톱은 강하고 복부쪽으로 굽어 있었다
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of present study were to characterize the peptides which were isolated from Korean fermented soybean paste, chungkukjang, and to determine their antioxidant activities. Four fractions were collected from the methanol extract of chungkukjang by using a recycling preparative HPLC. Among fractions, Fr-2 was identified to be highly potent free radical scavenging activity in the assay of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) and nitroblue tetrazolium(NBT)-reduction inhibition. Base on antioxidant effects, fraction Fr-2 was employed for the refraction with a prep-column and separated into five fractions of which two fractions were identified to have higher antioxidant activity. To confirm the amino acid constituents of antioxidant fractions Fr-2-2 and Fr-2-3 were analyzed, and eight kinds of amino acids such as aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, glycine, lysine, histidine, and arginine were identified as the constituent amino acids. Antioxidant activities of the separated peptides were further assessed cell viability with 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl terazolium bromide (MTT), and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis of H4IIE cells treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Chungkukjang peptides have shown their ability to protect H4IIE rat hepatoma cells against H2O2- induced oxidative stress by concentration and time-dependent manner. Therefore, These results indicated that fermented soybean paste chungkukjang will be promoted the antioxidant and radical scavenging activities, and beneficial for health. The antioxidant peptide fractions Fr-2-2 and Fr-2-3 were denominated as P-NICS-1 and P-NICS-2, respectively. However, further studies were required to clarify their amino acid sequences and molecular properties, and physiological significances.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        벼의 질소시비량 및 수확시기에 변화에 따른 도정특성 및 쌀 품질변화를 구명하기 위하여 일품벼와 추청벼를 시험품종으로 질소시비량과 수확시기를 다르게 하여서 시험하였다. 질소시비량은 무처리를 대조구로 하여 5 kg, 9 kg, 13 kg, 17 kg, 21 kg/10a의 5수준으로 하였고 질소시비방법은 기비-분얼비-수비를 5:2:3으로 분시하였으며, 인산과 칼리의 시비량 및 시비방법은 표준재배법에 준하여 실시하였다.수확시기는 출수 후40일, 50일, 60일, 70일, 80일로 하였다. 두 품종 모두 질소시비량과 수확시기가 달라짐에 따라 도정률에 큰 변화가 없었다. 그렇지만 질소시비량은 정현비율과 정의 상관관계를 나타내었지만 현백비율과는 부의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 품종간에는 추청벼가 일품벼보다 평균적으로 모든 시비 수준에서 높은 도정률을 나타내었다. 질소시비량과 완전미율은 부의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 품종간에는 13 kg/10a 이하의 시비수준에서는 추청벼가 일품벼보다 높은 완전미율을 나타내었지만 그보다 높은 수준에서는 일품벼가 추청벼보다 약간 높았다. 두 품종 모두 질소시비량이 증가할수록 분상질미와 싸라기 발생은 높아지는 경향이었다. 질소시비량과 수확시기에 따른 쌀의 단백질함량 변화는 질소시비량이 증가할수록 단백질함량 또한 증가하였으나 수확시기에 따라서는 차이가 없었다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Three rice cultivars of Goami2 (G2), Ilpumbyeo (IP), and Baegjinju (BJJ) of which physicochemical properties are significantly different, were blended by a simplex-lattice mixture design. The effect of blending those rice cultivars on pasting and texture properties were observed. Rapid Visco Analysis (RVA) indicated that the onset gelatinization temperature of pure blend of G2 rice (83.80~pm0.07~circC) was higher than that of IP (68.08~pm0.01~circC) and BJJ (68.08~pm0.04~circC) . Increasing G2 rice resulted in lower peak and breakdown viscosity, and adhesiveness and cohesiveness, whereas higher setback viscosity and hardness. Pasting and texture properties of IP and BJJ indicated that G2 rice has quite different physical characteristics compared to IP and BJJ. Thus, it is expected that blending those three rice cultivars can be used to formulate a desirable rice blend on purpose, furthermore to promote the consumption of G2 rice, which has higher indigestible carbohydrate contents.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to know the characteristics of kernel growth as affected by various temperature regimes during grain filling using the varieties Hwaseongbyeo, Ilpumbyeo and Chucheongbyeo. The rice plants tested were grown in the natural condition at 1/5000a Wagner pots until flowering. After flowering, the rice plants were moved to controlled temperature conditions in a phytotron. The minimum/maximum daily temperature in the phytotron was controlled by 12/18, 15/21, 18/24, 21/27, and 24/30~circC , respectively. The grain weights were measured every three days after treatment. The mean daily kernel growth rate during active grain filling period showed different responses among varieties under various temperature regimes. The kernel growth rate of Chucheongbyeo was seriously reduced as temperature regimes were decreased. However, that of Ilpumbyeo was not influenced so critically. Ilpumbyeo showed some advantages in grain filling under low temperature regimes compared to Chucheongbyeo. The lag phase in grain filling of Chucheongbyeo was the longest among tested varieties, followed by Hwaseongbyeo under daily mean temperature regime of 15~circC . Kernel weight of Ilpumbyeo increased fast in early grain filling phase under low temperature. This characteristic may be favorable for grain filling in temperate zone where the daily mean temperature is drastically dropped during grain filling period. Regression analysis with kernel growth rate and temperature showed the estimated critical low temperature for grain filling among varieties were 9~circC , 12~circC , 13~circC in Ilpumbyeo, Hwaseongbyeo and Chucheongbyeo, respectively. Under moderate temperature the duration of grain filling of Ilpumbyeo was longer than that of Chucheongbyeo. However, Under low temperature that of Ilpumbyeo was more favorable than Chucheongbyeo.