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        검색결과 8,333

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effect of Li2O addition on precipitation behavior of uranium in LiCl-KCl-UCl3 has been investigated in this study. 99.99% LiCl-KCl eutectic salt is mixed with 10wt% UCl3 chips at 550°C in the Pyrex tube in argon atmosphere glove box, with 10 ppm O2 and 1 ppm H2O. Then, Li2O chunks are added in mixed LiCl-KCl-UCl3 and the system has been cooled down to room temperature for 10 hours to form enough UO2 particles in the salt. The solid salt has been taken out from the glove box, and cut into three sections (top, middle and bottom) by low-speed saw for further microscopic analysis. Three pieces of solid salt are dissolved in deionized water at room temperature and the solution is filtered by a filter paper to collect non-dissolved particles. The filter paper with particles is baked in vacuum oven at 120°C for 6 hours to evaporate remaining moisture from the filter paper. Further analysis was performed for the powder remaining on the filter paper, and periphery of the powder (cake) on the filter paper. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron diffraction spectroscopy (EDS), and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) are adopted to analysis the characteristic of the particles. From SEM analysis, the powders are consisted of small particles which have 5 to 10 m diameter, and EDS analysis shows they are likely UO2 with 23 at. % of uranium and 77 at. % oxygen. Cake is also analyzed by SEM and EDS, and needle like structures are widely observed on the particle. The length of needle is distributed from 5 to 20 m, and it has 6 to 10 at. % of chlorine, which are not fully dissolved into deionized water at room temperature. From XRD analysis, the particles show the peak position of UO2, and the result is well matched with the SEM-EDS results. We are planning to add more Li2O in the system for fully reacting uranium in UCl3, and compare the results to find the effect of Li2O concentration on UO2 precipitation.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The skeleton of fuel assembly is composed of top nozzle, bottom nozzle, grids, and guide tubes. In the reactor core, all the parts of the fuel assembly suffer degradations due to the condition of high temperature, pressure and water environment. Therefore, many material properties of high temperature mechanical strength, corrosion and irradiation resistance have been considered to choose the material for fuel assembly parts in the fuel development stage. The guide tubes have important roles to connect each parts and support the load of fuel assembly while the fuel is lifted. In Westinghouse 14×14 standard fuel assembly, Zircaloy-4 was used for the material of the guide tubes. Zircaloy-4 has a resistance to water corrosion and maintain good mechanical properties after the discharge from the core, so this alloy is also utilized for a fuel rod cladding material although the microstructure is slightly different due to the heat treatment difference. Thus, it is expected that there is no issue regarding the guide tube integrity after the discharge and during the storage in the pool, especially in case of low burn-up. However, the surface oxidation and resultant hydrogen pick-up can affect to the embrittlement to the Zr alloy. So, it is needed to know the actual status of spent fuel assembly by performing post-irradiation examination. In this study, the degradation level of the guide Tubes in low burn-up spent fuel assembly was investigated using the KAERI PIE facility in order to make some data which can be utilized to the baseline for evaluating the integrity of the spent fuel skeleton.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper mainly focuses on the maximum decay heat estimation generated from spent fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool of Kori units 3&4 at the beginning decommissioning. It is assumed that the spent fuel pool is fully occupied with 2,260 spent fuel assemblies, same as its design capacity. In addition, equally 56.5 spent fuel assemblies have been generated per year. The minimum cooling time is five years considering the transition phase between the permanent shutdown and the amendment of Operating License for decommissioning. Sending and receiving of spent fuel assemblies to/from other units are neglected. Seven representative spent fuel assembly groups are established based on the burnup rate and cooling time. Conservatively high values for the burnup rates and low values for the cooling times are applied. Calculation of the decay heat of each representative group has been performed by using ORIGEN decay solver of SCALE. Then, total decay heat has been calculated based on this. Group 1, 2, and 3 contain comparatively old spent fuel assemblies with 45 GWd/tU burnup rate and 20~30 cooling years. The calculation shows 489~586 watts of decay heat per assembly. Group 4, 5, 6, and 7 contain comparatively new spent fuel assemblies with 55 GWd/tU burnup rate and 5~20 cooling years. The calculation shows 741~1,483 watts of decay heat per assembly. The total maximum decay heat therefore is estimated as 1,609,459 watts.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the zircaloy cladding absorbs an excessive amount of hydrogen and cooled down under hoop stress, radial hydride may be precipitated by hydride reorientation phenomenon. There have been many previous studies about the threshold stress of the reorientation, but it is known that the quantitative degree of hydride reorientation rather than the threshold is important for the prediction of mechanical properties. A thermodynamic model for Radial Hydride Fraction (RHF) prediction has been developed in this study. The model calculates RHF with respect to temperature, cooling rate, hydrogen content, and applied stresses. Once the cooling rate is given, the solid solution concentration at each temperature is determined by Hydrogen-Nucleation-Growth-Dissolution model. Subsequently, the increment of radial hydride is derived by nucleation and growth theory. The code based on the thermodynamic theory can provide the prediction of RHF under hoop stress, as well as a change in precipitation behavior over time. RHF of the zircaloy cladding in long-term dry storage can be obtained by the implementation of the code and the degradation of the cladding is directly estimated according to the correlation between RHF and mechanical properties. Ongoing experimental validation of the developed model is discussed.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study reassess safety margin of the current Peak Cladding Temperature (PCT) limit of dry storage in terms of hydrogen migration by predicting axial hydrogen diffusion throughout dry storage with respect to wet storage time and average burnup. Applying the hydride nucleation, growth, and dissolution model, an axial finite difference method code for thermal diffusion of hydrogen in zirconium alloy was developed and validated against past experiments. The developed model has been implemented in GIFT – a nuclear fuel analysis code developed by Seoul National University. Various discharge burnups and wet storage time relevant to spent fuel characteristics of Korea were simulated. The result shows that that the amount of hydrogen migrated towards the axial end during dry storage for reference PWR spent fuel is limited to ~50 wppm. This result demonstrates that the current PCT margin is sufficient in terms of hydrogen migration.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since SMR’s reduced reactor radius results in higher neutron leakage, SMR operates at a relatively lower discharge burnup level than traditional Light Water Reactors (LWRs). It may result in larger spent fuel amounts for SMRs. Furthermore, recent studies demonstrated that NuScale reactor will generate a significantly higher volume of low- and intermediate-level waste owing to components located near the active core including the core barrel and the neutron reflector. For spent nuclear fuel simulation, FRAPCON-4.0 was updated. Major modifications were made for fission and decay gas release, pellet swelling, cladding creep, axial temperature distribution, corrosion, and extended simulation time covering from steady-state to dry storage. In this study, typical 17×17 PWR fuel (60 MWd/kgU) and NuScale Power Module (36 MWd/kgU) was compared. NuFuel-HTP2™ fuel assembly, which has a half-length of proven LWR fuel, was employed. Owing to the lower discharge burnup and operating temperature, the maximum hydrogen pickup was 73 wppm and the maximum hoop stress was ~25 MPa. Therefore, hydride reorientation issue is irrelevant to SMR spent fuel. In this context, the current regulatory limit for dry storage (i.e. 400°C and 90 MPa) can be significantly alleviated for LWR-based SMRs. The increased safety margin for SMR spent fuel may compensate high spent fuel management cost of SMRs incurred by an increased amount. The comprehensive analysis on SMR spent fuel management implications are discussed based on simulated SMR fuel characteristics.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the saturation rate of temporary storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel increases, regulatory demands such as interim storage and permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel are expected to begin in earnest. Considering the domestic situation where all nuclear power plants are located on the waterfront site, the interim storage site is also likely to be located on the waterfront site, and maritime transportation is one of the essential management stages. Currently, there are no independently developed maritime transportation risk assessment code in Korea, and no research has been conducted to evaluate the release of radioactive waste due to the sinking of transport container. Therefore, it is necessary to secure technology to properly reflect the domestic maritime transportation environment and to assess the impact of the sinking accident and to carry out safety regulations. To accurately calculate the releaser rate of radionuclides contained in a cask with breached containment boundary, the flow rate through the gap generated in the containment boundary should be calculated. The fluid flow through this gap which is probably in micro scale in most situations should be evaluated combining the fluid flow inside and outside the cask. In this study, a detailed computational fluid dynamics model to evaluate the internal fluid flow in the cask and a simplified model to capture the fluid flow and the heat transfer around the cask in the sea are constructed. The results for the large scale model are compared with the analytic formula for verification of heat transfer coefficient and they showed good agreements. The heat transfer coefficient thus found can be used in the detailed model to provide more realistic data than those obtained from assumed heat transfer coefficient around the surface of the cask. In the future, fluid flow through the gap between the lid and the body of the cask will be evaluated coupling the models developed in this work.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        B4C/Al composite is mainly used for neutron absorbing materials, which is one of the components of equipment that manages spent nuclear fuel. There are various processes for manufacturing neutron absorbing materials, but most of them are based on the powder metallurgy. In this study, B4C/Al composite in which the reinforcement was uniformly dispersed was manufactured by using the stir casting process. The microstructure, thermal neutron absorption rate, mechanical properties and dispersibility of the reinforcement of the prepared B4C/Al composite were analyzed.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hydride reorientation is one of the major concerns for cladding integrity during dry storage. In this study, mechanical property of post-reorientation cladding was investigated according to the morphology and amount of the hydrides. Cladding peak temperature limit 400°C was suggested by U.S. NRC in concern of cladding creep and hydride reorientation. In line with this regulatory limit, hydride reorientation was conducted during cool-down process from the maximum temperature of 400°C, using constant internal pressurization method. The specimens were charged for hydrogen from 100 to 1,000 wppm, and various pressures range of 7.5-18.5 MPa were applied. The morphology was examined by optical microscopy. Radial hydride fraction (RHF) and radial hydride continuous path (RHCP) were calculated using image analysis software PROPHET. Finally, strain energy density (SED) was investigated via ring compress tests and the hydrogen concentration was analyzed. The result shows that when RHF is higher than 5%, SED exponentially decreases with RHF. For RHF less than 5%, SED was primarily affected by the total amount of hydrogen. Shortened length of radial hydrides with the presence of circumferential hydrides may block the radial propagation of crack. The result implies that lower burnup spent fuel with lower hydrogen concentration may be more vulnerable in terms of radial hydride compared to higher burnup fuel.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Separation of high heat generating-radioactive isotopes from spent nuclear fuel is an important issue because it can reduce the final disposal area. As one of the technologies that can selectively separate only high heat generating-radioactive isotopes without dissolving spent fuel, the methods using molten salt have recently attracted attention. Although studies on chemical changes of Sr oxides in molten salts have been reported, they have limitation in that alternative oxide reagents rather than oxide fuel were used. In this study, the separation behaviors of Sr from simulated oxide fuel using various molten salts were investigated. A powder type containing 95.7wt% of U and 0.123wt% of Sr was used as the simulated oxide fuel. LiCl, LiCl-CaCl2, MgCl2, LiCl-KCl-MgCl2 and NaCl-MgCl2 were used as molten chloride salts. The separation of Sr from the simulated oxide fuel was conducted by loading it in porous alumina basket and immersing it in a salt. The concentration of Sr in the salt was measured by ICP analysis after sampling the salt outside the basket using dip-stick technique. The separation efficiencies of Sr from simulated oxide fuel using the salts were compared. Furthermore, the causes of their separation efficiency were systematically investigated.