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        검색결과 1,121

        2021.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        1920년대 한국 농촌을 위한 YMCA와 국제선교사협회의 협력은 계급 이데올로기 혁명을 기획하는 국제공산주의, 정치군사적 통제를 모색하는 제국주의, 또한 상업적 착취를 통한 경제적 부의 확장을 추구하는 강대국 민족주의와 구별되며, 본질적으로 민족의 상호협력과 인류애라는 보편가치를 추구한 기독교세계주의이다. 서구 선교사들은 교회와 국가의 역할을 구별 하는 파송 국가의 정부정책에 순응했지만 국제선교사협회는 거시적인 틀에서 한국의 민족주의자들과 협력하며, 식민정부의 주요 착취대상인 한국의 농부를 위해 종교적, 과학적, 물질적, 인적자원의 국제적 재배치를 총괄 함으로 여타 국제적 흐름과의 차별성을 시사한다. 국제선교사협회는 민족과 인종의 경계를 초월하는 기독교세계주의를 추구했는데, 한국의 농부를 위한 이러한 연대성은 세속국가의 외교경쟁이 가져온 한계에도 불구하고 초국가적 보편가치를 추구하는 중요한 국제주의의 흐름으로 포착된다. 국제선교사협회의 예루살렘대회는 한국의 다양한 교회기관이 교회 자체의 생존에 대한 관심을 넘어 사회병리적 문제의 해결을 위한 범교단적 협력과 기독교 농촌연구회의 조직을 고무했으며 태평양문제연구소로 하여금 한국 학자의 토지문제연구를 지원할 토대를 마련하였다. 또한 대한민국공화국의 토지개혁을 구상할 정부 요원에게 현장지식과 훈련기회를 제공했다. 제국 주의에 관한 거시적 이론을 넘어 구체적인 YMCA농촌운동에 참여하는 국제선교사협회의 활동에 대한 면밀한 자료의 검토는 기독교세계주의가 한국의 민족주의를 폄훼하기 보다 도리어 약소국의 민족역량을 강화하는 자양분으로 작동했음을 입증한다. 한국 YMCA농촌운동과 국제선교사협회의 협력을 연구함에 한국의 민족주의 틀을 넘어서, 일본 식민주의, 피압박민의 민족주의를 대체하며 활동한 국제공산주의, 강대국의 제국주의와 구별되는 기독교 세계주의의 취급이 요청된다.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Past literatures have not studied the impact of real-world events or information on the return and volatility of virtual currencies, particularly on the COVID-19 event, day-of-the-week effect, daily high-low price spreads and information flow rate. The study uses the ARMAGARCH model to capture Bitcoin’s return and conditional volatility, and explores the impact of information flow rate on conditional volatility in the Bitcoin market based on the Mixture Distribution Hypothesis (Clark, 1973). There were 3,064 samples collected during the period from 1st of January 2012 to 20th April, 2020. Empirical results show that in the Bitcoin market, a daily high-low price spread has a significant inverse relationship for daily return, and information flow rate has a significant positive relationship for condition volatility. The study supports a significant negative relationship between information asymmetry and daily return, and there is a significant positive relationship between daily trading volume and condition volatility. When Bitcoin trades on Saturday & Sunday, there is a significant reverse relationship for conditional volatility and there exists a day-of-the-week volatility effect. Under the impact of COVID-19 event, Bitcoin’s condition volatility has increased significantly, indicating the risk of price changes. Finally, the Bitcoin’s return has no impact on COVID-19 events and holidays (Saturday & Sunday).
        2020.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This inductive study seeks to establish a conceptual background for theoretical development regarding talent misuse in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The two objectives for the goal were (1) to explore and build a list of unethical treatment practiced on young talents; (2) to establish new framework for the special context or refining the existing framework on employee mistreatment. For the first goal, an attempt was made to develop a list of mistreating behavior by collecting and analyzing cases of ethical disputes. Analyses on 64 cases of talent mistreatment, namely ‘passion pay’, was conducted to present a conceptual ground for further investigation. Then, for the second objective, this study has proposed an integrative approach for assessing these ethical elements. The ethical implications were discussed based on an assessment conducted using three theories of ethics. Finally, a cluster analysis further shows the emergence of three groups based on the mistreating behaviors. We observed seven different mistreatment behaviors under four categories of mistreatment practices. Additionally, the cluster analysis results imply that talent mistreatment may be rooted in work characteristics. Organizational size may provide some contextual reasoning, but the extent to which this factor interacts with work characteristics left unclear.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how much continuous investment in human capital contributes to increasing labor productivity at not only individual companies but also at the national level, and causes fundamental as well as increases for labormanagement conflicts. The current research aimed to empirically demonstrate the importance of human capital investment and furthermore, based on the effect of human resource investment on labor productivity, also re-examine the role of the Labor Commission as well. Research design, data, and methodology: This study was conducted by the Korea Information Service-Financial Accounting System (KIS-FAS) using representative panel data operated by countries to measure whether long-term investment in corporate human resources affects labor productivity. Results: Two distinctive summarized results of the analysis in the Korea Credit Ratings data showed that there was a high positive correlation between corporate human resource investment and economic performance for a tenyear period from 2009 to 2018. Conclusions: The present study concluded that the role of the labor committee should be effectively formed by the labor as a mediation agency and that the role of the mediation committee members should focus more on how to strengthen the human resources management of the union.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study investigates the effects of online instructional facilitator’s qualities on student performance of online class activities. The study explores the roles of instructional facilitators who may influence student performance of online class activities and their academic achievement. The study employs a set of aggregated data from 1,362 subjects and 10 facilitators who participated in multiple online classes. The results of independent samples t-test reveal that the student performance in online classes has no association with facilitators’ educational background or academic degree, as well as demographic characteristics, student evaluation records and instructional achievement. The results of multiple regression analysis show that the facilitator engagement has a positive relation to the enhancement of student interaction, reading discussion messages, and the quality of discussion messages in online discussions. The results of correlation analysis show that the facilitator engagement has a positive impact on both increasing the number of reading discussion messages and enhancing the quality of discussion messages. The facilitator engagement increases the quantity of reading discussion postings and enhances the quality of discussion messages, which would be a substantial contribution to student performance by facilitators. The findings suggest that student performance and academic achievement in online classes are not independent of facilitator engagement.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper examines the impact of proctoring environments on student performance in two different exam proctoring environments: online versus offline proctored exams. This study employs a set of aggregated data from 1,762 students over the eight-year period from 2009 to 2016 in a university. Although there were nine courses offered, they could have been counted more than once as students may appear several times to take exams for different courses. This study employs independent samples t-test and regression analysis to compare the means of two independent groups and to test the hypothesis. The results of the independent samples t-test and the regression analysis indicate that there is no difference in the mean scores of exams and, therefore, the findings suggest that the exam proctoring environment is unlikely related to student performance even when students take their exams either in online proctoring or offline proctoring environments. This study concludes that the proctoring environment unlikely results in a statistically significant difference of exam scores and, thus, the exam proctoring environment does not appear to cause any change in student performance. The findings suggest that the exam proctoring environments does not appear to impact on student academic achievements and assessments.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study examines lagged economic effects of research and development (R&D) investment on the market value of manufacturing firms listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange or the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China. This study applies panel data analysis methods to address the following issues: 1) There might be an adjustment lag in the impact of R&D investment on corporate market value, and 2) Unobserved firm effects must be taken into account. The balanced panel data includes a total of 1,462 observations with 34 cross-sections of manufacturing firms listed on Chinese stock markets and with 27 time-specific quarterly periods from 2007 to 2017. The results indicate that the R&D investment of Chinese manufacturing firms tends to yield favorable market value of the firm with some adjustments to time. The results show that R&D investment exhibits a strong positive impact on their market value of manufacturing firms in Chinese stock markets. Moreover, R&D investment has a positive time-lag effect on the market value of the firm. Interestingly, the R&D investment of Chinese manufacturing firms generate a relatively constant positive effect on their market value, supporting the notion that the corresponding returns of R&D investment for such firms yield lagged but added market values.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This study uses ‘Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model’ to predict the impact of a sharp drop in the base rate due to COVID-19 at the present time when government policies for stabilizing house prices are in progress. The purpose of this study is to predict implications for the direction of the government's house policy by predicting changes in house transaction prices and house rental prices after a sharp cut in the base rate. Research design, data, and methodology: The ARIMA intervention model can build a model without additional information with just one time series. Therefore, it is a time-series analysis method frequently used for short-term prediction. After the subprime mortgage, which had shocked since the global financial crisis in April 2007, the bank's interest rate in 2020 is set at a time point close to zero at 0.75%. After that, the model was estimated using the interest rate fluctuations for the Bank of Korea base interest rate, the house transaction price index, and the house rental price index as event variables. Results: In predicting the change in house transaction price due to interest rate intervention, the house transaction price index due to the fall in interest rates was predicted to change after 3 months. As a result, it was 102.47 in April 2020, 102.87 in May 2020, and 103.21 in June 2020. It was expected to rise in the short term. In forecasting the change in house rental price due to interest rate intervention, the house rental price index due to the drop in interest rate was predicted to change after 3 months. As a result, it was 97.76 in April 2020, 97.85 in May 2020, and 97.97 in June 2020. It was expected to rise in the short term. Conclusions: If low interest rates continue to stimulate the contracted economy caused by COVID-19, it seems that there is ample room for house transaction and rental prices to rise amid low growth. Therefore, In order to stabilize the house price due to the low interest rate situation, it is considered that additional measures are needed to suppress speculative demand.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper seeks to explore the role of green finance in achieving sustainable development goals through the case of China, and address some issues of sustainable finance and environmental, social and governance concerns of green finance by introducing the episodes of green finance in China. This paper aims to provide some viewpoints about the following questions: 1) What are the latest trends in green finance? 2) What are the main challenges to the development of green finance? 3) What are policy recommendations for the development of green finance? 4) What are the roles of both the public and private sectors in promoting green finance? This paper identifies the mainstream to sustainable bonds, diversification of green finance, transition of corporates’ business models, transparency and disclosure, and harmonizing taxonomy and measurement of green finance for the emerging trends of green finance. As the results, this paper recommends some policy measures for the private sector such as greening the banking system, greening the bond market, and greening institutional investors. This paper also suggests some policy initiatives for the public sector such as developing policies and capacity, promoting market transparency and governance, and promoting private-public partnership for diversifying resources of green finance.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper aims to facilitate a discussion around how big data technologies and data from citizens can be used to help public administration, society, and policy-making to improve community’s lives. This paper discusses opportunities and challenges of big data strategies for government, society, and policy-making. It employs the presentation of numerous practical examples from different parts of the world, where public-service delivery has seen transformation and where initiatives have been taken forward that have revolutionized the way governments at different levels engage with the citizens, and how governments and civil society have adopted evidence-driven policymaking through innovative and efficient use of big data analytics. The examples include the governments of the United States, China, the United Kingdom, and India, and different levels of government agencies in the public services of fraud detection, financial market analysis, healthcare and public health, government oversight, education, crime fighting, environmental protection, energy exploration, agriculture, weather forecasting, and ecosystem management. The examples also include smart cities in Korea, China, Japan, India, Canada, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. This paper makes some recommendations about how big data strategies transform the government and public services to become more citizen-centric, responsive, accountable and transparent.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigates the determinants of the likelihood of a tax re-audit in Korea. It adopts a researcher-administered questionnaire survey method for data collection. The survey questionnaire is randomly distributed to 1,120 individuals with tax-related knowledge and experience. Using a final sample of 342 responses, we conduct a cross-sectional regression analysis to test our hypotheses. The results show that the level of tax non-compliance significantly affects the likelihood of a tax re-audit. This finding suggests that the increase in re-audits in Korea is attributable to the tendency of the tax authority to conduct a re-audit to detect taxpayers’ non-compliance behavior by excessively broadening the scope of re-audits. This study also finds that the level of tax non-compliance is influenced by the perception of procedural unfairness, measured by operational inconsistency and regulatory lack of clarity. Lastly, the results reveal that the level of tax non-compliance mediates the relationship between the perception of procedural unfairness and likelihood of a tax re-audit. This finding indicates that enhancing procedural fairness could fundamentally reduce unnecessary re-audits that infringe on the rights of taxpayers, as the likelihood of a tax re-audit is not solely determined by the level of tax non-compliance but also by perceived procedural fairness.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study examines the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activity on the firm market value, in particular, market capitalization of tour operators listed on Chinese stock markets. This study employs panel data analysis methods to examine endogeneity concerns in observational data. The balanced panel data includes a total of 1,296 observations with 27 cross-sections of tour operators listed on Chinese stock markets and with 48 time-specific periods from March 2006 to December 2017. The results indicate that CSR activity has a negative impact on the market value of the firm for the concurrent period, but from one-period time lag and afterwards CSR activity has a strong positive impact on the market value and sustains its positive impact on the market value even for a two-period time lag. The findings suggest that the economic effect of CSR activity on the firm market value tends to take some degree of lagged effects to be fully showcased in the market capitalization of tour operators and travel companies listed on Chinese stock markets. The findings suggest that, though CSR activity may carry some financial risk for an immediate short-term, tour operators must put a lot of time and effort into making CSR actions effective.
        2020.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An economic downturn can occurred through unexpected events in various fields, such as the subprime mortgage crisis and the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19). Trade credit is important for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially during a monetary contraction, as it is the last option for firms that lack bank credit. This study aims to determine whether trade credit is profitable for the buyer and supplier firms during and after a financial crisis. We use panel data consisting of all trade credit transactions and financial statements of 5,751 Korean firms during the period 2008–2012. It shows that trade credit is more profitable for both buyers and suppliers in the post-crisis period than during the crisis. Moreover, trade payable is more effective for unconstrained buyers than for constrained buyers. Finally, a mixed strategy is superior to an aggressive or passive strategy of SMEs. The results suggest less profitability of trade credit during a period of contraction and greater sensitivity of the buyer SMEs, emphasizing the idiosyncratic liquidity strategy of each firm. This study can be helpful to develop a strategy of profitable trade credit for SMEs and to establish a policy of managing liquidity for the authority.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The purpose of this study is, in the situation where rapid response to the rapidly changing environment is required due to the development of the fourth industrial revolution such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the internet of things, robotics, big data, additive manufacturing, bio-health, sharing economy and in the organizational culture aspiring toward the innovation of a major company, small business and a public institution, to analyze what influence a job-engagement and stress make, and what influence individual‟s self-efficacy as a moderator mediator makes, and to offer basic data for improving job-engagement and lowering job-stress. Research design, data, and methodology: For doing this, the literature and the empirical studies were combined. Deriving innovationoriented organizational culture as factors affecting the job engagement and job stress through the literature, and have established hypotheses to verify them. We have collected data of 281 from ex,ecutives and staff-members working in areas including major company, small business and officials (the central government, a local public service, the prosecution, the police, and school). And these data were analyzed by SPSS 23 version. Results: Based on these data, the results of analysis were as follows; First, the innovationoriented organizational culture which was recognized by organizational members had effect on job-stress. Second, the innovationoriented organizational culture which was recognized by organizational members influenced job-stress. Third, in the relationship between the innovation-oriented organizational culture and job-engagement, self-efficacy did not influenced job-engagement. Finally, in the relationship between the innovation-oriented organizational culture and job-stress, self-efficacy influenced job-stress. Conclusions: Innovation-oriented organizational culture places importance on the organization's adaptability and flexibility in the external environment, so companies need to establish an innovation-oriented organizational culture favorable to achieving survival and successful innovation, and to develop and disseminate programs of positive and continuous organizations to improve task enthusiasm, reduce task stress, and enhance organizational performance. In the future, it will be necessary to verify the effectiveness of various organizational culture types through comparative analysis with companies that actively maintain an innovation-oriented organizational culture (Google, Kakao, etc.) and companies that prefer hierarchy-oriented organizational culture, relationship-oriented organizational culture, and market-oriented organizational culture.
        2020.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: Sports is an activity created by human beings and is related with natural and human environments, and it is a physical activity which inherently interacts with geographical properties. With the above views, it is clear that sports reflect human culture and physical environment, which are closely related to places or spaces in terms of origin, propagation and diffusion, or geography in a broader sense. This study explored the relationships between sporting activities and geography with an environmental view. Research design, data, and methodology: The study employed qualitative methodology to review the association between sport and geographical perspective. The study reviewed the broad documents including journals, periodicals, reports and so forth. Results: First, since its inception in the 1960s, research on sports geography has been steadily studied in many international geography and non-geographic research journals. Second, it reflects the distinct characteristics of the relationship between sports and geography (relationship with physical geography and humanities). Third, as a spatial approach to sports, it is the place of sports, globalization of sports, and the tourist attraction of sports. Conclusion: the findings of this study provides insights for sport geography and could be applied to the current sports industry. Further implications were discussed.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to analyze how the problems caused by overtourism affect the quality of life of Jeju residents and their perceptions of the overtourism phenomenon by exploring related factors for future policy implications. In the research model, each independent factor related to tourists affects the quality of life of residents, and the mediation variable (QoL) ultimately agrees with overtourism. This study uses Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), which is less influenced by the sample size. The research is based on 360 questionnaires. The test results showed that cultural factors affected the QoL statistically at 1% significance level, and economic factors were significant at 5%. The quality of life variable affects the agreement of overtourism (p-value 1% significance level). An indirect effect analysis on whether each independent factor affects the overtourism factor through the parameter of the QoL of the residents showed that the cultural factor at 5% level statistically affected it, and economic factors were significant at 10%. In conclusion, we recommend implementing both economic and cultural factors to reduce the negative perception of overtourism for the policy planning. Further research in multiple aspects should be continued to overcome the vulnerability of the Island destination tourism.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: In the 4th industrial revolution, services that incorporate various smart technologies in the tourism sector have begun to gain popularity. Accordingly, academic discussions on smart tourism have also started to become active in various fields. Despite recent research, the definition of smart tourism is still ambiguous, and it is not easy to differentiate its scope or characteristics from traditional tourism concepts. Thus, this study aims to analyze the perception of smart tourism exposed online to identify the current point of smart tourism in Korea and present the research direction for conceptualizing smart tourism suitable for the domestic situation. Research design, data, and methodology: This study analyzes the perception of smart tourism exposed online based on 20,198 news data from portal sites over the past six years. Data on words used with smart tourism were collected from the leading portal sites Naver, Daum, and Google. Text mining techniques were applied to identify the social awareness status of smart tourism. Network analysis was used to visualize the results between words related to smart tourism, and CONCOR analysis was conducted to derive clusters formed by words having similarity. Results: As a result of keyword analysis, the frequency of words related to the development and construction of smart tourism areas was high. The analysis of the centrality of the connection between words showed that the frequency of keywords was similar, and that the words “smartphones” and “China” had relatively high connection centrality. The results of network analysis and CONCOR indicated that words were formed into eight groups including related technologies, promotion, globalization, service introduction, innovation, regional society, activation, and utilization guide. The overall results of data analysis showed that the development of smart tourism cities was a noticeable issue. Conclusions: This study is meaningful in that it clearly reflects the differences in the perception of smart tourism between online and research trends despite various efforts to develop smart tourism in Korea. In addition, this study highlights the need to understand smart tourism concepts and enhance academic discussions. It is expected that such academic discussions will contribute to improving the competitiveness of smart tourism research in Korea.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: North Korea is a very close country geographically and culturally, but the nation has been one of the most secretive countries in the world. However, in recent years, North Korean society has been known to rapidly change its economic environment as well as its diplomatic and political environment. Since the gaining power of Jong-un, Kim in 2012, the North Korean government has implemented a new set of economic policies. North Korea has embraced limited market systems and mechanisms that have become a part of the formal planned economy. This study is concerned with the recent changes in the market and marketing activities of the communist country. It also seeks to gain an understanding of the changing market behavior of North Korean consumers. The purpose of this study is to enhance understanding of the market environments of North Korea and to provide appropriate implications for practitioners and researchers. Research design, data and methodology: Academic access to information that can understand North Korea's reality is minimal. Therefore, this study was conducted based on a qualitative analysis of secondary data. The existing literature on North Korea, related news and reports were the basis of the analysis. Analysis of secondary data related to North Korea was the main methodology of the study. Results: The official ideology of North Korea rejected most aspects of marketing, and yet there were marketing activities in North Korea. This article focuses on the development of market and marketing activities in North Korea during the recent years. This study indirectly confirmed that the market function is being activated in North Korea, and the basic functions of marketing such as advertisement, price, and distribution are being formed. In this process, the activation of the ‘Jangmadang(market)’ played a significant role. Conclusions: Research shows that North Korea is rapidly developing its own market function. In addition, marketing activities such as advertising and pricing strategies seem to be unprecedentedly active. However, due to changes in the political environment, the future development of North Korea's marketing is still in flux. Efforts to improve mutual understanding through continuous research are required.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to examine curvilinearly moderating effects of task interdependence on the relationship between demographic faultlines and group performance. It posits that the degree of task interdependence has an impact on the effects of demographic faultlines. It was conducted in six organizations in Korea, their industries including heavy industries, hospital, construction, petrochemical, fine chemicals, and system integration. The survey was distributed to 1330 individuals in 162 teams and 1082 individuals in 137 teams responded to the questionnaire. To test the hypotheses including nonlinear interactions, we conducted a hierarchical regression analysis to the survey data from 82 groups within six firms in Korea. The results show that for groups that experience a high level of task interdependence, the slope for the regression of demographic faultlines on group performance is comparatively low and, at the low level of task interdependence, insignificant. However, at intermediate levels of task interdependence, the association was strongly negative and significant. This study finds that the negative relationship between demographic faultlines and group performance is stronger when task interdependence is moderate than when task interdependence is high or low. Therefore, managers should pay attention to optimal group design by carefully assigning tasks in diverse and divided groups.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to investigate what selection attributes of customer value are more crucial when consumers choose the dessert at convenience store, which is the fastest growing retail format in Korea recently. Factors considered to be important when customers buy dessert, such as economics, diversity, convenience, and safety were examined and also relationship between customer value and satisfaction was analyzed. The survey was conducted through online (including SNS) from April 6, 2019 to April 30, 2019. A total of 303 questionnaires were used for empirical analysis. Factor analysis was performed to verify the validity and reliability of the measured variables. And the structural equation model (SEM) was used as a statistical method for hypothesis testing. As a result, factors as ‘diversity’, ‘safety’ were revealed to significantly affect hedonic customer value, while ‘convenience’ was shown to affect utilitarian customer value significantly. In addition, the path that customer value leads to satisfaction was also found to be significant. The result of the study suggests that selection attributes of convenience store dessert and providing meaningful implications of related hedonic and utilitarian values when customers purchase dessert at convenience store. This study provided practical implications for managers of the fiercely competitive dessert industry.