
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현대 게임 산업에서 그래픽 콘텐츠는 플레이어들의 눈길을 사로잡는 가장 중요한 요소 중 하나이다. 하지만 플레이어들의 눈을 만족시키기 위한 고품질의 그래픽 콘텐츠 생산에 드는 비용은 갈수록 치솟고 있다. 본 논문에서는 그래픽 콘텐츠 제작의 부담을 줄이기 위해 warping을 사용한 스프라이트 이미지간의 부드러운 전환 방법을 제안한다. 이 방법을 통해 애니메이션을 구성하는 일부 프레임을 자동 생성함으로써 그래픽 콘텐츠의 생산 단가를 줄일 수 있을 것으로 예상한다. 이미 개발된 Live2D와 같이 벡터 이미지를 사용하여 이미지를 움직여서 하나의 이미지로 애니메이션을 연출하는 기술도 있다. 하지만 Live2D는 그래픽 콘텐츠를 제작한 후 이를 움직일 파츠를 분리하여 다시 그려야 하는 재작업이 필요하다. 반면 본 논문에서 제안하는 방법은 애니메이션의 시작 이미지와 종료 이미지 두개와 충분한 수의 제어점만 주어진다면 별도의 추가 작업 없이 결과물을 얻을 수 있다. 제안하는 방법은 각각의 이미지에 서로 대응하는 feature points를 설정하고 이를 기반으로 삼각형을 만든다. 이후 시작 이미지와 종료 이미지 간에 대응하는 삼각형 간에 아핀 변환을 한다. 이렇게 얻은 변환된 삼각형을 합성하여 한 프레임을 만들고, 이렇게 만든 프레임을 연속으로 재생함으로써 애니메이션을 연출할 수 있다. 이 기술은 애니메이션을 위한 그래픽 콘텐츠 생산 부담을 줄여줄 것이다.
        2017.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recycled cenosphere, which is a hollow shaped particle from fly ash, has become attractive as a building material due to its light weight and excellent heat insulation and soundproof properties. In this paper, we investigated the effect of cenosphere size on the physical and optical properties. High brightness of cenosphere as raw material is required for a wide range of ceramics applications, particularly in fields of building materials and industrial ceramic tiles. Cenospheres were sorted by particle size; the microstructure was analyzed according to the cenosphere size distribution. Cenospheres were generally composed of quartz, mullite, and amorphous phase. Colour measurement corresponding to chemical composition revealed that the contents of iron oxide and carbon in the cenospheres were the major factors determining the brightness of the cenospheres.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Vibrio 속에 속한 세균에 의한 식중독은 오염된 해산물식품의 섭취로 인하여 빈번하게 발생하고 있다. 그러므로 해산물을 날것으로 섭취하는 한국인의 특성을 고려할 때, 빠르고 정확한 Vibrio 검출기술은 식품위생 및 공중보건의 측면에서 매우 중요하다. 이와 관련하여 본 연구에서는 전통적인 배지를 이용한 동정방법의 단점을 보완할 수 있는 생화학적 방법인 Vitek 2 system방법과 분자생물학적 방법인 species-specific PCR 방법을 사용하여 얻은 동정결과를 비교·평가하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 5개의 Vibrio 표준균주와 16S rRNA gene sequencing 결과에 의하여 Vibrio 속으로 확인된 24개의 분리균주가 이용되었다. Vitek 2 system방법을 이용한 경우, 이와 같이 본 연구에 사용된 29개 균주 중 Vibrio 표준균주 2개(2/5, 40%), 16S rRNAgene sequencing 결과 Vibrio 속으로 확인된 분리균주 15개(15/24, 62.5%) 등의 총 17개 균주(17/29, 58.6%)가 Vibrio 종으로 동정되었다. 그리고 species-specific PCR방법을 이용한 경우, 위의 29개 균주 중 Vibrio 표준균주 5개(5/5, 100%), 16S rRNA gene sequencing 결과 Vibrio 속으로 확인된 분리균주 16개(16/24, 66.7%) 등의 총 21개 균주(21/29, 72.5%)가 Vibrio 종으로 동정되었다. Vitek 2 system방법과 species-specific PCR방법을 이용하여 동정된 결과를 비교하였을 때 표준균주 중 V. parahaemolyticus, V. mimicus등의 2개(2/5, 40%), 새우분리균주 24개 중에서 16S rRNAgene sequencing 결과 Vibrio 속으로 확인된 분리균주 7개(7/24, 29.2%) 등의 총 9개(9/29, 31%) 균주들에 대한 동정결과만이 일치하였다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) coatings are fabricated via suspension plasma spray (SPS) for thermal barrier applications. Three different suspension sets are prepared by using a planetary mill as well as ball mill in order to examine the effect of starting suspension on the phase evolution and the microstructure of SPS prepared coatings. In the case of planetary-milled commercial YSZ powder, a deposited thick coating turns out to have a dense, vertically-cracked microstructure. In addition, a dense YSZ coating with fully developed phase can be obtained via suspension plasma spray with suspension from planetary-milled mixture of Y2O3 and ZrO2.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: North Korea is a very close country geographically and culturally, but the nation has been one of the most secretive countries in the world. However, in recent years, North Korean society has been known to rapidly change its economic environment as well as its diplomatic and political environment. Since the gaining power of Jong-un, Kim in 2012, the North Korean government has implemented a new set of economic policies. North Korea has embraced limited market systems and mechanisms that have become a part of the formal planned economy. This study is concerned with the recent changes in the market and marketing activities of the communist country. It also seeks to gain an understanding of the changing market behavior of North Korean consumers. The purpose of this study is to enhance understanding of the market environments of North Korea and to provide appropriate implications for practitioners and researchers. Research design, data and methodology: Academic access to information that can understand North Korea's reality is minimal. Therefore, this study was conducted based on a qualitative analysis of secondary data. The existing literature on North Korea, related news and reports were the basis of the analysis. Analysis of secondary data related to North Korea was the main methodology of the study. Results: The official ideology of North Korea rejected most aspects of marketing, and yet there were marketing activities in North Korea. This article focuses on the development of market and marketing activities in North Korea during the recent years. This study indirectly confirmed that the market function is being activated in North Korea, and the basic functions of marketing such as advertisement, price, and distribution are being formed. In this process, the activation of the ‘Jangmadang(market)’ played a significant role. Conclusions: Research shows that North Korea is rapidly developing its own market function. In addition, marketing activities such as advertising and pricing strategies seem to be unprecedentedly active. However, due to changes in the political environment, the future development of North Korea's marketing is still in flux. Efforts to improve mutual understanding through continuous research are required.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to the rapid development of IT (information technology) and internet, products become smart and able to collect, process and produce information and can think of themselves to provide better service to consumers. However, research on the characteristics of smart product is still sparse. In this paper, we report the systemic development of a scale to measure the perceived product smartness associated with smart product. To develop product smartness scale, this study follows systemic scale development processes of item generation, item reduction, scale validation, reliability and validity test consequently. And, after acquiring a large amount of qualitative interview data asking the definition of smart product, we add a unique process to reduce the initial items using both a text mining method using ‘r’ s/w and traditional reliability and validity tests including factor analysis. Based on an initial qualitative inquiry and subsequent quantitative survey, an eight-factor scale of product smartness is developed. The eight factors are multi-functionality, human-like touch, ability to cooperate, autonomy, situatedness, network connectivity, integrity, and learning capability consequently. Results from Korean samples support the proposed measures of product smartness in terms of reliability, validity, and dimensionality. Implications and directions for further study are discussed. The developed scale offers important theoretical and pragmatic implications for researchers and practitioners.