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        검색결과 9,514

        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cement stabilisation is a common method for stabilising recycled road base material and provides a longer pavement life. With cement effect, the increment of stiffness in the stabilised layer would provide better load transfer to the pavement foundation. The recycling method provides an environmentally option as the existing road base materials will not be removed. This paper presents a case study of a trial section along the North-South Expressway in West Malaysia, where the Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) was implemented to evaluate the compressive strength and in-situ stiffness of the cement stabilised road base material. The improvement in stiffness of the cement stabilised base layer was monitored, and samples were tested during the trial. FWD was found to be useful for the structural assessment of the cement-stabilised base layer prior to placement of asphalt layers. Results from the FWD were applied to verify the assumed design parameters for the pavement. Using the FWD, an empirical correlation between the deflection and the stiffness modulus of the pavement foundation is proposed.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Surface fog coating methods to porous pavements with a polymer, that contains MMA as a main ingredient, are being widely used in Japan and called 'Top-Coat Processes'. They have lots of effects such as to prevention of the pavement void choking, improvement of the water permeability of the pavements and so on. The purpose of this research is to show the characterization of the polymer to optimize the functions of the polymer fog-coat methods. This study focused on the difference of 'wetting' by water among polymers used for the fog coatings, and calculation the surface free energy from the water contact angle on each material. At the end, the water permeability test were conducted using porous asphalt mixtures that were coated with several kinds of polymers. The permeability was also measured on the specimens that were forcibly choked by muddy water and the resistance to choking was compared. It is concluded that the reduction of the surface free energy between water and a polymer improves the life of the permeability functions of porous pavements. Improvement of water permeation capacity and void-blocking controlling effects can be quantitatively evaluated using the interfacial tension (γsl) with water for the coating material (high-viscosity asphalt and hardening resin binder). Consequently, the smaller the γsl of the coating material the higher the water permeation capacity and void-blocking controlling effects of the porous asphalt pavements.
        2006.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In steady-state simulation the output data of the transient phase often cause a bias in the estimation of the steady-state results. A common method is to cut off this transient phase. This paper presents a new heuristic used to detect the warm-up period in steady-state simulation output. An evaluation procedure is used to compare the presented rule, called EVR, with the method MSER-m known as the most sensitive rule in detecting bias and most consistent rule in mitigating its effects. The rules are applied to the output generated by M/M/1 queuing process and the performance of the methods is tested at 4 different levels of utilizations. Various measures of goodness are used to assess the effectiveness, consistency and confidence of the methods.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Thermoelectric conversion efficiency of thermoelectric elements can be increased by using a structure combining n-type and p-type semiconductors. From the above point of view, attention was directed at ZnO as a candidate n-type semiconductor material and investigations were made. As the result, a dimensionless figure of merit ZT close to 0.28 (1073K) was obtained for specimens produced by the PCS (Pulse Current Sintering) method with addition of specified quantities of , CoO, and to ZnO. It was found that the interstitial in the ZnO restrains the grain growth and CoO acts onto the bond between grains. The influence of the inclusion of and CoO onto the sintering behavior also was investigated.