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        검색결과 9,514

        2002.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Gaudi, Naber & Sackett pointed out that if an event is caused by a lens system containing more than two planets, all planets will affect the central region of the magnification pattern, and thus the existence of the multiple planets can be inferred by detecting additionally deformed anomalies from intensive monitoring of high magnification microlensing events. Unfortunately, this method has important limitations in identifying the existence of multiple planets and determining their parameters (the mass ratio and the instantaneous projected separation) due to the degeneracy of the resulting light curve anomalies from those induced by a single planet and the complexity of multiple planet lensing models. In this paper, we propose a new channel to search for multiple planets via microlensing. The method is based on the fact that the lensing light curve anomalies induced by multiple planets are well approximated by the superposition of those of the single planet systems where the individual planet-primary pairs act as independent lens systems. Then, if the source trajectory passes both of the outer deviation regions induced by the individual planets, one can unambiguously identify the existence of the multiple planets. We illustrate that the probability of successively detecting light curve anomalies induced by two Jovian-mass planets located in the lensing zone through this channel will be substantial. Since the individual anomalies can be well described by much simpler single planet lensing models, the proposed method has an important advantage of allowing one to accurately determine the parameters of the individual planets.
        2002.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2002.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study on the electrosorption of Co2+ and Sr2+ ions onto a porous activated carbon fiber (ACF) was performed to treat radioactive liquid wastes resulting from chemical or electrochemical decontamination and to regenerate the spent carbon electrode. The result of batch electrosorption experiments showed that applied negative potential increased adsorption kinetics and capacity in comparison with open-circuit potential (OCP) adsorption for Co2+ and Sr2+ ions. The adsorbed Co2+ and Sr2+ ions are released from the carbon fiber by applying a positive potential on the electrode, showing the reversibility of the sorption process. The possibility of application of the electrosorption technique to the separation of radionuclides was examined. The result of a selective removal experiments of a single component from a mixed solution showed that perfect separation of Co2+ and Sr2+ ions was possible by the electrosorption process.
        2002.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bayesian inversion for gravity and resistivity data was performed to investigate the cavity structure appearing as a lava tunnel in Cheju Island, Korea. Dipole-dipole DC resistivity data were proposed for a prior information of gravity data and we applied the geostatistical techniques such as kriging and simulation algorithms to provide a prior model information and covariance matrix in data domain. The inverted resistivity section gave the indicator variogram modeling for each threshold and it provided spatial uncertainty to give a prior PDF by sequential indicator simulations. We also presented a more objective way to make data covariance matrix that reflects the state of the achieved field data by geostatistical technique, cross-validation. Then Gaussian approximation was adopted for the inference of characteristics of the marginal distributions of model parameters and Broyden update for simple calculation of sensitivity matrix and SVD was applied. Generally cavity investigation by geophysical exploration is difficult and success is hard to be achieved. However, this exotic multiple interpretations showed remarkable improvement and stability for interpretation when compared to data-fit alone results, and suggested the possibility of diverse application for Bayesian inversion in geophysical inverse problem.
        2002.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The land-cover of two regions of South and North Korea included in one Landsat TM scene was investigated by comparing different seasons and different band data over the multiple land-cover types. The relationships between the intensities of two bands in the 2-D plot are mainly linear in band2 versus band1 and band3 versus band1, polygonal sporadic in band5 versus band1 and band7 versus band1, and almost tri-polarized in band4 versus band3. The 2-D plot of band4/band3 shows the best capability to discriminate different main land-cover such as water, vegetation and dry soil. Some discriminations are not clear between city and dry field, or mountain and plain field in the scene of September. The digital number data of band4 from vegetated zones show stronger reflectance in September rather than April, while other band values tend to be lager in April than in September over each land-cover. NDVI presents high value in both regions in September. However the image of Wonsan area in April suggests weak vigor of vegetation in comparison with Cholwon area. Band ratios are very effective in eliminating the influence of the complex topography. The proper pairing of the band ratio improved the discrimination capability of the land-cover; band5/band2 for dry soil, band4/band3 for vegetation and band1/band7 for the water. The RGB combination of the three band ratio pairs showed the best results in the discrimination of the land-cover of Wonsan, Cholwon and even the Demilitarized Zone.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Strong thermal X-ray emission, called Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission, is observed along the Galactic plane (Koyama et al. 1986). The origin of hot (~7 keV) component of GRXE is not known, while cool (~0.8 keV) one is associated with supernovae (Kaneda et al. 1997, Sugizaki et al. 2001). We propose a possible mechanism to explain the origin; locally strong magnetic fields of Blocal ~30 μG heat interstellar gas to ~7 keV via magnetic reconnection (Tanuma et al. 1999). There will be the small-scale (< 10 pc) strong magnetic fields, which can be observed as (B)obs ~3 μG by integration of Faraday Rotation Measure, if it is localized by a volume filling factor of f ~ 0.1. In order to examine this model, we solved three-dimensional (3D) resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations numerically to examine the magnetic reconnect ion triggered by a supernova shock (fig.l). We assume that the magnetic field is Bx = 30tanh(y/20pc) μG, By = Bz = 0, and the temperature is uniform, at the initial condition. We put a supernova explosion outside the current sheet. The supernova-shock, as a result, triggers the magnetic reconnect ion, and the gas is heatd to > 7 keV. The magnetic reconnect ion heats the interstellar gas to ~7 keV in the Galactic plane, if it occurs in the locally strong magnetic fields of Blocal ~30 μG. The heated plasma is confined by the magnetic field for ~10 5.5 yr. The required interval of the magnetic reconnect ions (triggered by anything) is ~1 - 10 yr. The magnetic reconnect ion will explain the origin of X-rays from the Galactic ridge, furthermore the Galactic halo, and clusters of galaxies.