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        검색결과 9,512

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A disposal research program for HLW has been carried out since 1997 with the aim of establishing the preliminary concept of geological disposal in Korea. The preliminary studies were conducted by conducting manufacture and installation of an in-situ nuclide migration system in KAERI Underground Research Tunnel (KURT). Nuclides could be released from a deep underground disposal facility due to thermal and physicochemical changes into the surrounding environments. Understanding on the migration and retardation processes of nuclides in a fractured rock is very important in the safety assessment for the radioactive waste disposal. In this study, we evaluated fracture filling minerals and aperture distribution (3D map) along the fracture surfaces under the controlled conditions. The fractured granite block which has a single natural fracture of 1 m scale was sampled in a domestic quarry (Iksan), which groundwater had been flowed through. This rock has an interconnected porosity of 0.36 with the specific gravity of 2.57. The experimental set-up with the granite block with dimensions of 100×60×60 (cm). A flow of de-ionized water through the fracture between pairs of boreholes was initiated and the pressure required to maintain a steady flow was measured. In additions, fracture filling minerals were sampled and examined by mineralogical and chemical analyses. There are phyllosilicate minerals such as illite, kaolinite, and chlorite including calcite, which are fracture filling minerals. The illite and kaolinite usually coexist in the fracture, where their content ratio is different according to which mineral is predominant. For the evaluation of fracture, surface was divided into an imaginary matrix of 20×20 sub-squares as schematically. The calculated results are expressed as a two dimensional contour and a three dimensional surface plot for the aperture distribution in the fracture. The aperture value is distributed between 0.075 and 0.114 mm and the mean aperture value is 0.095 mm. The fracture volume is about 55 ml. Also the 137Cs sorption (batch test) distribution coefficients increased to Kd = 800~860 mL/g in the fractured rock because of the presence of secondary minerals formed by weathering processes, compared to the bedrock (Kd = 750~830 mL/g). These results will be very useful for the evaluation of environmental factor affecting the nuclides migration and retardation.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The acoustic emission (AE) method as a passive non-destructive monitoring technique is proposed for real-time monitoring of mechanical degradation in underground structures, such as deep geological disposal of high-level nuclear waste (HLW). This study investigates the low-frequency characteristics of AE signals emitted during the fracturing of meter-scale concrete specimens; uniaxial compression tests (UCT) in a lab scale and Goodman jack (GJ) tests in a 1.3 m-long concrete block were conducted while acquiring the AE signals using low-frequency AE sensors. The results indicate a sharp increase in AE energy emission at approximately 60% and 80% of the yield stresses in the UCT and GJ tests, respectively. The collected AE signals were primarily found in two frequency bands: the 4-28 kHz range and the 56-80 kHz range. High-frequency AE signals were captured more as the stress increased in the GJ tests, which was in contrast to the UCT tests. Furthermore, the AE signals obtained from the Goodman jack tests tended to lower RA values than the UCT results. This study presents unique experimental data with low-frequency AE sensors under different loading conditions, which provides insights into field-scale AE monitoring practices.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        South Korea has been storing UNF in spent fuel pool dry storage facility within Nuclear Power Plants. The dry storage facility of used nuclear fuel (UNF) is essential to sustain safety and sustain stable operation of a nuclear power plant. Most abroad countries have attempted to develop a variety of dry storage facility for used nuclear fuel in order to retain the safe restoration. Many studies have been conducting to safety evaluation for the dry storage facility. However, there is not a ventilation evaluation in the wake of fire event that could influence of the thermal effect on the dry storage facility, even though it will likely to occur fire events such as wildfire, air craft crash. In practice, it happened to catastrophic disaster due to the wild fire adjacent to ul-jin mountain. Also, it happened to fire accident near to the Japonia NPP in Ukraine territory caused of military air plane missile. It has not mostly been studied on the ventilation evaluation considered to thermal safety in the dry storage facility excepted for some researches. It could need the mechanical ventilation systems such as HVAC system in the dry storage system, so that thermal effect can be reduced. In this study, we conducted to the ventilation control modelling by using fire modelling tool (Fire Dynamic Simulator v.6.7). The ventilation scenarios made up for 3 case that can compare flowrate variation with ventilation control. As a result of modelling, there is no differentiation between ventilation control using performance curve with not using performance curve even though the pressure fluctuation would be increased, compared with the case of considering performance curve. Second, it evaluated that the mode for fraction control would occur to pressure rise in the state of controlling the ventilation system flowrate. However, sensitivity of flowrate control was more decreased below less than 5 seconds. Third, in the case of on/off control system revealed more higher resolution than other cases caused by flowrate variation. These results could be considered as the design guidelines for the development dry storage facility to improve the thermal performance that can reduce thermal risk. Furthermore, the study results would expect HVAC system installed in dry storage to help automatic ventilation control relevant to dry storage safety increased.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is developing a radionuclide management processes as a conditioning technology to reduce the burden of spent fuel disposal. The radionuclide management process refers to a process managing radionuclides with similar properties by introducing various technology options that can separate and recover radionuclides from spent fuels. In particular, it is a process aimed at increasing disposal efficiency by managing high-heat, high-mobility, and high-toxic radionuclides that can greatly affect the performance of the disposal system. Since the radionuclide management process seeks to consider various technology options for each unit process, it may have several process flows rather than have a single process flow. Describing the various process flows as a single flow network model is called the superstructure model. In this study, we intend to develop a superstructure model for the radionuclide management process and use it as a model to select the optimal process flow. To find the optimal process flow, an objective function must be defined, and at the fuel cycle system level multiple objectives such as effectiveness (disposal area), safety (explosure dose), and economics (cost) can be considered. Before performing the system-level optimization, it is necessary to select candidates of process flow in consideration of waste properties and process efficiency at the process level. In this study, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to analyze changes in waste properties such as decay heat and radioactivity when the separation ratio varies due to the performance change for each unit process of the radionuclide management process. Through this analysis, it is possible to derive a performance range that can have waste properties suitable for following waste treatment, especially waste form manufacturing. It is also possible to analyze the effect of waste properties that vary according to the performance change on waste storage and management approaches.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, radioactivity of Cs-134, Cs-137, and Eu-154, which are gamma-emitting nuclides among fission products of spent fuel, was analyzed as a tool to measure the burnup of spent fuel nondestructively. This nuclide has a unique gamma-ray energy, allowing the amount of the isotope to be estimated based on the intensity of the gamma-ray at a specific energy. The SCALE 6.2 ORIGAMI (ORIGen AsseMbly Isotopics) module and the latest ORIGEN-arp library were used for computational analysis. The spent fuel samples were selected as WH14×14 with an enrichment of 1.5~5.0wt%, a burnup of 10~60 GWD/MTU, and a cooling time of 0~40 years. The analysis results were benchmarked using SFCOMPO experimental data provided by OECD/ NEA, including isotope inventory and uncertainty measured by destructive radiochemical analysis, fuel assembly design data required for benchmark model development, reactor design information, and operating history information. 16 similar spent fuels were selected from SFCOMPO data and the calculation results of Cs-134, Cs-137, and Eu-154 were compared. The average error of the Cs-134 radioactivity calculation result was 2.81%, and the maximum error was 6.70%. The average errors of Cs-137 and Eu-154 were 2.42% and 4.95%, respectively, and the maximum errors were 5.40% and 14.91%, respectively.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As regulations on carbon emissions increase, the interest in renewable energy is also increasing. However, the efficiency of renewable energy generation is highly low and has limitations in replacing existing energy consumption. In terms of this view, nuclear power generation is highlighted because it has the advantage of not emitting carbon. And accordingly, the amount of spent nuclear fuel is going to increase naturally in the future. Therefore, it will be important to obtain the reliability of containers for transporting safely and storing spent nuclear fuel. In this study, a method for verifying the integrity and airtightness of a metal cask for the safe transportation and storage of spent nuclear fuel was studied. Non-destructive testing, thermal stability, leakage stability, and neutron shielding were demonstrated, and as a result, suitable quality for loading spent nuclear fuel could be obtained. Furthermore, it is meaningful in that it has secured manufacturing technology that can be directly applied to industrial field by verifying actual products.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The stabilization technology for the damaged spent fuel is being developed to process the damaged fuel into sound pellet suitable for dry re-fabrication. It requires several treatments including oxidative decladding followed by reduction treatment for oxidized powder closely related to the quality of oxidized powders for pellet fabrication. For the development of operating condition for the reduction treatment, in this study, we evaluated the effect of air-cylinder based vertical shaking previously applied to oxidative decladding on powder reduction. For U3O8 of 50-100 g, the reduction test were applied with and without vertical shaking at 700°C under reduction atmosphere (Ar + 4%H2) and the concentration of hydrogen in effluent was measured to evaluate the reduction reaction. It was found that the vertical shaking system has allowed the reaction time of 50 g and 100 g U3O8 reduced by 33% compared to the test in static mode. Based on XRD analysis, the better crystallinity of the products was also achieved.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In case of damaged spent fuels, it would require additional treatment for their transportation and storage to capture the radioactive fission products in a defined space. The canning container for the damaged spent fuels is one way to seal the radioactive fission products inside the container. In the Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF) of KAERI, the Quiver container has been introduced for canning damaged spent fuels from Westinghouse Sweden. The main container body has been manufactured for particle-tightness of spent fuel. In addition, drying equipment is being prepared for gas-tightness of spent fuel. The drying equipment can remove water and fill the inert gas inside the container. Before drying inside the container, we evaluated the volatile fission products inventory because volatile fission products could be released during the drying process. Despite assuming highly conservative hypotheses for the inventory remaining in damaged fuel rods, the amount that could be released during the drying process was less and dose rate levels around the evacuation piping system were low.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Comprehensive Analyzer of Real Estimation for spent fuel POOL (CAREPOOL) has been developed for evaluating the thermal safety of a spent nuclear fuel pool (SFP) during the normal and accident conditions. The management of spent nuclear fuel function provides a management tool for spent nuclear fuel in the SFP. The fuel assemblies both in SFP and reactor side can be shown graphically in the screen. The loading sequence into transfer cask can be checked respectively in the CAREPOOL. A basic heat balance equation was used to estimate the SFP temperature using the heat load calculated in the previous step. The characteristics of typical SFPs and associated cooling systems at reactor sites in the Korea were applied. Accident simulation like station black out leading to loss of SFP cooling or inventory is possible. Emergency cooling water injection pipe installed subsequent to the events at Fukushima 2011 is also modeled in this system. The CAREPOOL provides four main functions- management of spent nuclear fuel, decay heat calculation by ORIGEN-S code, estimation of the time to boil/fuel uncovering by thermal-hydraulics calculations, fuel selection for periodic spent fuel transferring campaign. All of these are integrated into the GUI based CAREPOOL system. The CAREPOOL would be very beneficial to nuclear power plant operator and trainee who have responsibility for the SFP operation.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the time to consider when evaluating leakage of spent fuel dry storage systems is very long, assumptions that continue to leak at the initial leakage rate are too conservative. Therefore, this study developed a dynamic methodology to calculate the change in leakage rate using time-varying variables and apply it to calculate the amount of radioactive leakage during the evaluation period. The developed dynamic methodology was then applied to calculate the leakage radiation source term for a hypothetical dry storage system and used to perform a public dose assessment. When applying the developed dynamic leakage rate evaluation methodology for more accurate confinement evaluation in case of containment damage of dry storage system, it was found that the change of leak rate with time is very insignificant if the hole diameter is small enough, and the leak rate decreases rapidly with time when a hole with a certain diameter or larger occurs. In the case of the accident condition, except when the hole is very large, it corresponds to the chocked flow condition, and the leak rate decreases rapidly as soon as the internal pressure is sufficiently lowered to enter the molecular and continuum flow region. In the case of a small hole diameter, the leakage volume is very small, so even if the dynamic methodology is applied, the evaluation results are not different from the case where the initial leakage rate continues, and when the hole diameter exceeds a certain value, the internal pressure drops according to the leakage volume, and the leakage rate decreases significantly. As a result of evaluating the dose to residents by applying the calculated radiation source term, it was confirmed that the dose criteria was exceeded when a hole with a diameter of about 4 μm occurred under off-normal conditions, and the dose standard was exceeded under accident conditions when a chocked flow occurred between the diameter of the hole and 2-3 μm, resulting in a rapid increase in the dose. The results of this study are expected to contribute to a more accurate evaluation of the confinement performance of storage systems, which will contribute to the design of optimal dry storage systems.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the process of spent fuel dry storage, which is an intermediate management method, it was found that hydrides in the circumferential direction rearranged into radial hydrides. Various factors, such as hoop stress, peak temperature, cooling rate during the storage period, and hydrogen concentration accumulated during the burnup process, significantly affect the susceptibility of spent fuel cladding. In recent studies based on the hydrogen solubility value of about 210 ppm corresponding to the peak temperature of 400°C, if the threshold stress decreases as the hydrogen concentration increases in the low hydrogen range under 210 ppm, the threshold stress increases as the hydrogen concentration increases in the low hydrogen range under 210 ppm. The fundamental cause of this trend is the diffusion of hydrogen into the high-stress region due to the stress gradient formed in the specimen, and hydrogen compounds which remain undissolved in the circumferential direction, even at the peak temperature, play a crucial role to determine the magnitude of the threshold stress. This study evaluated the behavior of hydride reorientation under various hoop stress conditions (70, 80, 90, and 110 MPa) using unirradiated Zircaloy-4(CWSRA) cladding tubes under long-term cooling conditions (3, 6, and 12 months). The results of analyzing the offset strain by hydrogen concentration for long-term cooling showed that specimens with low hydrogen concentration exhibited higher integrity than specimens with high hydrogen concentration at hoop stresses of 90 and 110 MPa. The HR test using irradiated fuel cladding showed that specimens with low hydrogen concentrations exhibited relatively higher susceptibility. To quantify these results, it is necessary to research further in detail by repeated tests.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The hydride reorientation (HR) of the post-irradiated nuclear fuel cladding after use affects the integrity of the spent nuclear fuel. During the dry storage process, which is an intermediate storage method, it was found that the hydride in the circumferential direction is rearranged into radial hydride, and this is believed to be due to factors such as hoop stress, peak temperature, accumulated hydrogen concentration, and cooling rate during the storage period. f(HR) = f(Tmax) + f(σH) + f(CH) + f(△T) + f(10Cy) + f(cooling rate) + ...... To simulate long-term dry storage of spent nuclear fuel, the hydride reorientation behavior was evaluated using unirradiated Zircaloy-4 (CWSRA) cladding with hydrogen charged under various hoop stresses (70, 80, 90, and 110 MPa) at long-term cooling periods (3, 6, and 12 months). Test results showed that as the cooling time increased, the sample with 90 MPa hoop stress at a maximum temperature of 400°C approached the ductility recommendation limit of 2%. In a 90 MPa hoop stress specimen with 3 months cooling period at peak temperature of 400°C, the offset strain was 4.24% at room temperature RCT, while it showed the result of 2.86% for the cooling period of 12 months. On the other hand, the specimen with hoop stress of 110 MPa and cooling period of 12 months showed result of 1.4%. The test results need to take into account errors in hydrogen charging and hydrogen analysis, and it is necessary to consider reproducibility through repeated tests. These results indicate the need for continued attention to the evaluation of the effects of hydride reorientation due to long-term cooling in the context of the integrity of spent fuel.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        After Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011, Concerns about accident of spent fuel pool increase. In Korea, the time of saturation of spent fuel pool is coming, but regulatory measures and safety evaluation are insufficient when occurring spent fuel pool accident. Thus, it is necessary to review of spent fuel pool accident in foreign countries to establish regulatory measures and safety evaluation of spent fuel pool accident suitable for domestic spent fuel pool. Therefore, we reviewed spent fuel pool accident that occurred at Fukushima Unit 4, SONGS Unit 2 and PAKS. In Japan, spent fuel pool accident occurred at Fukushima NPP in 2011. Tsunami was cause of the accident. Station Black Out occurred at Fukushima NPP and Emergency Diesel Generator lost their functions due to Tsunami. As a result, Loss of cooling happened in spent fuel pool at Fukushima NPP. For Unit 4, wall of spent fuel pool in Unit 4 was damaged due to hydrogen explosive, so loss of coolant in spent fuel pool of Unit 4 occurred. After the accident, the temperature of spent fuel pool increases to 75°C, but there was no damage to the spent fuel. In USA, spent fuel pool accident occurred at SONGS Unit 2 in 2013. The debris of nearby ocean is cause of the accident. The debris entered the system through a damaged Salt Water Cooling pump suction strainer. The debris obstructed flow through the Component Cooling Water heat exchanger and operation of Salt Water Cooling. The maximum spent fuel pool temperature during this event was 25.6°C. It was a value that satisfied the technical specifications of the SONGS NPP. In Ukraine, spent fuel pool accident occurred at PAKS in 2003. Unintentionally opened valve of cleaning tank is cause of the accident. Loss of coolant occurred in spent fuel pool of PAKS. Due to loss of coolant, spent fuels were exposed to the vapor state atmosphere, and oxidation occurred in the cladding tube of the spent fuel that rose to 1,400°C. In this study, Review of spent fuel pool accident in major foreign countries was conducted as basic studies for establishing regulatory measures and safety evaluation of spent fuel pool in Korea. Causes of each accident were different by structure of spent fuel pools. Result of this study will be contributed to establish safety measures of spent fuel pool accident suitable for domestic spent fuel pool facility.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On-site storage facility using concrete silo dry storage systems for spent nuclear fuel at Wolsong NPP site came into operation in 1992 and was expanded four times, and a total of 300 silo dry storage systems are currently in operation. The design lifetime of silo dry storage systems has been licensed for 50 years. As the dry storage systems are subject to time constraints for a limited lifetime, countries operating the dry storage systems are working to ensure the long-term integrity of dry storage systems and IAEA also recommends that the dry storage systems be assessed for long-term storage. To demonstrate the long-term integrity due to material degradation during the licensed design lifetime, the structural integrity of silo dry storage systems was evaluated by considering the material degradation characteristics of concrete. The concrete compressive strength results measured so far by the rebound hammer method, which is an internationally standardized nondestructive test method for converting hardness into compressive strength using the correlation between rebound number and strength at the time of a Schmidt hammer strike, were analyzed in accordance with Wolsong NPP’s procedure to quantify the degradation characteristics, and the prediction of concrete strengths for 20 years and 50 years after construction of the silo dry storage systems was determined, respectively. Based on these residual compressive strengths, structural analyses of the silo dry storage systems were carried out under normal, off-normal and accident conditions of the related regulations, and the structural integrity of silo dry storage systems was reevaluated. It was confirmed the silo dry storage systems are able to maintain structural integrity up to the design lifetime of 50 years even if the concrete is deteriorated.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        One of the most important factors in the delivery and acceptance requirements for dry storage of spent fuel is the burnup of spent fuel. Here, burnup has a unit of MWD/MTU and is used as a measure of how much nuclear fuel is depleted in a nuclear reactor. In addition, since it is one of the most basic characteristic information for the soundness evaluation of spent nuclear fuel, it is a required item not only by regulatory agencies but also by KORAD, the acquiring agency. The burnup of spent nuclear fuel is the burnup calculated through flux mapping using signals measured from in-reactor instruments during nuclear power plant operation (hereinafter: actual burnup) and the burnup calculated using the core design code (hereinafter: design burnup). In this paper, the design burnup of spent nuclear fuel discharged from OPR100 NPPs (Nuclear Power Plants) in Korea was recalculated to confirm the reliability of the actual burnup currently managed at the nuclear power plant. Basically, since spent nuclear fuel must maintain subcriticality under wet storage or dry storage, a burnup error of about 5% is considered as a conservative approach when evaluating the criticality safety of wet storage tanks and dry storage systems. Therefore, in this paper, we tried to verify whether the difference between actual burnup and design burnup for all spent nuclear fuel released from domestic OPR100 type light water reactor nuclear power plants is within 5%. As a result of the evaluation, the largest deviation between actual burnup and design burnup was about 1,457 MWD/MTU, and when converted into a percentage, it was about 3.3%. Therefore, it was confirmed that the actual burnup managed by OPR1000 NPPs in Korea has sufficient reliability. In the future, we plan to check the reliability of the performance burnup managed in WH NPPs, and some of them will be verified through measurement.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, the spent fuel pools withdrawn from nuclear power plants in Korea have been saturated. Therefore, specific regulations on the management of spent fuel pools, such as transportation and intermediate storage are needed. The burnup history is directly related to the management of spent nuclear fuel. This is because the decision to handle nuclear fuel may vary depending on the initial concentration of nuclear fuel, the degree to which nuclear fuel is irradiated and radioisotope nuclides are decayed, and the cooling state in the spent nuclear fuel storage tank. The purpose of this study is to determine the burnup of fuel based on the value obtained by scanning the surface of spent nuclear fuel through a neutron detector. Conversely, a database of neutron signals that scan bundles of spent nuclear fuel with an instrument with an already identified combustion history needs to be completed. First of all, the correlation between burnup history and nuclides was identified in previous studies. By setting the burnup history as the input value in the ORIGEN-ARP code, it was possible to identify the radioactive isotopes remaining in the bundle of nuclear fuel. Neutrons can finally be measured based on the amount of nuclide inventory that constitutes spent nuclear fuel. Through MCNP, the neutron detector was simulated and signals were measured to confirm how it correlates with the previously acquired burnup history database. In addition, the M (sub-critical multiplication) value, which is essential for neutron measurement, was checked to confirm the degree to which additional neutrons were generated in spent nuclear fuel in a subcritical state. The target nuclear fuel assembly was CE16×16, WH14×14, and WH17×17, which confirmed the correlation (1) between burnup, enrichment, and cooling time with the previous research topic, TNSI (Total neutron source intensity). 􀜤􀜷􁈺􀜩􀜹􀝀/􀜯􀜶􀜷􁈻 = 0.83􁈺􀜵􀯇􁈻􀬴.􀬶􀬷􀬼 ∙ 􁈺􀜫􀜧􁈻􀬴.􀬸􀬺􀬶􀬻 ∙ 􀝁􀬴.􀬴􀬴􀬼􀬷∙􀯧 􁈺1􁈻 A neutron signal will be obtained from the case according to each burnup history constituting this database. In particular, PAR=SF, a function that calculates the production amount of the fission product, was used. To confirm the computational logic of SF, it was confirmed whether a reasonable calculation was made by calculating with a nuclide spectrum.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For Korean nuclear fuel cycle project, it is necessary to design and evaluate the integrity of spent fuel storage. For the design and evaluation of spent fuel storage, it is necessary to evaluate the properties of various materials used in spent fuel storage. The materials previously considered in the design of nuclear power plants were limited to static properties and were listed in design and manufacturing code and standards. However, for the evaluation of the storage containers in scenarios such as transportation and events, dynamic material property evaluations are required. Research on the dynamic properties of materials is generally conducted in the fields of automotive and aerospace, and most of the studies are on metal materials under sheet conditions. Since the structural materials of the storage containers for used nuclear fuel are mostly composed of thick materials, consideration should be given to property evaluation methodology and quantitative comparison. In this study, the mechanical properties of stainless steel material with canister application were evaluated according to the strain rate, and the crack resistance evaluation was also performed. It was confirmed the changes in strength and crack resistance according to the increase in strain rate and observed differences in microstructural hardening behavior.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Given the limited terrestrial reserves of uranium (about 4.6 million tons), exploring alternative resources is essential to ensure the long-term supply and sustainability of nuclear energy. Uranium extraction from seawater (UES) is a potential solution to this issue since the amount of uranium dissolved in seawater (about 4.5 billion tons) is approximately 1000 times that of terrestrial reserves. However, the ultra-low concentration of uranium in seawater (about 3.3 ppb) makes it a challenging task to make UES economically feasible. This paper provides an overview of the current status of UES technology, which has evolved over the past seven decades. Starting from inorganic adsorbents such as hydrous titanium oxide in the 1960s, amidoxime-based fibrous adsorbents gained the most attention until the early 2010s due to their ease of deployment in actual seawater conditions and high affinity for uranium. Nowadays, research on organic adsorbents with microstructures is prevailing due to their ability to easily control surface area and compositions. In addition, this study identifies the key issues that need to be addressed to make UES technology economically viable.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The configuration management system was implemented on the basis of a document management system that secured stable understanding, scalability, document security, and convenience in small modular reactor. To reduce the cost and risk of errors, configuration management is implemented to maintain a balance between design requirements, physical configuration, facility configuration information. In the initial stages, configuration change review procedures was developed with the main purpose of change management such as classification system management, configuration control committee management, configuration change review preparation, configuration control committee operation, followup measures, current status and tracking management. The preparation of the configuration change review consisted of preparation, distribution approval, designation of reviewers, review, collection of review opinions, and preparation of resolution results. In the operation of the configuration control committee, it was conducted by designating review members, reviewing members, collecting operation, and approval them. The next step is to supplement and develop the requirements of IEEE Std 828-2012, such as configuration management planning, configuration management control, configuration identification, configuration change control, configuration status monitoring, configuration audit, interface management, and release management. Through this, issue raising, action management, and baseline management will be implemented.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to the “Law on protection and response measures for nuclear facilities and radiation”, Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) licensees should conduct periodic exercises based on hypothetical cyberattack scenarios, and there is a need to select significant and probable ones in a systematic manner. Since cyber-attacks are carried out intentionally, it is difficult to statistically specify the sequences, and it is not easy to systematically establish exercise scenarios because existing engineering safety facilities can be forcibly disabled. To deal with the above situation, this paper suggests a procedure using the Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) model to develop a cybersecurity exercise scenario. The process for creating cyber security exercise scenarios consists of (i) selecting cyber-attack-causing initiating events, (ii) identifying digital systems, (iii) assigning cyber-attack vectors to a digital system, (iv) determining and adding type for operator’s response, (v) modifying a baseline PSA model, and (vi) extracting top-ranked minimal cut sets, and (vii) selecting a representative scenario. This procedure is described in detail through a case study, an expected cyber-attack scenario General Transient-Anticipated Transient Without Scram (GTRN-ATWS). It refers to an accident scenario for ATWS induced by GTRN. Since ATWS is targeted for cyber training in some NPPs, and GTRN is one of the most common accidents occurring in NPPs, GTRN-ATWS was chosen as an example. As for the cyber-attack vector, portable media and mobile devices were selected as examples based on expert judgment. In this paper, only brief examples of GTRN-ATWS events have been presented, but future studies will be conducted on an analysis of all initiating events in which cyber-attacks can occur.