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        검색결과 213

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To analyze the radioactivity of 3H and 14C in miscellaneous radioactive wastes generated from nuclear power plants, a wet digestion method using sulfuric acid is currently used. However, sulfuric acid is classified as a special management material, and there is no disposal method for contaminated radioactive waste. Therefore, research on a thermal decomposition method that can analyze the DAW radioactive waste samples without using sulfuric acid is necessary. In this study, we will cover the final sample amount, sample injection method, and prevention of organic ignition to meet the minimum detection limit requirements of the analysis equipment. Through this research, optimal conditions for the thermal decomposition method for analyzing the radioactivity of 3H and 14C in DAW radioactive wastes generated from nuclear power plants can be derived.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the final disposal of radioactive waste, concentration of gamma nuclides such as Co-58, Co-60, Cs-137, Nb-94 have to be determined to meet nuclear regulatory requirements. In general, gamma nuclide analysis can be performed with simple sample pretreatment without complicated chemical separation processes due to the characteristics of the nuclide and high resolution of the measuring equipment. However, when the concentration of Co-60 is high in a specific radioactive waste generated at the NPP, the background is increased by the compton continuum of Co-60. That makes it difficult to evaluate accurately Nb-94, which is in the lower energy band than the gamma ray energy region of Co-60 and especially Cs-137, which is used as a key nuclide of scaling factor. In this study, We consider the problem of MDA dissatisfaction or overestimation due to the increased background by Co-60.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When self-disposing of radioactive waste, it is important to follow the acceptable concentration standards for each nuclide set by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC). Gamma-emitting nuclides can be easily analyzed with a simple pretreatment process, but beta-emitting nuclides require a chemical separation procedure to be analyzed for radiochemistry analysis. When analyzing betaemitting nuclides for the purpose of self-disposal, there may be difficulties in radiation detection after the chemical separation process. This is because the concentration of beta nuclides in the sample may be low and some of them may be lost during the chemical separation. Therefore, measurement method of gross-beta activity can be used instead of that of each nuclide to access the compliance of selfdisposal criteria. While a proportional counter is commonly used to measure gross-beta activity, liquid scintillation counting can also be used to measure gross-beta, and we plan to compare the results of both methods.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many radionuclides emit two or more gamma rays in a cascade once they decay. At this time, gamma rays are detected at the same time, and the signals are overlapped and measured as one added signal. This is called the summing coincidence effect, and it causes an error of more than 10% depending on the detection efficiency, measurement conditions, and target nuclide. It is known to be greater as the efficiency of the detector increases and as the distance between the source and the detector decreases. It is necessary to consider the summing coincidence effect since the efficiency of the HPGe detector owned by the KHNP CRI is as high as 65%. In this study, We would like to propose an appropriate gamma nuclide analysis method for radioactive waste generated from NPP by evaluating the influence on the summing coincidence effect.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To analyze the activity concentration of radionuclides in radioactive sludge samples generated from low- and intermediate-low-level radioactive waste from domestic nuclear power plant, a pretreatment process that dissolves and homogenizes the sample is essential. However, this pretreatment process requires the use of hydrofluoric acid, which makes analysis difficult and challenges users to handle harmful chemicals. Therefore, we aim to minimize the use of hydrofluoric acid by measuring gamma nuclides in the sludge sample without pretreatment process and compare the differences of measurement results according to the sample matrix with and without pretreatment process. We will collect about 0.1 g of the sludge sample, and dissolve it using an acid treatment process after using microwave decomposition. We will then use gamma spectroscopy to check the concentration of nuclides present in the sludge before and after dissolution and consider the effect of the sample matrix.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To develop technology for extracting energy resources from seawater, we first investigated the research experiences of domestic experts. The survey items included the types of adsorbents that can adsorb dissolved resources in seawater, the subjects of experiments, and the scope of research. We divided the types of adsorbents into organic and inorganic categories and compared their adsorption performance. We also examined how adsorption experiments were conducted using simulated solutions and confirmed whether there were any experiences of conducting experiments in actual seawater. A total of 14 domestic research papers on extracting dissolved resources from seawater were reviewed, excluding topics such as removing dissolved resources from seawater and seawater desalination. This review provides an understanding of domestic research trends and will be helpful in setting directions for future research and development.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Seawater containing metals such as lithium and manganese is a “treasure trove” of infinite energy resources. Numerous domestic and foreign institutions are developing technologies to economically extract these resources from seawater. One method for extracting metal ions dissolved in seawater is the development of adsorbents with negative functional groups. Generally, adsorbents have adsorption performance that depends on factors such as seawater pH and temperature, but controlling the pH and temperature of seawater is practically impossible. On the other hand, thermal effluent discharged from power plants tends to be slightly higher in temperature than the surrounding environment. Therefore, this study investigates the potential for utilizing power plant effluent to extract dissolved resources in seawater. Results of investigations into several items related to the effluent from the Gori, Wolsong, Hanbit, and Hanul power plants are presented.
        2023.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        광택집나방과의 국내 미기록 2종인 큰광택집나방(Argyresthia subrimosa Meyrick)과 황갈광택집나방(Argyresthia umbrina Liu, Wang et Li)을 보고한다. 큰광택집나방은 서로 멀리 떨어진 울릉도와 제주도 두 곳에서 발견되었다. 두 지역에서의 큰광택집나방 개체군을 외형 및 생식기 특징으로 비교하였다. 황갈광택집나방이 모식산지인 중국 이외 지역에서 발견된 것은 처음이다. 두 종의 외형 및 생식기 특징을 사진과 함께 기술하 였다.
        2023.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A Forbush decrease (FD) is a depression of cosmic ray (CR) intensity observed by ground-based neutron monitors (NMs). The CR intensity is thought to be modulated by the heliospheric magnetic structures including the interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) surrounding the Earth. The different magnitude of the decreasing in intensity at each NM was explained only by the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity of the NM station. However, sometimes NMs of almost the same cutoff rigidity in northern and southern hemispheres observe the asymmetric intensity depression magnitudes of FD events. Thus, in this study we intend to see the effects on CR intensity modulation of FD event recorded at different NMs due to different ICME propagation directions as an additional parameter in the model explaining the CR modulation. Fortunately, since 2006 the coronagraphs of twin spacecraft of the STEREO mission allow us to infer the propagation direction of ICME associated with the FD event in 3-dimension with respect to the Earth. We suggest the hypothesis that the asymmetric CR modulations of FD events are determined by the propagation directions of the associated ICMEs.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As drone technology and industry develop around the world, the use of drones are increasing in number and expanding to different fields. On the other hand, illegal flight and terrorist incidents using drones are also increasing day by day. In Korea, it is reflected in the “Design Basis Threat (DBT)”, which is the standard for designing and evaluating the physical protection system of nuclear power plants in accordance with the “Act on Physical Protection and Radiological Emergency”, that nuclear power plants continue to establish physical protection against drone threats. A total of 141 drone attacks or incidents have occurred around the world since 2015. Cases related to the Russian-Ukraine war, in which so many cases occurred, were excluded. There were 112 cases (79%) of terrorism or suspected terrorism using a single drone. There were 4 cases of terrorism using more than 5 drones, and a total of 20 drones were used to attack an oil facility in Yemen (2019). By region, a total of 111 incidents occurred in Middle East & North Africa. By country, there were 49 cases in Iraq, 35 cases in Saudi Arabia, and 8 cases in Syria. Among major countries, three cases occured in Korea, five in the United States, two in England, Canada, and Italy, and one in Japan and France. Since 2021, there have been 15 drone attacks. Multiple drones were used in attacks targeting military or large-scale Important National Facilities such as the Saudi oil refinery, Indian Kashmir air base, and reconnaissance of Iranian Natanz nuclear and surrounding military facilities. Also in 89% of the cases, the drones were loaded with explosives in order to cause large-scale damage. Accordingly, nuclear power plants, which are important national facilities, need to establish a system that can detect and respond to multiple drones. Furthermore, additional protective measures are needed for areas that are expected to be severely damaged which can be established by evaluating the impact of explosives on major points in the plant. In additionthere is a high possibility of terrorism by organizations aiming for national turmoil rather than individual terrorists. So it is important to identify signs of terrorism in advance and prepare through cooperation with related agencies.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive wastes that are generated as a result of operating NPPs, contain 63Ni and 59Ni that should be analyzed in accordance with the notice of Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) for the acceptance of Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD). Analyzing 63Ni and 59Ni has few challenges to determine activities of each nuclide in radioactive waste sample that contains both nuclides. As is well known, 63Ni can be analyzed by liquid scintillation counter (LSC) detecting its emitted beta rays, however, beta rays emitted from 59Ni are overlapped on the spectrum. Therefore, to discriminate those two nuclides, spectrum channel should be divided according to its dedicating part of the spectrum. For instance, 59Ni contribute to spectrum channel 30–250, on the other hand, 63Ni contributes to spectrum channel 30–450. In other word, 63Ni solely can be analyzed on the channel from 260 to 450. To analyze both 63Ni and 59Ni using this channel division method, detection efficiency must be measured in advance; efficiency of 63Ni and 59Ni at ch. 30–250, and efficiency of 63Ni at ch. 260–450, then the activity can be calculated using the corresponding efficiency. In this study, for verifying the feasibility of channel division method, 5 simulated samples were prepared with different ratio of 63Ni/59Ni. The ratio varies as 1, 2, 10, 20 and 100 spiking standard source of 63Ni and 59Ni. Each sample was mixed with scintillation cocktail and detected for 90 minutes by LSC (300SL, Hidex) after the stabilization of solutions. As a result, calculated 63Ni activities for all sample were averaged as 97% of spiked activity. However, calculated 59Ni activity were 101%, 103%, 128%, 140%, 260%, respectively. The result indicates that 59Ni cannot be discriminated by channel division method when it exists in the sample with high 63Ni over 10 times then 59Ni such as radioactive waste sample. However, the results also show that the channel division method for analyzing 63Ni activity was successful verifying it can determine the activity of 63Ni regardless of the affect of 59Ni on the spectrum.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the final disposal of radioactive waste generated during the operation of nuclear power plants, concentrations of 14 radionuclides including gross alpha have to be determined to meet nuclear regulatory requirements. In order to determine the gross alpha radioactivity in radioactive waste, the sample must be preprocessed into a solution which is usually a strong acid. When this solution is used to prepare the gross alpha measurement sample, it produces a lot of salt, which makes an accurate measurement difficult. Also it causes corrosion of a planchet, which causes problems in the disposal of waste in the future. For these reasons, an acid treatment of the solution was added to the existing preprocess procedure, which is also expected to improve the measurement error. Although the gross alpha measurement is known to be easy to perform and able to give rapid results, it cannot be used for quantitative analysis. This is because the energies emitted by the individual alpha nuclides are assumed to be produced from a single alpha emitted by the individual alpha nuclides are assumed to be produced from a single alpha emitter used as the standard calibration source. Also, due to self-absorption of alpha particles a counting rate depends on the thickness (or weight) of the residues on the planchet. In this study, we compared gross alpha radioactivity with and without an acid treatment to prepare gross alpha measurement samples. The weights of the treated samples increased by at most 5% after about 12 hours of evaporation to dryness, and then saturated or slightly decreased, while the weights of the untreated samples increased up to 20% over time. In addition, the radioactivities of the untreated samples were about two times those of the treated samples. This is considered to be due to differences both in the geometric shapes of the samples and the weights of their residues which resulted from whether acid treatment was applied or not. The results of this study showed that an acid treatment was beneficial in reducing both production corrosion and salts which could result in more reliable and constant measurements of gross alpha activity. The results showed that acid treatment was beneficial in reducing corrosion and measurement errors.
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