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        검색결과 621

        2002.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to increase the completeness of the investigations of stellar abundances, we can use spectrum synthesis method, new atomic data and observation of stellar spectra with resolution comparable to solar spectral atlases. We made a brief review of main problems of these three ways. We present new results of abundance determinations in the atmospheres of four stars. The first is the implementation of new atomic data to well known Przybylski's star. We show that the number of spectral lines, which can be identificated in the spectrum of this star, can be significantly higher. The second example is the investigation of ʃ Cyg. We found the abundances of 51 elements in the atmosphere of this mild barium star. The third example is halo star HD221170. Our preliminary abundance pattern consists of 42 elements. The heaviest elements in this pattern are U and Th. The last star is the spectroscopic binary HD153720. The number of elements investigated in the spectra of components of this star is not large, but the results show that the components are Am-stars.
        2002.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The compatibility of exchange data has been the problem of CAD/CAM systems since the very beginning. National and international organizations have addressed the issue through development and release of standards for the exchange of geometric and non-geometric design data. CAD/CAM vendors are in charge with the task of interpreting and implementing these standards into their products. This paper explores an area of CAD/CAM systems development, which deals with effective exchange standards translators’ implementation. We introduce the new approach, which proposes to enclose all the translation operations concerning each exchange format to a separate DLL, thus making a “plug-in.” Later this plug-in could be used together with the CAD/CAM system or with specialized translation software. This approach allows rapidly creating new translators and gaining the reliable, high-efficiency, and, what is important, reusable program code. All examples come from the authors’ practice experiences of dealing with CAD/CAM systems.