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        검색결과 567

        1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Molecular markers are useful to confirm the hybridity of F1 plant derived from cross of two homozygous parents with similar morphological traits. RAPD markers were used to test F1 hybrid plant obtained from cross of two homozygous soybean (Glycine max) parents. Fl plant for cross I was made from the mating of Hobbit87 (female) and L63-1889 (male) and Fl plant for cross II was obtained from the mating of H1053 (female) and L63-1889 (male). Selfing plant per each cross was also obtained. Among 20 Operon primers used, OPA04 and OPA09 show polymorphism between cross I and II parent. Band in size 1Kb of OPA04 and 2.1Kb of OPA09 primer was polymorphic band. This fragment identified Fl hybrid plant and selfing plant in cross I and II. Female parent Hobbit87 in cross I and H1053 in cross II has no this fragment (recessive allele). However, male parent L63-1889 and Fl hybrid plant in cross I and II has this size of polymorphic band (dominant allele). This indicated that Fl hybrid and selfing plants were detected by RAPD marker before phenotypic marker would be used to identify Fl hybridity. Amplification products of selfing plant for cross I and II were completely same to the those of female parent. When mature, flower color of Fl hybrid plant in cross I and II was purple and flower color of selfing plant in cross I and II was white. Purple flower is dominant trait. Fl hybridity was successfully detected at very early growth stage using RAPD marker. Therefore, RAPD marker can be used broadly to confirm Fl hybridity in many crops.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.), mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilcz.], cowpea [V. unguiculata (L.) Walp.], adzuki bean [V. angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi], maize [Zea mays L.], sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], sorghum ~times sudangrass [So bicolor intraspecific hybrid], and Japanese millet [Echinochloa crusgalli var. frumentacea (Link) W.F. Wight] were grown at two planting dates (18 June and 15 July) at Cheju in 1997 to select the best forage legumes adapted to Cheju Island for grass-legume forage rotation. Averaged across planting dates and cultivars, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and total digestible nutrient (TDN) yields were 5,646, 1,056, and 3,637 kg/ha for soybean, 4,458, 676, and 2,661 kg/ha for mungbean, 3,289, 553, and 2,055 kg/ha for cowpea, 3,931, 674, and 2,489 kg/ha for adzuki bean, 12,695, 969, and 7,642 kg/ha for maize, 17,071, 1,260, and 8,857 kg/ha for sorghum, 16,355, 1,163, and 8,543 kg/ha for sorghum ~times sudangrass hybrid, and 8,288, 929, and 4,091 kg/ha for Japanese millet. Soybean was higher in CP, ether extract (EE), and TON content but was lower in nitrogen free extract content compared with the three other legumes. The legumes had much higher CP (13.7 to 21.9%), EE (2.42 to 6.23%), and TDN (58.7 to 69.9%) content but lower in crude fiber (CF) content (17.3 to 25.3%) than did the grasses tested except maize which had relatively lower CF content but higher TDN content. These results suggest that soybean could be the best forage legume for grass-legume forage rotation in the Cheju region.
        1998.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Total iron content and ferritin distribution have been determined in red pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) during development stage under conditions of iron nutritional status from hydroponic culture. Color of the leaves become chlorotic on iron deficient and high concentration. The plant height on each iron concentration had retarding effect at concentration lower than 25μM and greater than 12525μM. In normal green leaves. Total iron content was almost constant with a mean value of 2.5μmole of iron/mg of dry matter, except at 63day, for which it increases slightly to 4μmole. Howere, iron content of chlorotic plants grew on iron free medium was not almost detectable. Also in post chlorotic leaves(++Fe), iron content was evidently increase unitl 7days after transfer on liquid medium, but decreased from after 14days. Also, ferritin protein analysed total protein extracts prepared from leaves of different ages using antibodies raised against ferritin protein. Ferritin protein deereased progressively during the first week of germination and was not detectable in vegetative tissues. Ferritin protein in post chlorotic leaves wasevidently strongly cnhanced until 11days after transfer on liquid medium but decreased until the leves became chlorotic.
        1987.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        보리종자의 노화과정에서 일어나는 생리화학적인 활성을 비교 검토하여 종자세를 예측하기에 적합한 방법을 구명하기 위하여 새쌀보리, 부호보리 및 두산2002의 3품종을 ‘Wire-mesh tray’ 방법으로 41℃ , 상대습도 100%로 조절하여 1일에서 8일간 인위노화시켰다. 종자세의 지표로서 발아율 유아의 길이로 표시한 값과 각종 매개면수와의 관계를 비교하였다. 발아시험에 의한 방법이 보리종자의 퇴화진전을 확실히 반영해 주고 있으며, ATP 검정과 GADA 검정방법을 제외한 저온발아시험, 전기전도검정 및 테트라조리움 검정방법은 보리 종자세평가에 적합한 방법임을 알 수 있었다. 특히 저온발아시험에 의한 유아장과 데트라조리움 검정법이 가장 효과적인 방법임을 알 수 있었다.
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