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        검색결과 881

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중국의 ESG 연구동향, 정부의 제도와 정책, 그리고 시스템과 전략, 성과와 취약점을 분석하 고 이해함으로써 우리나라의 ESG 정책과 전략을 수립하는 데 이론적·정책적 논거로 활용하는 것을 목적으 로 한다. 본 연구는 2015년부터 2022년까지 중국 내 ESG 관련 주요 연구를 수집하여 주제 및 연도별 분류ㆍ검토를 수행했다. 이를 통해 중국 내 시기별 ESG 집중 연구 주제가 변화했고, 중국 정부가 ESG를 국가의 고품질 발전을 위한 중요한 조치로 인식하고 있음을 확인했다. 본 연구는 중국 정부의 ESG 관련 연구 동향과 정책 실시를 고찰한 한국 최초의 연구라고 할 수 있다.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Decommissioning plan of nuclear facilities require the radiological characterizations and the establishment of a decommissioning process that can ensure the safety and efficiency of the decommissioning workers. By utilizing the rapidly developed ICT technology, we have developed a technology that can acquire, analyze, and deliver information from the decommissioning work area to ensure the safety of decommissioning workers, optimize the decommissioning process, and actively respond to various decommissioning situations. The established a surveillance system that monitors nuclide inventory and radiation dose distribution at dismantling work area in real time and wireless transmits data for evaluation. Developed an evaluation program based on an evaluation model for optimizing the dismantling process by linking real-time measurement information. We developed a technology that can detect the location of dismantling workers in real time using stereovision cameras and artificial intelligence technology. The developed technology can be used for safety evaluation of dismantling workers and process optimization evaluation by linking the radionuclides inventory and dose distribution in dismantling work space of decommissioning nuclear power plant in the future.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Laser cutting technology capable of remote cutting is being developed to reduce radiation exposure to workers and minimize secondary waste generation when dismantling highly polluted nuclear power plant facilities (reactors, pressurizers, steam generators, coolant pumps, etc.). Laser cutting proceeds in air or water, and at this time, secondary products containing radioactive materials are inevitably generated. In air cutting, dust and aerosol are generated, and in underwater cutting, aerosol, water vapor, dispersed particles (colloid, suspension), sediment (dross, sediment), and radioactive waste liquid are generated. Dispersed particles float in the form of fine particles in water, increasing the turbidity of water as cutting progresses, hindering work, and aerosols contain micrometer-sized particles together with water vapor, which can threaten the safety of workers. Particles dispersed in water and aerosol are within 10% of the mass ratio among secondary products, but the volume they occupy is very large, which can have a significant impact on the environment as well as a burden on treatment capacity. Various characterization methods are being developed to diagnose the generation mechanism and physical and chemical properties of laser cutting secondary products in real time and to secure technologies for collecting and removing dispersed particles and aerosols in water. This study introduces a real-time laser cutting secondary product characteristic evaluation method that can identify the key mechanisms of secondary product generation by analyzing the plasma formation process on laser cutting surface and behavior of aerosol, underwater dispersed particles produced by secondary products, as well as physical and chemical properties in real time with various measurement technologies such as Optical Emission Spectrometer (OES), Particle Size Analyzer (PSA), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (ICP-TOF-MS).
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) projects in South Korea starts with permanent shutdown of Kori unit 1 and Wolsung unit 1. It is important to establish a treatment and disposal method for radioactive waste generated during the decommissioning of the nuclear power plants. Large quantities of the wastes during decommissioning of NPP are generated in a short period of time and the wastes have various types and characteristics. For efficient decommissioning of NPP process, the radioactive waste is classified by types and each treatment method and packaging concept is presented respectively in this paper. Radioactive waste generated during decommissioning of NPP is classified into reactor vessel, reactor internals, metals, Dry Active Waste (DAW), concreate, spent fuel storage rack, spent resin and spent filter, etc., and the packaging concept for each type should be established to meet the waste acceptance criteria. Major waste acceptance criteria requirements include nuclides concentration, filling rate, free water, surface radiation does rate and weight. Radioactive waste containers can be classified into packaging containers, transport containers, and disposal containers. The packaging container is used to contain, transport, and store radioactive waste within the radiation control area, and a control number has been assigned as a radioactive waste drum after the final treatment has been completed. The transport container is used for transporting radioactive waste filled-containers from a radiation control area through an uncontrolled area. In this paper, the concept of disposal of dismantled radioactive waste and packaging methods were reviewed in comprehensive consideration of domestic radioactive waste transport and storage regulations, permanent disposal environment, and development status of large containers.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A phosphorylation (phosphate precipitation) technology of metal chlorides is considering as a proper treatment method for recovering the fission products in a spent molten salt. In KAERI’s previous precipitation tests, the powder of lithium phosphate (Li3PO4) as a precipitation agent reacted with metal chlorides in a simulated LiCl-KCl molten salt. The reaction of metal chlorides containing actinides such as uranium and rare earths with lithium phosphate in a molten salt was known as solidliquid reaction. In order to increase the precipitation reaction rate the powder of lithium phosphate dispersed by stirring thoroughly in a molten salt. As one of the recovery methods of the metal phosphates precipitated on the bottom of the molten salt vessel cutting method at the lower part of the salt ingot is considered. On the other hand, a vacuum distillation method of all the molten salt containing the metal phosphates precipitates was proposed as another recovering method. In recent study, a new method for collecting the phosphorylation reaction products into a small recovering vessel was investigated resulting in some test data by using the lithium phosphate ingot in a molten salt containing uranium and three rare earth elements (Nd, Ce, and La). The phosphorylation experiments using lithium phosphate ingots carried out to collect the metal phosphate precipitates and the test result of this new method was feasible. However, the reaction rate of test using lithium phosphate ingot is very slower than that of test using lithium phosphate powder. In this presentation, the precipitation reactor design used for phosphorylation reaction shows that the amount of molten salt transferred to the distillation unit will reduce by collecting all of the metal phosphates that will be generated using lithium phosphate powder into a small recovering vessel.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It has been investigated on the management of the nuclides in KAERI. Strontium-90 is a high heatgenerating nuclide in spent nuclear fuel. It is needed to separate the salt from the salt solution for the recovery of strontium after the chlorination of the strontium oxide in molten salt. A vacuum distillation technology was used for the separation of strontium from the molten salt. It was investigated on operating conditions of reactive distillation process for the recovery of the strontium from the salt solution. At a reduced pressure, considerable amount of the carbonation agents such as K2CO3 and Li2CO3 were reduced during heating in the distiller due to the thermal decomposition. Therefore, the two step process was proposed, which is composed of a reaction step at an atmospheric pressure and a salt distillation step at a reduced pressure. In the reaction step, the condition of low temperature and high pressure is suitable to suppress the decomposition of the carbonation agent. In the salt distillation step, reduced pressure is preferable at a suitable temperature depending on the evaporation rate of the salt.
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