
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,174

        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rosin moeity-containing monomer was prepared by the reaction of abietic acid with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate in tetrahydrofuran(THF) using diethyl azodicarboxylate as a catalyst. This new monomer was photo-polymerized to give thin films in the presence of a radical type initiator. The rate of photo-polymerization and amount of cured polymer were determined using the residual yield method. A thermogravimetric analysis of the cured polymer showed that the film was stable up to 170oC, at which point the polymer film has lost 10 wt % of its weight.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Catalytic reduction and oxidation of NO over polyacrylonitrile based activated carbon fibers (PAN-ACF) under various conditions were carried out to develop removal process of NO from the flue gas. The effect of temperature, oxygen concentration and the moisture content for the reduction of NO with ammonia as a reducing agent was investigated. The reduction of NO increased with the oxygen concentration, but decreased with the increased temperature. The moisture content in the flue gas affects the reduction of NO as the inhibition of the adsorption of the other components and the reaction on the surface of ACE For the oxidation of NO to NO2 over PAN-ACF without using a reducing gas, it showed the temperature and the oxygen concentration of the flue gas are the important factors for the NO conversion in which the conversion increased with oxygen concentration and decreased with the temperature increase and might be the alternative option for the selective catalytic reduction process.
        2000.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have performed extensive simulations of response of gaseous disk in barred galaxies using SPH method. The gravitational potential is assumed to be generated by disk, bulge, halo, and bar. The mass of gaseous disk in SPH simulation is assumed to be negligible compared to the stellar and dark mass component, and the gravitational potential generated by other components is fixed in time. The self-gravity of the gas is not considered in most simulations, but we have made a small set of simulations including the self-gravity of the gas. Non-circular component of velocity generated by the rotating, non-axisymmetric potential causes many interesting features. In most cases, there is a strong tendency of concentration of gas toward the central parts of the galaxy. The morphology of the gas becomes quite complex, but the general behavior can be understood in terms of simple linear approximations: the locations and number of Lindblad resonances play critical role in determining the general distribution of the gas. We present our results in the form of 'atlas' of artificial galaxies. We also make a brief comment on the observational implications of our calculations. Since the gaseous component show interesting features while the stellar component behaves more smoothly, high resolution mapping using molecular emission line for barred galaxies would be desirable.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have conducted a V, I, J, and H surface photometry of a barred galaxy NGC 4314 to analyze the morphology and luminosity distribution of the galaxy. By applying a semi two-dimensional profile decomposition method, we derived the luminosity fractions and the scale lengths of the three distinct components, bulge, disk, and bar: Lb ≈ 0.35, Ld ≈ 0.35, Lbar ≈ 0.30, re ≈ 22", ro ≈ 50", and a ≈ 60". The bulge of NGC 4314 seems to be triaxial due to the isophotal twists but its luminosity distribution is well approximated by the r1/4-law.
        1999.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 바구미과의 좁쌀바구미아과에 속하는 Coeliodina아족, Ceutorhynchina아족, Hypurina아족, Mecysmoderina아족 및 Orobitini족을 정리한 결과 20종이 밝혀졌으며, 그 중 세모발좁쌀바구미(신칭), Cyphosenus moholeei sp. novo와 뾰족가슴좁쌀바구미 (신칭), Mecysmoderes nigrinus sp. novo 2종을 신종으로, 갈색좁쌀바구미 (신칭), Coeliodes brunneus Hustache; 띠갈색좁쌀바구미 (신칭), Coeliodes nakanoensis H Hustache; 혹좁쌀바구미 (신칭), Phytobiomorphus bifasciatus Voss; 가슴골좁쌀바구미 (신칭), Cardipennis s sulcithorax Hustache; 초록좁쌀바구미 (신칭), Ceutorhynchus diffusus (Hustache); 콘초록좁쌀바구미 (신칭), C Ceutorhynchus sulcicollis (Paykull), 쇠비름좁쌀바구미 (신칭), Hypurus bertrandi (Perris); 알좁쌀바구미 (신칭), O Orobitis apicalis Kono 8種을 韓國未記錄種으로 보고하며, 이들에 대한 성충, 생식기의 그림을 제공하였다.
        1999.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses an optimal burn-in procedure to minimize total costs based on the assumption that the failure rate pattern follows a bimodal mixed Weibull distribution. The procedure will consider warranty period as a factor of the total expected burn-in cost. A cost model is formulated to find the optimal burn-in time that minimizes the expected burn-in cost. Conditional reliability for warranty period will be discussed. An illustrative example is included to show how to use the cost model in practice.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have conducted near-infrared (J- and H-band) surface photometry for two early type barred galaxies, NGC 3412 and NGC 3941. The bulges of NGC 3412 and NGC 3941 show isophotal twists which indicate that they are triaxial. NGC 3412 has a very short bar and its bulge is more centrally concentrated than that of NGC 3941. The unusually short bar and the centrally concentrated triaxial bulge of NGC 3412 might be the result of bar dissolution. The colors of the nuclear region of NGC 3941 resemble those of the blue nuclei, implying the presence of young stellar populations.