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        검색결과 173

        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Comprehensive calculations of the Rh decoration effect on zigzag CNTs with n ranging from 7 to 12 were conducted in this work to understand the effect of Rh doping on geometric structures and electronic behaviors upon metallic and semiconducting CNTs. The obtained results indicated that Rh dopant not only contributes to the deformation of C-C bonds on the sidewall of CNTs, but also transforms the electron distribution of related complexes, thereby leading to a remarkable increase of the conductivity of pure CNTs given the emerged novel state within the energy gap for metallic CNTs and the narrowed energy gap for semiconducting CNTs. Our calculations will be meaningful for exploiting novel CNT-based materials with better sensitivity to electrons and higher electrical conductivity compared with pure CNTs.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The rapid developments of research and teaching of international law in China have attracted the attention of international law academics of the world, who have looked over the landscape of international law in China with great interest. Unfortunately, existing literature has yet to completely satisfy their interests in this aspect. This article is intended to compensate for this gap by introducing representative international lawyers, publications, academic associations and research funding schemes on international law in China. More concretely, this paper will show the mainstream research sources of their Chinese counterparts as well as embrace teaching as part of the research system of international law in China. It is expected that, with their more attention into the holistic research methodology and the “One Belt, One Road” strategy, the Chinese academia of international law will contribute more to the international rule of law.
        2017.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2017.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current scale of the import trade of the US with China is significant and has the potential to be more in near future. However, patent-based disputes, especially in terms of Section 337 investigation, have also been increased in recent years. In the context of parallel development of national innovation strategies of China’s “Made in China 2025 Plan” and the American “Advanced Manufacturing Partnership,” along with the latest expanded “Information Technology Agreement” in the WTO trading system, the implications for optimally resolving patent-based disputes in the US import trade with China is highly significant for two countries. These disputes may even impact the world trade, since bilateral trade between China and the US accounts for a considerable proportion. Thus, both China and the US should take precautions and appropriate measures to guard against such potential frictions in order to attain mutually beneficial outcomes in resolving such disputes.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The service life of coal gangue concrete(CGC) strongly depends on the capillary water absorption, this water absorption is susceptible to freeze-thaw cycles. In this paper, the cumulative water absorption and sorptivity were obtained to study the effects of 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 % steel fiber volume fraction added on the water absorption of CGC. Sorptivity and freeze-thaw tests were conducted, and the capillary water absorption was evaluated by the rate of water absorption(sorptivity). Three prediction models for the initial sorptivity of steel fiber reinforced coal gangue concrete(SFRCGC) under freeze-thaw cycles were established to evaluate the capillary water absorption of SFRCGC. Results showed that, without freeze-thaw cycles, the water absorption of CGC decreased when steel fiber at 1.0 % volume fraction was added, however, the water absorption increased with the addition of 0.5 or 1.5% steel fibers. Once the SFRCGC specimens were exposed to freeze-thaw cycles, the water absorption of SFRCGC significantly increased, and 1.0 % steel fiber in volume fraction added to CGC caused the lowest water absorption, except for the case of the sample without steel fibers added. The CGC with steel fiber at 1.0 % volume fraction performed better. The SFRCGC has a strong response to freeze-thaw cycles. Results also showed that the linear function prediction model is practical in the field of engineering because of its simple form and a relatively high precision. Although the polynomial prediction model presents the highest computation precision among the three models, the complicated form and too many coefficients make it impractical for engineering applications.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A robust adaptive control approach is proposed for underactuated surface ship linear path-tracking control system based on the backstepping control method and Lyapunov stability theory. By employing T-S fuzzy system to approximate nonlinear uncertainties of the control system, the proposed scheme is developed by combining “dynamic surface control” (DSC) and “minimal learning parameter” (MLP) techniques. The substantial problems of “explosion of complexity” and “dimension curse” existed in the traditional backstepping technique are circumvented, and it is convenient to implement in applications. In addition, an auxiliary system is developed to deal with the effect of input saturation constraints. The control algorithm avoids the singularity problem of controller and guarantees the stability of the closed-loop system. The tracking error converges to an arbitrarily small neighborhood. Finally, MATLAB simulation results are given from an application case of Dalian Maritime University training ship to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study researched the population of ecological characteristics of the goldeyes rockfish Sebasetes thompsoni sampled by gill net in the Ulleungdo area from February 2013 to February 2014 in order to assess the current stock status and provide scientific advice for management implementation. The instantaneous coefficient of total mortality (Z) was 0.78/year and the survival rate (S) was 0.459. The instantaneous coefficient of natural mortality (M) was 0.461/year. Based on the estimates of Z and M, the instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality (F) was 0.318/year. The age at first capture (tc) was 4.41/years. Current Yield-per-recruit (YPR) was 30.83 g, and fishing mortality at maximum YPR (Fmax) and fishing mortality corresponding to 10% of the maximum slope in YPR curve (F0.1) were 3.257/year and 0.673/year, respectively. F35% and F40%, indicating fishing mortalities at 35% and 40% of maximum Spawning biomass-per-recruit (SBPR), were 0.619/year and 0.509/year, respectively. Based on the biological reference points, fishing mortality at overfished threshold yield (FOTY) was calculated as 0.509/year. Current SBPR/SBPRMSY was 1.313 above 1.0, which means ‘not overfishe,’ while current F/FOTY was 0.629 below 1.0, which indicates ‘not overfishing.’ In conclusion, the current status of goldeyes rockfish was located in green zone (i.e., not overfished and not overfishing) according to the revised Kobe plot.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Following its jurisdictional decision in October 2015, the arbitral tribunal constituted under Annex VII to the UNCLOS issued its final award on July 12, 2016 in the South China Sea Arbitration case. It found overwhelmingly in favor of the Philippines. This article comments on two of the flaws regarding the issue of jurisdiction arising from both preliminary and final awards of the case. It firstly calls into question the inconsistent standard adopted in identifying jurisdictional obstacles, and finds a projurisdictional bias in the Tribunal’s awards. It further analyses the fallacious approach of fragmenting the maritime delimitation disputes, and suggests the legal conundrum of status and entitlement of maritime features related to Sino-Philippine sea boundary delimitation should not constitute a separate dispute subject to legal proceedings. By purposefully downplaying jurisdictional obstacles and exercising powers on false disputes, the tribunal raises doubts to its legitimacy.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Chinese toxic milk scandal raised tremendous global concerns about food safety in China. To repair the tarnished reputation of domestic food production, Chinese authorities focused on compulsory food safety liability insurance. Unfortunately, the introduction of compulsory food safety liability insurance in the Food Safety Law of the PRC has been delayed by the disagreements of Chinese legal scholars. Chinese legal scholars have examined the legitimacy of compulsory food safety liability insurance in China mainly from the standpoint of domestic laws. The valuable insight of international laws has been ignored by them. This article attempts to fill this research gap by scrutinizing the Chinese endeavor of launching compulsory food safety liability insurance through the joint perspective of public and private international law. It further demonstrates that the ideology of human rights of public international law has already penetrated into the body of broadly-interpreted private international law.
        2016.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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