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        검색결과 187

        2009.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Amino acid transporters play important roles in supplying nutrients to cells. In our current study, we investigated the expression of LAT1 and measured the amino acid uptake in ameloblast cultures to further elucidate the roles of this transporter during the differentiation of these cells. RT-PCR, observations of cell morphology, Alizaline red-S staining, and uptake analyses were performed following the experimental induction of differentiation in the cultures. LAT1 mRNA was detectable and found to gradually increase over time whereas LAT2 mRNA was not evident in the ameloblast cultures. Transcripts of 4F2hc, a cofactor of LAT1 and LAT2, were also found to be expressed in ameloblast cultures and increase with time. Amelogenin mRNA was expressed in the early stage ameloblast cultures. L-leucine uptake was observed to increase over 14 days of growth in culture. Our data suggest that LAT1 has a key role in the differentiation of ameloblasts and in providing these cells with neutral amino acids, including several essential amino acids.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The 15,338-bp long complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Japanese oak silkmoth, Antheraeayamamai (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) was determined. This genome has a gene arrangement identical to those of all other sequenced lepidopteran insects, but differs from the most common type, as the result of the movement of tRNAMet to a position 5’-upstream of tRNAIle. No typical start codon of the A. yamamai COI gene is available. Instead, a tetranucleotide, TTAG, which is found at the beginning context of all sequenced lepidopteran insects was tentatively designated as the start codon for A. yamamai COI gene. Three of the 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) harbor the incomplete termination codon, T or TA. All tRNAs formed stable stem-and-loop structures, with the exception of tRNASer(AGN), the DHU arm of which formed a simple loop as has been observed in many other metazoan mt tRNASer(AGN). The 334-bp long A+T-rich region is noteworthy in that it harbors tRNA-likestructures, as has also been seen in the A+T-rich regions of other insect mitogenomes. Phylogenetic analyses of the available species of Bombycoidea, Pyraloidea, and Tortricidea bolstered the current morphology-based hypothesis that Bombycoidea and Pyraloidea are monophyletic (Obtectomera). As has been previously suggested, Bombycidae (Bombyxmori and B.mandarina) and Saturniidae (A.yamamai and Caligula boisduvalii) formed a reciprocal monophyletic group.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We determined the complete mitogenome of the oriental mayfly, Ephemera orientalis (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) and the dragonfly Davidius lunatus (Odonata: Gomphidae). The 16,463-bp long E. orientalis and the 15,912 bp long D. lunatus mitogenome contains gene arrangement and content identical to the most common type found in a diverse insect order. Most individual E. orientalis and D. lunatus mt genes were well within the size found in the respective genes of other insects. The initiation codon for the D. lunatus COI gene was typical as ATA, whereas no typical start codon was found in the start region of E. orientalis COI gene. The A+T-rich regions of both mitogenomes have a few unusual feature. The A+T-rich region of E. orientalis contains a tandem repeat composed of two identical copies of 55 bp long, whereas that of D. lunatus contains a tandem repeat composed of duplicated identical 261-bp copies and one partial copy of the repeat. Also, the A+T-rich region of E. orientalis contains a single sequence and that of D. lunatus contains nine sequences, along with the tandem triplicate sequences, that has the potential to form stem-and-loop structures, flanked by the conserved sequences, “TA(A)TA” at the 5’ end and “G(A)nT’ at the 3’ end. Furthermore, the A+T-rich region of D. lunatus contains two tRNA-like structures, tRNALeu(UUR)-like sequence and tRNATyr-like sequence that have proper anticodon TAA and clover-leaf structure that were previously found in the hymenopteran insects.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We determined the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the jewel beetle, Chrysochroa fulgidissima (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) from two overlapping fragments and subsequent sub fragments. The 15,592-bp long C. fulgidissima mitogenome contains gene arrangement and content identical to the most common arrangement found in insects. Most individual C. fulgidissima mitochondrial (mt) genes were well within the range found in the respective genes of other insects. The 875-bp A+T-rich region is shortest among the coleopteran mitogenomes sequenced in their entirety. The region is interesting in that it contains several stem-and-loop structures and tRNA-like structure found in the A+T-rich regions of other insect mitogenomes. As seen in other insect motogenomes the start codon of C. fulgidissima COI gene also is unusual because no typical start codon is available. Three of the 13 protein-coding genes have incomplete termination codon T or TA. All tRNA formed stable stem-and-loop structure, except for tRNASer(AGN), the DHU arm of which formed a simple loop as seen in many other metazoan mt tRNASer(AGN).
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mason bee (Osmia cornifrons Radoszkowsky) is an excellent pollinator of apple. To understand geographic genetic variation of the species and relationships among populations sequenced a portion of mitochondrial COI gene, which corresponds to “DNA Barcode” region (658 bp) from 81 individuals collected over eight localities in Korea. The sequence data were used to investigate genetic diversity within populations and species, geographic variation within species, phylogeographic relationship among populations, and phylogenetic relationship among haplotypes. Summarized, overall moderate to low genetic diversity within populations and species was characteristic, concordant with the high potential to disperse of O. cornifrons in Korea. Although two populations were genetically subdivided from the remaining localities, no clear regional bias was observed. Overall, high rate of gene flow among localities and low FST was characteristic considering other relevant studies that investigated population genetic structure of other insects occurring in Korean peninsula.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To understand geographic genetic variation of the species and relationships among populations of the bumble bee, Bombus ardens, we sequenced a portion of mitochondrial COI gene, which corresponds to "DNA Barcode" region (658 bp) from 101 B. ardens individuals collected over 11 localities in Korea. The sequence data were used to investigate genetic diversity within populations and species, geographic variation within species, phylogeographic relationship among populations, and phylogenetic relationship among haplotypes. A total of nine haplortpes were found, but they very close to each other (a maximum sequence divergence of 0. 304%). Summarized, overall moderate to low genetic diversity within populations and species was characteristic, concordant with the high potential to disperse of B. ardens in Korea. There was no clear regional subdivision was observed and relatively high rate of gene flow among localities and low FST was characteristic.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The turnip aphid is a worldwide pest, damaging mainly to crucifers. In order to understand the life parameters of Lipaphis erysimi for the eventual goal of control, the developmental periods, survival rates, lifespan, and fecundity of the species were investigated under five temperature regimes (15℃ - 35℃). Furthermore, the efficacy of several environment-friendly agricultural materials (EFAMs) that are on the market was subjected to test in order to obtain further accurate information. The developmental period of the turnip aphid nymph was longest at 15ºC as 16.9 days, shortened as temperature goes up to 25ºC (5.4 days), and then somewhat increased at 30ºC (5.9 days), suggesting that the most efficient temperature for nymphal development could be around 25ºC. Mortality of the nymphal turnip aphid was obvious at 35ºC, whereas it was minimal at other temperature schemes. The longevity of adults shortened as temperature goes up to 30ºC. In particular, the maximum lifespan for adults continued for 55 days at 15ºC, but shortened to 21 days at 30ºC. The total fecundity per day was 35.7 at 15ºC, 81 at 20ºC, 64.2 at 25ºC, and 6.6 individuals at 30ºC, showing the highest fecundity at 20ºC. After the turnip aphids were successfully stabilized in indoor environment the insecticidal activity was tested and mortality was determined 12, 24, 36, and 48 hrs after EFAMs are treated. Several on-the-market EFAMs showed more than 90% of insecticidal activity within 24 hrs or 48 hrs, but a few showed less than 90% activity, signifying importance of selection of proper EFAMs.
        2005.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cloned calves derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) have been frequently lost by sudden death at 1 to 3 month following healthy birth. To address whether placental anomalies are responsible for the sudden death of cloned calves, we compared protein patterns of 2 placentae derived from SCNT of Korean Native calves died suddenly at two months after birth and those of 2 normal placentae obtained from AI fetuses. Placental proteins were separated using 2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis. Approximately 800 spots were detected in placental 2-D gel stained with coomassie-blue. Then, image analysis of Malanie III (Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics) was performed to detect variations in protein spots between normal and SCNT placentae. In the comparison of normal and SCNT samples, 8 spots were identified to be up-regulated proteins and 24 spots to be down-regulated proteins in SCNT placentae, among which proteins were high mobility group protein HMG1, apolipoprotein A-1 precursor, bactenecin 1, tropomyosin beta chain, H+-transporting ATPase, carbonic anhydrase II, peroxiredoxin 2, tyrosine-rich acidic matrix protein, serum albumin precursor and cathepsin D. These results suggested that the sudden death of cloned calves might be related to abnormal protein expression in placenta.
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