
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper takes the bronze Jia from Erlitou to the Western Zhou period as the research object, and divides it into four types from the perspective of artifact figure: folded belly Jia, straight belly Jia, pendant belly Jia, and li-shaped Jia. Adopting the element extraction method for each type of Jia was divided into subtypes and form, the folded belly Jia is divided into two subtypes of round bottom and flat bottom, the round bottom folded belly Jia is divided into four forms, and the flat bottom folded belly Jia is divided into five forms; straight belly Jia is also divided into two subtypes of round bottom and flat bottom, the flat bottom straight belly Jia is divided into five forms, the round bottom straight belly Jia is divided into four forms; the Lower abdomen belly Jia is not divided into subtypes, and it is only divided into four forms; the Li-shaped Jia is divided into two subtypes of the conical-footed and columnar-footed; the Li-shaped Jia with conical-foot is divided into two forms, the Li-shaped Jia with column-foot divided into four forms. On the basis of the division of type, subtype and form, it is divided into three phases after examining the relationship between each type and form horizontally. In addition, examining the coexistence relationship between each type of Jia, Jia and Jue coexistence relationship found that the folded belly Jia and straight belly Jia belong to two systems, on the basis of the clear two systems, the recovery of the spatial distribution of each type of Jia in each phase, recognizing that the folded belly Jia and the straight belly Jia through the process of this fades away and the other grows.