Background: Hemispatial neglect is defined as the failure to attend, report, respond, or orient toward meaningful stimuli provided in the contralateral side of a brain lesion. Objects: This study was conducted to find out the effect of dynamic trunk equilibirum exercise for stroke patients with hemi-spatial neglect. Methods: This study included 21 stroke subjects, randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group. The exercise program consisted of 5 sessions of 20 minutes per week during 4 weeks. The line-bisection test, the Albert test, the balance function score, the Berg balance scale, the postural assessment scale for stroke and the modified Barthel index were measured before and after training. All data were analyzed using SPSS 12.0 for Windows. Between-group and within-group comparison was analyzed by using Independent t-test and Paired t-test respectively. Results: The results of study were as follows: There were significant differences between before and after intervention in both group (p<.05). There were significant differences in the line-bisection test, Albert test, balance function score, Berg balance scale, postural assessment scale for stroke and modified Barthel index between the experimental group and the control group (p<.05). Conclusion: Dynamic trunk equilibrium exercise had a positive effect on patients’ neglect, balance ability and activities of daily living. Further studies are required to generalize the results of this study.
타이어 마모입자는 자동차의 주행 중, 도로와의 마찰에 의해 타이어 고무 입자와 도로 먼지와의 혼합형태로 발생하게 된다. 생성된 타이어 마모입자는 다양한 환경 요인(햇빛, 바람, 빗물)과 이동 과정을 통해 환경과 인간에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 보고 된다. 본 연구에서는 타이어 마모입자에 의한 환경과 인체 영향에 대한 정확한 사실을 알리고자, 타이어 산업체 그룹의 연구 결과를 활용하여, 미세먼지 내 타이어 마모입자의 기여와 영향을 소개하고, 친환경타이어 개발 에 관한 연구 사례를 제시하고자 한다.