
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 인터넷을 비롯한 각종 미디어 산업에서 사용자 제작 콘텐츠(User Created Content)라는 의미를 지닌 UCC가 급부상하고 있다. UCC에 대한 다양한 연구가 진행되고 있으나 UCC의 단점인 단방향 피상적인 형태를 극복하기 위한 상호작용과 관련된 연구는 많지 않다. 특히, 체험적인 상호작용 형태의 UCC의 제작과 그 효과에 대한 연구는 매우 미미하다. 기존의 여러 연구에서 상호작용적인 특성은 교육이나 홍보에 있어서 높은 효과를 가져온 다는 것을 보여준다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 공급자 위주의 UCC의 문제점을 제시하고 이를 해결하기 위하여 UCC와 사용자 사이에 상호작용 기능을 갖춘 새로운 형태의 UCC를 제시하였다. 제시한 물산업과 관련된 UCC를 사용자들이 이용한 후 설문 조사를 통해 그 효과를 분석한 결과, 기존의 UCC를 시청하는 것보다 상호작용 UCC를 시청하는 것이 인지도 변화 측면에서 높은 수치를 나타냈다. 또한 이러한 분석결과로부터, 상호작용 UCC가 활성화되면 교육, 상업, 홍보측면에서 큰 도움이 될 것이라는 결과를 나타냈다. 구체적인 설문 결과를 알아보면, 상호작용 UCC가 도움이 된다고 답한 비율이 응답자들 중에서 홍보 분야에서는 84%, 교육 분야에서는 70%, 상업 분야에서는 52%로 나타났다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this paper is to analyze consumers" consumption behavior of environment-friendly mandarin and attributes of mandarin in Korea. It is also to measure consumers" marginal willingness to pay by the attributes of mandarin and to estimate the market-share by products of mandarin from the data surveyed by a survey research company. The questionnaires for consumers were given randomly by interview to 500 married women lived in Seoul and to 200 wholesaler in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Kwangju. The conjoint analysis method was used to analyze consumers" preference and suggest several implications for the rational production and marketing policy of mandarin.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to review current state of farm household's debt which is considered as one of the biggest problem in the rural community, to analyze the cause of farm household debt rising in Jeju province, and to make improvement schemes on how this problem of farm household debt could be alleviated. In order to achieve these objectives, raw data are collected from the interviews with 400 farming households in Jeju region. The results of the study are as follows; An average amount of total farm households debt was 42,000 thousand won in 2005, but an average of farm households debt excluding no debt farm households was increased by 10,000 thousand to 51,750 thousand won. But the debt properties are variable according to the farm type. Non-citrus farmers, younger farmers, rural area resident farmers hold more debt problems than other type. Among total farm households, 30 percent showed over 40 percent leverage ratio(debt/total assets), which is considered as risky or heavily indebted. Therefore, I designed a workout program and a program of land liquidation for heavily indebted farm households in Korea.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The dichotomous-choice contingent valuation method is applied to estimate the landscape value of Jeju mandarin(orchard). A distribution-free approach, Turnbull empirical distribution model, is employed to solve negative willingness to pay and truncation problems. The data used are collected from the interviews with tourist about willingness-to-pay at the various donation amount levels of Jeju mandarin(orchard)'s landscape value. The evaluation result is shown that the average amount of willingness to pay for the Jeju mandarin's landscape value is 12,926 won per person with standard deviation of 1,874.7 won/person. When the number of Jeju visitors is considered, the economic value of Jeju mandarin's landscape rises every year(2005:64.89 billion won, 2011: 84.43 billion won). The average economic value of Jeju mandarin's landscape are estimated 59.65 billion won during 2000-2005 and 76.88 billion won during 2006-2011, respectively.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The dichotomous-choice contingent valuation method is applied to estimate the landscape value of Jeju Island's stonewall fencing farming land. A distribution-free approach, Turnbull empirical distribution model, is employed to solve negative willingness to pay and truncation problems. The data used are collected from the interviews with tourist about willingness-to-pay at the various donation amount levels of Jeju stonewall's landscape value. The evaluation result is shown that the average amount of willingness to pay for the Jeju stonewall fencing farming land is 3,001 won per meter with standard deviation of 511.0 won/m.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to develop the landscape resource assessment system(LRAS) to help evaluate the value of landscape resources(Jeju Island's Stonewall fencing farming land) for the introduction of direct payment system of the landscape preservation objectively and to applicate the model in the fields. Delphi survey on Jeju's stonewall experts shows that the order of priority among value evaluation elements on Jeju's stonewall is its harmony with surroundings(34%), the preservation of its original state(34%) and its density and scale(32%). Evaluation system development of landscape resources(Jeju's stonewall fencing filming land) and field observation survey utilizing it consists of the following five steps. Step 1 includes the first Delphi survey on Jeju's stonewall experts to decide its value evaluation elements and their priority. Step 2 is the second Delphi survey on Jeju's stonewall experts to grade pictures of landscape resources(Jeju's stonewall fencing farming land) on the basis of expert-proposed value evaluation standards. Step 3 consists of analysis work using the result of Delphi survey on experts. Step 4 is to select five grade standard pictures according to each of three grading elements of A, B, C belonging to each of the three standards. Then, it is necessary to make panels including five A-grade pictures, five B-grade pictures and five C-grade pictures according to each of the three elements of density, harmony, and original state preservation. Step 5 consists of field observation survey. According to the result of few experts' value evaluation of stonewall fencing farming land with the aid of NRAS developed in this research, the area of Pyeongdae-ri is ranked first, and then the area of Bukcheon-ri, Chocheon-up, the area of Gwakgi-ri, Ewol-up, the area of Shinum-ri, Ewol-up and the area of Yongsu-ri, hankyung-Myun are ranked in the order named. When those areas are graded, A Grade Areas includes the areas of Pyeongdae-ri, the area of Bukcheon-ri, the area of Gwakgi-ri, B Grade Areas consist of the area of Shinum-ri and the area of Yongsu-ri, and the areas of Onpyeong, wimi and youngrak belong to C Grade Area.