Optimal conditions for hot water extraction of Liriope spicata tuber were investigated with changes in solvent ratio(2∼6 fold) and heating time(1∼5 hr) by response surface methodology. The content of extractable solids increased with an increased in solvent ratio, and the highest content showed at heating time of 3 hr. The content of total steroid saponin increased with a decrease in solvent ratio, and increased with an increase in heating time at increasing the solvent ratio. The content of non-reducing sugar containing oligosaccharides at a lower solvent ratio didn’t show changes depending on heating time, while that at a higher ration decreased with an increase in heating time. Optimal extraction conditions using hot water as the limited conditions of 15∼18% extractable solids, 1.5∼2.0% total steroid saponin, 6∼8% reducing sugar, 6∼7% non-reducing sugar and 13∼15 brix were 3 hrs of heating time and 4 fold of solvent ratio.
김치의 향미개선 및 게껍질 분말 첨가김치의 부미를 제거하기 위한 향미개선제로서 우골추출물의 첨가효과를 검토하였다 우골추출물은 김치의 숙성중 pH와 산도, 총균수, 젖산균비, Leuconostoc과 Lactobacilli의 수에는 큰 영향을 미치지 못하였으나 산미와 김치냄새를 감소시키고 종합적 맛을 개선시키는 향미 개선제로서의 역할을 하였다. 또 우골추출물(0.03%)을 게껍질분말(1.5%)과 함께 첨가할 경우는 게껍질분말만을 첨가한 경우보다 높은