
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study proposes a framework for promoting future expressway remodeling projects by reviewing similar overseas cases and comparing them with current Korean expressway remodeling projects. METHODS : Based on a literature review, this study examines the major issues in expressway remodeling projects and proposes the development of a framework for establishing and promoting such projects. This framework provides detailed guidance by categorizing the project into legal system adjustments, traffic management plans, and social consensus. RESULTS : The diagnosis of issues in domestic expressway remodeling projects revealed significant problems in conceptual aspects, criteria for project evaluation, formulation of traffic diversion strategies, and deficiencies in related legal frameworks. To address these issues, a framework for advancing future remodeling projects was established based on the results of overseas case studies. CONCLUSIONS : As roads deteriorate, the demand for remodeling projects to restore them increases. However, the current implementation of remodeling projects lacks systematic procedures. This study serves as foundational research for establishing an environment conducive to the smooth progress of such projects. By initiating subsequent research, conditions for the smooth progress of remodeling projects are expected to be established.