초지조성과 개량에서 겉뿌림은 중요한 방법 중의 하나이다. 오늘날 겉뿌림 초지조성에서 종자피복기술은 관심이 높아지고 있다. 따라서 본 시험은 산지초지에서 겉뿌림조성시 목초의 출현율과 정착율을 높이기 위해 화본과목초종자의 피복기술을 개발하기 위하여 실시하였다. 종자 펠렛팅은 피복시간을 단축하고 단위시간당 피복량을 증가시킴으로서 종자피복의 새로운 기술로 평가되었다. 펠렛종자의 건조시간을 단축하고 건조온도를 낮춤으로서 화본과 목초종자의 발아세와 발아율이 증가하
This research entailed collecting domestic and overseas research papers on technologies for fermentation of Kimchi, which is widely considered the national dish of Korea, creating a technology classification structure and conducting quantitative analysis on each technology component and schematization. Five research papers were published in domestic journals in 1990. Afterwards, the number increased by six to nine papers a year. There was no clear increase after the year 2000, but an average of around 20 papers have been Published every year, indicating that Kimchi research is now becoming widespread. An analysis on researchers entailed determining the percentage of research papers published by the top ten authors. The percentage was 76% in the early-1990s; 63% in the late-1990s; and 52% in the 2000s, indicating that Kimchi has been more and more widely researched and Kimchi research has become professionalized. Universities were found to be leading the research as 52% of researchers belonged to universities. Another 9% were at research institutions. Analysis of technologies showed that domestic research mainly focused on the Kimchi fermentation process and an additive for the development of new Kimchi ingredients and types, preservation and quality improvements. Most of the research papers published overseas dealt with the functions of bacteria strains isolated from Kimchi; and improvements in the Kimchi fermentation and ripening processes. And most of the research papers have been published in a field of microorganism and biotechnology.