Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA)-treated wood has been widely used in Korea since 1980s, but the release of chromium, copper, and arsenic from the wood has been reported to cause environmental contamination. This study was aimed at investigating the environmental impact of brook water and sediment from the construction of cylindrical wood piles around a brook (partially immersed in the water) and wood bridge structures over the brook. Ten water and ten composite sediment samples (including one control for each) were collected from sites where a large number of treated wood structures were installed. Samples were analyzed for total chromium, copper, and arsenic using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Water contamination was not observed in all samples, but metal concentrations in the sediment samples were elevated at most sites, indicating the accumulation of metals in the sediment. This study suggested that the use of CCA-treated wood by continuos contact with water can lead to marked leaching of metal components and may ultimately cause health effects on aquatic organisms living on or in the sediment.
The Cheongju Wonheung Ecological Park was constructed to help the multiplication of toads, following the beginning of the development of surrounding areas. A great number of CCA (Chromated Copper Arsenate)- treated wood structures were included in the construction around the pond and the migration passage to the nearby mountain (Guryong Mountain). Noticeable malformation, however, occurred in toad tadpoles and most of them were found to be dead after all. This study was conducted to find the cause of the incidence, focusing on the contamination of the area with heavy metals. CCA-treated wood, soil, and water samples were collected around the pond and they were analyzed for heavy metals. The results showed that teratogenic copper concentrations were highly elevated in pond water and soil samples, suggesting that CCA-treated wood may be a potential source of toad malformation.
한국산 소맥 5품종과 미국산소맥 3품종을 밀과 밀가루의 성분ㆍ회분ㆍ조단백질함량 및 제분율을 조사하였는데 그 성적을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 수분은 한국산밀이 미국산밀보다 품종과 시료에 따른 차가 컸다. 2. 밀의 회분함량이 미국산 밀에서는 경질과 연질에 따라 차가 현저했는데 한국산밀에서는 그렇지 않았다. 3. 제분율은 한국밀중에서는 육성 003 한 품종만이 비교적 높고 기타는 미국밀에 비하여 현저히 낮았다. 4. 밀가루의 회분함량은 품종간의 차를 인정할수 없었다. 5. 밀가루의 조단백질함량은 한국밀보다 미국밀중에 현저히 높은 것이 있었다. 6. 밀의 조단백질함량과 밀가루의 조단백질함량과의 상관은 한국밀에서 보다 미국밀에서 현저하게 높았다.