Hydrologic component analysis was conducted to investigate water budget characteristics the Oedocheon watershed, Jeju Island. For this purpose, integrated SWAT-MODFLOW model was applied to this watershed for continuous surface water-groundwater modeling. Pasture and forest-deciduous are the major land use types and these affect general hydrologic component ratio. The spatio-temporal groundwater recharge can be obtained from SWAT and then distributed groundwater recharge can be reproduced by MODFLOW. The groundwater level variation was simulated with distributed groundwater pumping data. The water budget in this watershed was compared with the previous estimated result by Jeju-Do(2013). As this result considered discharge to the coastal side, the discrepancy was found. However, it was found that the overall tendency of both analyses were similar.
본 연구에서는 잠재증발산량과 실제증발산량간의 보완관계 기반의 증발산량 산정 모형인 Brutsaert and Stricker (1979)의 AA 모형과 Morton (1983)의 CRAE 모형을 제주도내 두 개의 상시하천 유역에 처음으로 적용하고 이 지역에 적합한 모형의 매개변수를 제안하였다. AA 모형과 CRAE 모형의 매개변수 검정과 모형의 검증을 위한 대표유역으로 각각 북제주에 위치한 한천 유역과 남제주에 위치한 강정천 유역을 선정하였다. 한천 유역에 대해 AA 모형의 경험상수 α와 이류에너지항 M, CRAE 모형의 경험상수 B1과 b2를 바꾸어가면서 실제증발 산량을 산정하고 이를 유역수문모델링 결과와의 비교를 통해 매개변수 검정을 수행하였다. 그 결과 AA 모형은 α=1.00, M=30.0Wm-2, CRAE 모형은 b1=33.0Wm-2, b2=1.02이 최적의 값으로 산정되었다. 동일한 매개변수를 사용하여 AA 모형과 CRAE 모형의 검증 대상유역인 강정천 유역에 적용한 결과, 두 모형 모두 식생의 성장기 및 비성장기에 유역수문모델링 결과와 유사한 것으로 분석되었다.
함양 지체시간은 강우로부터 지표면을 지나 지하수면으로 도달하는 침투수의 통로 역할을 하는 비포화대를 통과할 때 발생하는 시간지연을 의미한다. 함양 지체시간을 직접적으로 측정하는 것은 불가능하기 때문에 본 연구는 고도와의 단순회귀분석을 이용하여 지체시간에 대한 경험식을 유도하였다. 이를 위하여 제주도 내에 4개의 유역(한천, 강정천, 외도천, 천미천)을 선정하여 총 18개의 관측지점에 대한 지체시간을 산정하였다. 또한 제안된 회귀식을 검증하기 위하여 선형 저수지 이론으로부터 유도된 방정식을 적용하여 구한 지체시간과 본 연구에서 유도된 경험식으로부터 산정된 지체시간을 이용하여 각각 산정한 지하수 함양량을 비교한 결과 상관성이 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서 유도한 경험식을 이용하여 SWAT모형의 지체시간 매개변수에 적용할 경우 지하수 함양의 공간적 지연효과를 잘 반영할 것으로 판단된다.
In this work, the delay time for groundwater recharge was estimated by comparing simulated recharges by means of SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model and WTF(Water Table Fluctuation) method. The delay time for groundwater recharge means that the time when the water from rainfall travelled through vadose zone just after getting out of soil zone bottom. As measuring this delay time is almost impossible, we used to compare the estimated values from modeling(SWAT) and analytic method(WTF). The test site is Hancheon watershed which has 8 groundwater measurement stations. The results show that the altitude has a linear relationship with the estimated delay time values. To validate these results, we conducted corelation analysis between transformed groundwater levels and observed ones. The results showed that computed groundwater levels have good corelation(R2=0.97, 0.87, respectively). The estimated delay time would be used for the groundwater behaviour characteristics in vadose zone. As recharge rates vary according to the height, the delay time is thought to be an import variable for the proper groundwater recharge estimation.
In this study, a method of simulating ephemeral stream runoff characteristics in Jeju watershed is newly suggested. The process based conceptual-physical scheme is established based on the SWAT-K and applied to Cheonmi-cheon watershed which shows the typical pattern of ephemeral stream runoff characteristics. For the proper simulation of this runoff, the intermediate flow and baseflow are controlled to make downward percolation should be dominant. The result showed that surface runoff simulated by using the modified scheme showed good agreement with observed runoff data. In addition, it was found that the estimated runoff directly affected the groundwater recharge rate. This conceptual model should be continuously progressed including rainfall interception, spatially estimated evapotranspiration and so forth for the reasonable simulation of the hydrologic characteristics in Jeju island.
To investigate groundwater variation characteristics in the Hancheon watershed, Jeju Island, an integrated hydrologic component analysis was carried out. For this purpose, SWAT-MODFLOW which is an integrated surface-groundwater model was applied to the watershed for continuous watershed hydrologic analysis as well as groundwater modeling. First, ephemeral stream characteristics of Hancheon watershed can be clearly simulated which is unlikely to be shown by a general watershed hydrologic model. Second, the temporally varied groundwater recharge can be properly obtained from SWAT and then spatially distributed groundwater recharge can be made by MODFLOW. Finally, the groundwater level variation was simulated with distributed groundwater pumping data. Since accurate recharge as well as abstraction can be reflected into the groundwater modeling, more realistic hydrologic component analysis and groundwater modeling could be possible.
In Jeju island, runoff has frequently happened when the rainfall depth is over a threshold value. To simulated this characteristic rainfall-runoff model structure has to be modified. In this study, the TRSM (Threshold Runoff Simulation Method) was developed to overcome the limitations of SWAT in applying to the hydrologic characteristics of Jeju island. When the precipitation and soil water are less than threshold value, we revised the SWAT routine not to make surface/lateral or groundwater discharge. For Hancheon watershed, the threshold value was set as 80% of soil water through the analysis of rainfall-runoff relationship. Through the simulation of test watershed, it was proven that TRSM performed much better in simulating pulse type stream flow for the Hancheon watershed.