The sensitivity analysis of two short-term models (ISCST3, INPUFF2.5) is performed to improve the model accuracy. It appears that the sensitivities on the changes of wind speed, stack height and stack inner diameter in the near distance from source, stability and mixing height in the remote distance from source, are significant. Also, the gas exit velocity, stack inner diameter, gas temperature and air temperature which affect the plume rise have some effects on the concentration values of each model within the downwind distance where final plume rise is determined. And in modeling for the atmospheric dispersion of point pollutant source INPUFF2.5 can calculate amount, trajectory of puff and concentration versus time at each receptors. So, it is compatible to analyze distribution of point pollutants concentration at modeling area.
We will calculate concentration of air pollutants using ISCST3, FDM and AERMOD of models recommended in U. S. EPA which are able to predict concentration of short term for point source, complex like industrial complex, power plant and burn-up institution.
Before executing model, as analyzing computational result of many cases according to selecting of input data, we will increasing predictable ability of model in limit range of model. Especially, we analyzed three cases - case of considering various emission rate according to time scale and not, case considering effect of atmospheric pollution materials removed by physical process.
In our study, after comparing and analyzing results of three model, we choose the atmospheric dispersion model reflected well the characteristic of the area. And we will investigate how large the complex pollutant sources such as industrial complex contribute to atmospheric environment and air quality of the surrounding the area as predicting and estimating chosen model.