본 연구에서는 내진성능향상을 목표로 CNT-복합소재로 보강된 콘크리트 구조물의 휨 인장 거동을 다루었다. 다양한 CNT 함유량에 따른 복합소재의 재료적 물성은 수정된 Halpin-Tasi 모델을 적용하여 멀티스케일해석 이론으로부터 도출하였다. 휨인장 시험은 복합소재의 종류, CNT 함유비율, 도포제의 유무, 그리고 보강 방법에 따라서 수행하였다. 변수 실험 결과는 CNT-복합재로 보강된 콘크리트 구조의 향상된 휨인장 거동에 대하여 CNT 함유량과 적절한 도포제의 적용 (부착)의 중요성을 보여주었다.
We carried out a dynamic instability assessment of carbon nanotube reinforced composite (CNTRC) and carbon nanotubes/fiber/polymer composite (CNTFPC) skew plates based on the high-order shear deformation plate theory (HSDT). The multiscale interactions between carbon nanotube (CNT) ratios and skew angles on the dynamic instability for various length-thickness ratios are studied using a two-dimensional finite element model developed for this study. The results were verified by those reported in the literature show the interactions between the CNT reinforcement and skew angles in the skew laminate. Numerical examples show the importance of CNT reinforcement when assessing the dynamic instability of CNTRC and CNTFPC skew plates.
The purpose of this paper is to detect the fiber stiffness degradation of GFRP plates from natural frequency response data. The combined finite element analysis using ABAQUS program and the inverse algorithm described in this paper may allow us not only to detect the deteriorated elements from the mirco mechanical point of view. Several numerical results show that the proposed system is computationally efficient in identifying fiber stiffness degradation for complex structures such as composites.