
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        참외의 과실비대기 집중호우에 따른 품질 및 수량과의 관계를 구명코자 착과후 20일경 농업용수를 이용하여 참외 재배이랑 표면으로부터 20cm가 될 때까지 흙탕물을 조성한 후 4, 10 15시간 담수구와 무담수구로 나누어 비교한 결과, 처리 7일 후 과육부의 당도는 무담수구의 12.6Brix에 비하여 5, 10, 15시간 담수처리구에서 4.7∼5.6Brix 정도 현저하게 낮았다. 과육의 경도는 처리 7일 후의 조사에서는 무담수구와 5시간 담수구간에는 큰 차이가 없었으나 10, 15시간 담수처리구에서는 현저히 낮았으며, 처리 13일 후의 조사에서는 담수시간과 관계없이 담수처리에서 과실의 경우가 매우 낮았다. 과일의 부패과율은 처리7일 후의조사에서는 처리간은 차이가 없었으나 처리 13일 후의 조사에서는 담수시간이 길수록 부패과율이 높았다. 무담수구에 비하여 담수구에서 노균병과 흰가루병 발생은 증가하였고 작은각시들명나방은 감소하였는데, 담수시간이 길수록 이러한 경향이 뚜렷하였다. 10a당 상품수량은 무담수구의 616.2kg에 비하여 5, 10, 15시간 담수처리에서 각각 33%, 45%, 66% 감소하였다.
        2019.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 Durometer A타입으로 응결시간에 확실하게 차이를 나타낼 수 있는 플라이애시(이하 FA) 치환 콘크리트에서 프록터 관입저항 시험치와 경도치를 비교 분석하고자 하였다. 연구결과로 프록터 관입저항 시험치와 Durometer A타입의 경도치는 곡선의 형태로 높은 상관관계를 나타내었다. 표면 마감작업에 대하여 Durometer A타입의 경도치로 약 25 HD는 초결, 약 35 HD는 종결로 관리한다면 표면 마감작업시간 판정에 효과적일 것으로 사료된다.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Characteristics of the transesterification reaction between triglycerides in soy bean oil and methanol were investigated in the presence of acid catalysts. such as sulfuric acid and PTS (p-toluene sulfonic acid). Concentrations of diglyceride and monoglyceride which were intermediates in the reaction mixtures, were far below 10% of triglyceride under any reaction conditions. Thus, conversion of the reaction could be determined from the concentration of triglyceride. Dried PTS had more superior catalytic power than sulfuric acid for transesterification reaction between soy bean oil and methanol. When transesterification reaction of soy bean oil was catalyzed by 1 wt% of PTS at methanol stoichiometric mole ratio of 2 and 65℃, final conversion reached 95% within 48 hours. If FAME (fatty acid methyl ester) was added into reaction mixture of soy bean oil, methanol and PTS catalyst, it converted reaction mixture into homogeneous phase, and substantially increased reaction rate. When reaction mixture was freely boiling which had equal volumetric amount of FAME to soy bean oil, methanol stoichiometric mole ratio of 2 and 1 wt% of PTS, final conversion achieved value of 94% and temperature approached to 110℃ within 2 hours.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Characteristics of the esterification reaction between free fatty acid in rice bran oil and methanol was investigated in the presence of catalysts, such as PTS(p-toluene sulfonic acid), Amberlyst 15 dry and SCX(silica gel based strong cation exchange resin). While reaction temperature was kept constant at 65oC, initial feed content of free fatty acid was varied from 100% to 1% by addition of pure free fatty acid which was previously made from rice bran oil. Also, the effect of mole ratio of methanol to fatty acid on the final conversion was examined. When esterification of pure free fatty acid was catalyzed by several acids, final conversions were increased in order of Amberlyst 15 dry, SCX and PTS. Using PTS catalyst, initially the reaction proceeded in homogeneous 2nd oder reaction mechanism. However, phase of reaction mixture changed from homogeneous to heterogeneous along the reaction time and then reaction rate was retarded by mass transfer resistance of methanol. Final conversion of free fatty acid in reaction mixture was depended on initial feed content of free fatty acid, and had maximum value at 30% of initial feed free fatty acid content for all kinds of catalysts used. And the final conversion was increased with mole ratio of methanol by the improvement of reaction rate. When initial feed free fatty acid content below 10% and the reaction was catalyzed by PTS, concentration of free fatty acid in reaction mixture was increased in the middle of reaction time by hydrolysis of triglyceride in reaction mixture. Also, if silica gel was added into the reaction mixture which had initial feed free fatty acid content below 50%, final conversion was increased by the adsorption of moisture produced. The SCX catalyst made the esterification reaction of free fatty acid to progress like in case of PTS catalyst. However, when initial feed free fatty acid content below 10%, concentration of free fatty acid in reaction mixture was decreased monotonically and not increased in the middle of reaction time on the contrary to the case of PTS. Thus, SCX catalyst accomplished more high value of final conversion than PTS catalyst for the initial feed fatty acid content range from 50% to 5%. In case of initial feed free fatty acid content of 1% and mole ratio of methanol was 2, concentration of free fatty acid in reaction mixture increased over the initial feed free fatty acid content for all kind of catalysts used. Although SCX catalyst was added into reaction mixture which had 1% of initial feed fatty acid content, final conversion was hardly raised by mole ratio of methanol.
        2004.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Esterification of soybean oil with methanol was investigated. First of all, liquid-liquid equilibriums for systems of soybean oil and methanol were measured at temperatures ranging from 40 to 65oC. Profiles of conversion of soybean oil with time were determined from the glycerine content in reaction mixtures for the different kinds of catalysts, such as NaOH, CaO, Ca(OH)2, MgO, Mg(OH)2, and Ba(OH)2. The effects of dose of catalyst, cosolvent and reaction temperature on final conversion were examined. Esterification of waste vegetable oil with methanol was investigated and compared to the case of soybean oil. Solubility of methanol in soybean oil was substantially greater than that of soybean oil in methanol. When the esterification reaction of soybean oil was catalyzed by solid catalyst, final conversion was strongly dependent on the alkalinity of the solid catalyst, and increased with the alkalinity of the metal. Hydroxides from the alkali metals were more effective than oxides. When Ca(OH)2 was used for the esterification catalyst, maximum value of final conversion was measured at dose of 4%. When CHCl3 as a cosolvent, was added into the reaction mixture of soybean oil which catalyzed by Ba(OH)2, maximum value of final conversion was appeared at dose of 3%. When waste vegetable oil was catalyzed by NaOH and solid catalysts, high final conversion, over 90%, and fast reaction rate were obtained.