Considering the non-linear behavior of structure and soil when evaluating a nuclear power plant's seismic safety under a beyond-design basis earthquake is essential. In order to obtain the nonlinear response of a nuclear power plant structure, a time-domain SSI analysis method that considers the nonlinearity of soil and structure and the nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effect is necessary. The Boundary Reaction Method (BRM) is a time-domain SSI analysis method. The BRM can be applied effectively with a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML), which is an effective energy absorbing boundary condition. The BRM has a characteristic that the magnitude of the response in far-field soil increases as the boundary interface of the effective seismic load moves outward. In addition, the PML has poor absorption performance of low-frequency waves. For this reason, the accuracy of the low-frequency response may be degraded when analyzing the combination of the BRM and the PML. In this study, the accuracy of the analysis response was improved by adjusting the PML input parameters to improve this problem. The accuracy of the response was evaluated by using the analysis response using KIESSI-3D, a frequency domain SSI analysis program, as a reference solution. As a result of the analysis applying the optimal PML parameter, the average error rate of the acceleration response spectrum for 9 degrees of freedom of the structure was 3.40%, which was highly similar to the reference result. In addition, time-domain nonlinear SSI analysis was performed with the soil's nonlinearity to show this study's applicability. As a result of nonlinear SSI analysis, plastic deformation was concentrated in the soil around the foundation. The analysis results found that the analysis method combining BRM and PML can be effectively applied to the seismic response analysis of nuclear power plant structures.
본 연구에서는 플라이애시가 90 %만큼 다량치환된 모르타르에 알칼리 활성화를 통한 강도증진을 동일한 양생온도 조건 에서 양생방법 및 유지시간 변화에 따라 비교 분석하고자 하였다. 연구 결과로 플래이애시를 90 % 치환한 경우, 소생재 도 포 후 40℃로 24시간 기중양생시 가장 높은 압축강도를 발휘하였지만, OPC의 압축강도까지 발휘하는 것은 어려울 것으로 분석되었다.
본 연구에서는 Durometer A타입으로 응결시간에 확실하게 차이를 나타낼 수 있는 플라이애시(이하 FA) 치환 콘크리트에서 프록터 관입저항 시험치와 경도치를 비교 분석하고자 하였다. 연구결과로 프록터 관입저항 시험치와 Durometer A타입의 경도치는 곡선의 형태로 높은 상관관계를 나타내었다. 표면 마감작업에 대하여 Durometer A타입의 경도치로 약 25 HD는 초결, 약 35 HD는 종결로 관리한다면 표면 마감작업시간 판정에 효과적일 것으로 사료된다.
This study was conducted to compensate for the decrease in intensity due to the decrease in temperature and proposed temperature correction strength T28, using the Fractional function model.
As a result of this study, the testor penetration resistance and the hardness of the durometer are considered highly correlated and are thought to be effective when using the durometer to determine the setting time in the field structure.
This study was conducted to propose a strength correction factor to compensate the strength delay at designed age caused by the temperature drop in low temperature condition. Strength correction factors due to temperature drop T28 were provided using the constant function model.
In this study, as series of studies to provide how to apply coal gasification slag(CGS) as one of byproducts for high strength concrete, from a newly introduced power generation method in Korea, the possibility of using a mixed aggregate with 25 percent of CGS as a concrete residual were investigated. The results indicated that the compressive strength of concrete using CGS at early age was lower than that using CS, but compressive strength at 28 days showed similar levels of strength enhancement.
In this study, the temperature correction strength (Tn) was conducted to propose (Tn) according to the management age of structural concrete that is separated from the average curing temperature of 4°C to 17°C in cold conditions. After reviewing the strength difference of the concrete using fly ash as a combined material at W/C 50%, the temperature correction strength (Tn) is proposed. The temperature correction strength was proposed to compensate for differences with standard curing conditions due to decrease in curing temperature from 28th, 42nd, 56th and 91st of the models interpreted as equivalent age methods.
This study is a basic study to CGS, which originates from the IGCC, as fine aggregate for concrete. The study measured density, water absorption ratio, solid volume percentage for grain shape, fineness modulus, grading curve of physical properties of fine aggregate. As a result, the density and solid volume percentage for grain sheet were found to be satisfactory in the aggregate for content (KS F 2527).Water evaluation ratio, fitness modulus, and grinding curve did not meet KS standards. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to adjust the grain size through sieving in case of fineness modulus and grinding curve.
This study was conducted to improve the economy, quality, and load of Soil paving concrete by using waste materials such as Oystery and Dolomitic to solve strength reduction and durability reduction caused by hardening agents in Korea. According to the results of the study, for the curing expenses, the Fine part agreement (FC) and the Furnace slag power lower (BS) are 5:5, It was possible to verify that the best results were obtained in terms of the quality of cement mortar when the natural organic lime and dolomitic lime were mixed at a ratio of 5:5.
In this study, the correlation between the durometer and the proctor penetration resistance tester, which is considered to be efficient in determining the setting time in a simple portability for soil and concrete utilizing organic lime (H) and Goto lime (G), is used. The results of the study show a high correlation between the portable hardness meter, the durometer and the proctor penetration resistance test period. Therefore, it is expected that the durometer will be useful for the measurement of setting time and the time limit.
In this study, the correlation with a proctor penetration resistance tester is analyzed for the purpose of judging the setting time of concrete by the convenient portability of the durometer which is a rubber hardness meter.The result of this study showed a high correlation between the value of the tilt of the durometer and the measured value of the proctor penetration resistance tester.