
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tricholoma matsutake is an economically important ectomycorrhizal mushroom, but artificial cultivation remains challenging. While much research has been conducted on the bacteria and fungi associated with T. matsutake, studies on archaea have been limited. This study compared and analyzed the diversity and structural differences of archaeal communities in the fairy ring and non-fairy ring soils using a metabarcoding approach. The alpha diversity analysis revealed that the archaeal community in fairy ring soil had lower diversity compared to non-fairy ring soil, and beta diversity analysis clearly separated the community structures between the two soil types. Among all analyzed soils, Nitrososphaeria (Nitrososphaerota) dominated the archaeal community at class level. In fairy ring soils, Nitrosotalea (Nitrosotaleaceae) was predominant, while in non-fairy ring soils, Nitrosocaldaceae dominated. These results suggest that Nitrosotalea may have a close association with T. matsutake, highlighting the need for further in-depth research on archaea as potential growth promoting microorganism for T. matsutake mycelial growth.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fungi that infect mushrooms and cause diseases are called mycoparasitic fungi. Understanding the diversity of mycoparasitic fungi in wild mushrooms is important for the mushroom industry, as they can parasitize cultivated mushrooms. However, few studies have been conducted on the diversity of mycoparasitic fungi in wild mushrooms in South Korea. Upon surveying mushroom flora, we found a mycoparasitic fungus and analyzed its strain using molecular phylogeny and morphological examination. The strain was identified as Sepedonium laevigatum, which is an unrecorded species in South Korea. In this study, we described the cultural and microscopic characteristics of this strain of fungus.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objectives: This research is about the reliability of pulse wave analyzer and heart rate variability analyzer which are often used in the oriental medical clinics. Materials and Methods: Pulse wave analyzer and heart rate variability analyzer's reliability were compared with other devices-bioelectrical impedance analyzer, thermographer and transcranial sonography-. For each device, they were measured three times in a row. Here are the results of measuring intraclass correlation coefficients between first and second, and the ones between first and third. Results: 1. For pulse wave analyzer, seven items are higher than 0.7 in intraclass correlation coefficients, fourteen items are higher than 0.5 and eleven items are higher than 0.5. 2. Heart rate variability analyzer show that an item is higher than 0.9 and two are higher than 0.7. three items are higher than 0.5 and four are lower than 0.5. 3. For bioelectrical impedance analyzer, thermographer and transcranial sonography, nineteen items are higher than 0.9 and two are higher than 0.7. Conclusion: Pulse wave analyzer and heart rate variability analyzer showed low test-retest reliability compared to the one of bioelectrical impedance analyzer, thermographer and transcranial sonography. But both of analyzer's reliability are more than midium quality. Diagnosis trough these analyzers have a utility value. More research will be needed. 