The current survey form of grassland has not played its role in managing the grassland effectively because of the ambiguous questionnaire items and the absence of method and time of the investigation. Therefore, this study was conducted to clarify and add the items for effective of grassland management. The survey form of grassland was regulated in Article 16 of the Enforcement Rules of the Grassland Act (Survey on Grasslands Management Status, etc.). The five contents that needed improvement were the grassland owner, the survey timing and method of established grassland, grassland used livestock, grassland usage condition, and grassland grade. In the improved survey form of grassland, the grassland owner was changed to the grassland manager. In addition, ‘Survey by each land’ was added to the improved survey form in which the managers can survey each land. The dimension of each grassland establishment method was deleted in the grassland establishment time and method. In the livestock using grassland, the number of livestock and the area where livestock are used were added, and the number of other livestock was added, too. The grassland grade was decided as the combined score by three evaluation categories; grassland usage, the ratio of forage production in grassland and kinds of forage. The high, middle, and low grades were over 8, 6~7, and under 5 points in the combined score, respectively. The results show that the changed survey form of grassland can make grassland management more efficient by materializing the subject of grassland management and the survey terminology and methods.
홀스타인 착유우에 수입건초 대신 WCRS로 조사료 일부를 대 체 급여하였을 때 산유성적 및 수익성에 미치는 영향을 검토하였 다. 대조구(C)는 농가 관행 급여방법으로 자가 혼합건초(13kg)와 농후사료(2.6~9.6kg), 오차드그라스 및 버뮤다그라스 건초(1.8kg) 를 급여 하였고, 처리구(T)는 자가 혼합건초(9.6kg)와 농후사료 (2.6~9.6kg) 및 WCRS (2.2kg)를 급여하였다. 건물수량(DMI)을 기준으로 C에 대한 T의 조사료 대체비율은 20% 였다. CP함량은 오차드그라스 및 버뮤다그라스 건초가 각각 11.3 및 8.4%였고, WCRS는 4.6%로, WCRS에서 낮았다. 이는 벼를 수확적기보다 약 30일정도 늦게 수확한 것에 기인하고 있다. DMI는 비유초기, 중기 및 후기에서 각각 T가 C보다 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다 (p<0.05). 유량은 비유초기, 중기 및 후기 모두 처리간 유의적 차 이는 없었다(p>0.05). 실험 기간 중 평균유량도 C 및 T가 각각 26.9 및 26.3kg으로 처리간 유의적인 차이는 없었다(p>0.05). 유 지율, 유단백 및 총고형물에서 각 비유기 공히 처리 간에 유의적 인 차이는 없었다(p>0.05). 두당 조수입은 C가 21,141원, T가 21,915원으로 T에서 다소 높게 나타났다. 유사비는 T가 22.9%로 C의 27.8%보다 낮았다. 이상에서 수입산 건초 대신 WCRS로 20% 대체 급여하여도 산유량 및 유성분에 유의적인 차이가 없으 며 수익은 높아 경제성이 있는 것으로 사료된다.
In this study, the appropriate unit cost in grassland establishment was redeveloped by the grassland establishment method and work criteria. The grassland establishment method was divided into tillage establishment (all logging) and no-tillage establishment (all logging and partial logging). The price for the work criteria by the establishment method was presented for each permission/authorization and establishment work. In permission/authorization for grassland establishment, the cost of each work criteria was of environmental impact (small scale environmental impact) assessment, disaster impact assessment, cadastral serving fee, forest survey, and connection fee for control of mountainous districts. In establishment was of logging, cleaning/gruffing, plowing/soil preparation, seeding, fertilization, livestock manure compost, seed, herbicide, labor cost (fertilizer, seed and herbicide), soil consolidation, cattle trail, and fence. The unit cost of grassland establishment was KRW 115,894,212 for the tillage establishment, and KRW 110,281,572 and KRW 106,680,122 for the all and partial logging of the no-tillage establishment, respectively. The current study redeveloped the establishment method, work criteria, and estimation of the unit cost of grassland establishment. It can be usefully used to carry out government projects to support related to establishment and maintenance of grassland.
Background:Individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) rely on their upper limbs for body-lifting activity (BLA). While studies have examined the electromyography (EMG) and kinematics of the shoulder joints during BLA, no studies have considered foot position during BLA.Objects:This study compared the effects of different foot positions during BLA on the shoulder muscle activities, peak plantar pressure, knee flexion angle, and rating perceived exertion in individuals with SCI.Methods:The study enrolled 13 mens with motor-complete paraplegic SCI, ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) A or B. All subjects performed BLA with the feet positioned on the wheelchair footrest and on the floor independently. Surface EMG was used to collect data from the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, serratus anterior, and triceps brachii. The peak plantar pressure was measured using pedar-X and the knee flexion angle with Image J. Borg’s rating perceived exertion scale was used to measure the physical activity intensity level. The paired t-test was used to compare the shoulder muscle activities, peak plantar pressure, knee flexion angle, and rating perceived exertion between the two feet positions during BLA.Results:The activity of the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, serratus anterior, and triceps brachii and rating perceived exertion decreased significantly and the peak plantar pressure and knee flexion angle increased significantly when performing BLA with the feet positioned on the wheelchair footrest compared with on the floor (p<.05).Conclusion:These findings suggest that individuals with SCI may perform BLA with the feet positioned on the wheelchair footrest for weight-relief lifting to decrease the shoulder muscle activities and the rating perceived exertion and to increase the peak plantar pressure and the knee flexion angle.
FBG센서로 변형율을 계측하고 추정 가능한 일부 저차모드를 중첩하여 교량의 동적변위를 추정하는 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 모드별 진동형상은 단순보의 이론식에서 유도하였고, 일반화좌표는 FBG센서에서 계측한 변형율에서 유도하였다. 일반 교량의 저차모드에서 발생하는 휨 및 비틀림모드는 각 거더별 혹은 구간별로 분리하여 단순보의 이론적 휨모드로 고려함으로써 다양한 형식의 교량에 적용할 수 있도록 하였다. 알고리즘의 적용에 고려해야 할 진동모드의 개수 및 변형율 센서의 개수를 결정하는 기준은 이론적으로 제시되었다. 제안된 방법의 효용성을 다양한 형식의 교량에 대한 수치예제, 모형교량에 대한 실내실험 및 자기부상열차용 PC Box 거더교에 대한 현장실험을 통해 검증하였다. 수치예제에서는 교량 진동형상의 오차 및 변형률 측정오차가 동적변위 추정 결과에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다.
본 논문의 목적은 우리 항만이 동북아 거점항만으로 변신하는데 필요한 항만배후부지전략을 도출하여 거점항만으로의 발전전략의 적합성을 분석하였다. 전략요인으로는 크게 개발정책방향, 개발방법론 및 부지조성전략요인으로 구분하여 분석하였다. 분석결과에 의하면, 부산항이 동북아 물류중심항만이 되기 위해서는 현재 진행 중인 항만배후부지가 실질적인 부가가치를 창출할 수 있도록 개발되는 것이 매우 중요한 것으로 나타나고 있다.