Anthraquinone 구조의 1,5- 위치와 1,8- 위치에 aromatic amino기의 변화에 따른 최대흡수파장에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 1,5-dichloroanthraquinone, 1,8-dichloroanthraquinone에 각각 aniline, 2-aminobenzothiazole, 1-aminonaphthalene을 도입한 화합물 a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3을 합성하였다. 합성된 aromatic diaminoanthraquinone 화합물의 분광특성 뿐만 아니라 용해도 특성 및 열적 안정성을 분석하였다. 최대흡수파장을 비교하면 a1, b1에 비해 a2, b2는 파장의 변화가 없었고, a3, b3은 10 nm 이하의 장파장 이동을 보인다. 이것으로 amino기의 변화에 따른 최대흡수파장에 미치는 영향은 크지 않다는 것을 알 수 있다.
As product life cycle is to be shorter, firms are in the hope of introducing much longer useful life of facilities than individuals product life cycle. In this respect, this paper provide a model to determine the optimal level of facility flexibility which capable of maximizing the net profit. This model consists of the functional formula of four parameter( I ( F ) , G ( F), C ( F), R ( F)) influenced to the net profit( Z ( F )) when various facility alternatives are considered. Also this paper analyzes changes of optimal level point of facility flexibility according to the incremental change of each parameter. Finally, using a numerical example, this paper illustrates each net profit flow based on change of flexibility level and determines an optimal level point of facility flexibility.
Statistical process control(SPC) and engineering process control(EPC) are two strategies for quality improvement that have developed independently. In general, both techniques have reduction of variability as their objective, although they seek to accomplish these objective in different ways. Integration of SPC and EPC is finding wide recognition and is successfully used in continuous process industries. A simple case of an integral controller is presented here to show the application of MMSE controller to stochastic process. In order to keep the system on target, the actual adjustment in terms of MMSE using integral control can be implemented. This paper demonstrates that SPC, already used for process monitoring in the parts industries, and EPC, now used in process industries, may be integrated in various type industry for more effective control of processes.