The study analyzed the characteristic of school uniform, focusing on Ewha Woman's University of Seoul, reflected present trend as well as characteristic and symbol of school and developed uniform design for advertising Ewha Woman's University. The purpose of this study is to propose uniform that can be discriminated from that of other university and increase advertisement effect with mental superiority and pride in university by trying uniform design development, which can provide school and student with satisfaction, and reflecting present trend as well as characteristic and symbol of school. The study is meaningful because it can be basic materials for various uniform designs, connecting function, symbol and trend to uniform development. The uniform for school advertisement was manufactured in a way to reflect characteristic and image of school, escape from fixed idea preferring traditional design in the past and reflect trend. It is expected that the uniform created with symbolic image of school will give high advertisement effect and improve school image by providing student with sense of coherence and discriminated feeling in various events and the meeting with other school students. Moreover, the student wearing the uniform with splendid design will feel mental superiority and have pride in school at the same time. In conclusion, the uniform reflecting trend is proper for the uniform of advertisement helper representing school as long as it can reflect characteristic and image of school. It will be also helpful for developing wider design and more splendid uniform because the study can create the motive to apply trend to other uniform that does not adopt trend.
본 논문은 장기 지속하중을 경험한 순환골재 콘크리트 보의 휨 거동특성 평가를 위하여 수행된 실험결과를 다룬 내용으로 이를 위하여 천연골재를 사용한 시험체, 순환굵은골재로 100% 대체된 시험체와 순환잔골재로 50% 대체된 시험체 등 총 3개의 보가 계획 및 제작되었다. 1년간 재하된 지속하중을 경험한 이후 파괴시까지 다시 재하된 철근콘크리트 보의 단기 휨거동에서 초기 강성 및 최대내력은 골재의 종류에 관계없이 유사하게 나타났으나 최대내력시의 강성이 순환골재를 사용한 경우 천연골재에 비해 28 및 23% 작게 나타났고 인장철근 및 압축측 콘크리트의 변형률도 순환골재를 사용한 시험체가 천연골재를 사용한 시험체보다 다소 크게 나타났다. 그러나 순환골재를 사용한 철근콘크리트 보에 대한 실험값을 ACI규준 의한 계산값과 비교한 결과 크게 나타났으며 전반적으로 천연골재를 사용한 철근콘크리트 보와 대등한 휨 성능을 보였다.