최근 일련의 IMF사태로 인하여 사료 값 폭등과 유가공 제품의 소비감소로 유업체 경영 악화에 따른 축산 농가의 경영 압박으로 모든 축산인들이 큰 고통을 겪고 있다. 이에 따라 조사료 생산의 선진 기계화는 사료의 생산비 절감은 물론 가축의 생산성 향상에 가장 큰 영향을 줄 수 있다. 위와 같이 기계화를 추진중인 축산단지 또는 협업체 축산농가에 추천 작업기종을 선정하였으나, 작업 환경과 자급의 소요 등을 무시한 무조건적인 대형 작업기 선호는 결코 바람직하지
This study estimate the degree of contamination in the streamwater around the Sudokwon landfill site. It was sampled at 10 sites in Jan., Apr., Jul. and Oct., 1996. There were analyzed five kinds of toxic chemical material-CN, ABS, PCB, As, Org-P, and four kinds of heavy metal-Pb, Hg, Cd, C_r^+6.
The result are 1)The COD was generally increased to compare before landfill, 2)The Org-P and PCB were not detected at all points, 3)The concentrations of Pb, C_r^+6 and As were lower than the environmental criteria values, 4)The CN, Hg and Cd were over envirommental criteria values, and so emergent regulation is needed, 5)The effects of the streamwater contamination were not only the leachate of the landfill, but also the small factories and agricultural land around the landfill.
In order to analyze the water quality variation of surface water around the Sudokwon landfill site, seasonal variations of water temperature, pH, DO, BOD, COD, SS, NH_3-N. NO_2-N, and NO_3-N were examined at 10 sites from January to December, 1996. It was found that the estimates of COD, DO, SS, and NH_3-N were increased compared with the results of environmental impact assessment carried out in 1988. Higher estimates of COD, DO, and SS were due to industrial and agricultural wastewater, and the increase of NH_3-N at Jangdo reservoir site was due to the leachate from the landfill. In particular, the estimate of SS was found to be increased by the soil wash from the landfill during the heavy rainy days.