In this study, four types of water-heavy fuel oil hybrid emulsion oil were manufactured depending on the moisture content ratio in order to reduce exhaust emissions of heavy fuel oil(Bunder-C), which is necessarily used in vessels, power plants and boilers. The components of the manufactured emulsion oil were analyzed using the ISO standard testing method. The analysis result showed that in the EM25 fuel with a maximum moisture content ratio of 25.0%, the moisture content was 25.0%, the sulphur content was 0.20%, the kinematic viscosity was 144.8mm2/s, the specific gravity was 0.9382, and the flash point was 100 Celsius degrees or above.
Recently air pollution is becoming a global environment issue. Especially, the smoke from engines and boiler systems, which burn fossil fuels directly, is an extremely serious issue. For this reason, IMO is tightening regulations for the control of NOx and SOx. Therefore, in this study, the NOx reduction effect of emulsified oil mixed with 10% of water was tested after applying the emulsified oil to an industrial boiler burner using Bunker-C oil. The study showed that the exhaust gas oxygen concentration of emulsified oil was nearly 1.3% high and this was identified by the effect of dissolved oxygen contained in water. Also, based on the standard oxygen concentration(4%), the average and maximum NOx reduction rates were 28.53% and 30.23% respectively, which means the reduction efficiency was very high.