Numerical analysis for flow and noise characteristics of sirocco fan design factors is conducted in this study. 4 cases of blade angle(α=24°~30°) and 5 cases of RPM(390~1170RPM) are calculated. Flow characteristics are compared for the number of blades. Outlet flow rate is tended to decrease as the number of blades increased. There is little difference in the flow characteristics for the angle of blade. The highest outlet flow rate is predicted at α=24°, and the lowest at α=28°. Flow and noise characteristics are compared for α=24° and 26°. Outlet flow rate is almost similar in both cases, but noise for α=24° is predicted higher at high RPM conditions.
In this study, numerical analysis is conducted to understand the flow characteristics of the radial impeller with the design parameters such as the blade shape and position using the ANSYS Fluent software. The shape of blade is divided into two types, a backward curved blade and an airfoil forward curved blade. To examine the fundamental flow characteristics near the blades, a rectangular flow field is modeled and analyzed. On the other hand, for the impeller rotation analysis, the simulation is performed by modeling the rotational region separately. As a result, the airfoil forward curved blade shows higher outlet flow rate than the backward curved blade. In addition, as the depth of the impeller and the attachment angle of blade increase, the higher flow rate appears.
PartI of this paper identified the location and size of the noise sources from the axial flow fans, and partII based on that, identified the magnitude of sound pressure from the case and the blade according to frequency in the range of 2200 Hz to 5000 Hz. The equation of Lighthill was used for calculation. Generally, when measuring noise, the analytical area was extended more than 1m from the outlet of the fan. To eliminate the effects of backflow coming from the rear of the fan, the analytical area was extended a little longer than 1m. From the results of the analysis, high noise occurs in the low frequency area, and the lower noise becomes in the high frequency area. The maximum sound pressure generated in the range of 2000Hz~5000Hz is 65dB at a distance of 1m and 82dB at the outlet of the fan. Noise of the fan mainly occurred around the blade and guide, and the noise decreased as the frequency increased between 2200Hz and 3400Hz, but the noise increased as the frequency increased between 3800Hz and 5000Hz.
In this study, numerical analysis was carried out to develop low-noise axial fans, which are often used for ventilation in houses. A commercial program and the turbulence models are used for the analysis of internal fan. Proudman acoustic power model and the Curle surface acoustic power model were used for analysis. As a result, the distribution of flow velocity and pressure around the blade and guide of the fan was high, and low in the center of the fan. Noise from the inner wall of the fan case and the blade surface was the highest at the body and vane connections of the blade, and low at the center of the vane and the center of the body.
하천의 유입량 변화와 이로 인한 소수력발전소의 수문학적 성능변화에 대한 연구가 수행되었다. 하천에서의 유입량변화를 분석하기 위하여 유량지속특성을 예측할 수 있는 모델이 개발되었고, 이를 기반으로 하여 소수력발전소의 수문학적 성능특성을 예측할 수 있는 모델이 개발되었다. 개발된 모델의 효용성을 확인하기 위하여 안동댐에서 32년간 측정된 월유입량자료를 분석하였으며, 안동댐 상류에 위치한 소수력발전소를 대상으로 하여 수문학적 성능특성을 분석하였다. 안동댐에서