Water management information system used by KRC(Korea Rural Community Corporation) operates widely including RIMS, RAWRIS and etc. Other systems are operated by each government department, for example, K-water(Korea Water Resources Corporation)’s WAMIS. Even though small scale reservoirs managed by city/country is just about 12% of total water resource, the reservoirs are important for controlling and securing water resource as the reservoirs, including about 14,700 reservoirs nationwide, are located at main subwater shed. So, it is necessary for KRC to execute integrated informatization. In this research, system analysis was performed to comprise the integrated water management information system including the reservoirs controlled by city and country at first. And then, improvement plan for informatization of the reservoirs controlled by city and country was proposed. This study proposed the improvement plan for informatization of the reservoirs managed by the city and country, which was systematically proposed through systemic analysis including from reservoir site to the integrated water management information system. The objects includes 1. Reservoir (basin, facilities, water depth-area curve, benefiter area), 2. Field supervision organization for the reservoir 3. Local government administrative organization, 4. Center organization 5. Network for information transfer, 6. integrated water management information system. As the reservoirs controlled by city and country are important considering managing water and facilities, operated by local government with minimum budget due to budget problem, securing sufficient budget is necessary to form an specialized organization controlling facilities and the water management system in terms of drought and flood control.
Developed countries in agriculture like Netherlands, Belgium and England, have managed Green Care policy and project during the last decades. The needs in Green Care is also increasing as new growth power in rural area of Korea. This study investigated sites which are already operating as complex with Green Care theme. This study surveyed the operating conditions like type, scale, location pattern, purpose, customer and finance for cases of the complex. The period of the survey is from 2015. 8. 11 to 2015. 09. 10 for the 24 activated cases in aspect of operation and management. Among the 24 cases, 16 cases were classified as Green Care Complex which facilities are aggregated a place, and the other 8 cases as Green Care Cluster which are distributed at several places. The analysis result showed that there were apparent distinction among cases in total budget, costs of construction, capacity for guest, and the total number of annual visitors. Despite of the type and scale the accommodation cost, the number of workers, and amount of sales have small deviation in distribution of values, although the cases have various type of contents and scale of space. The result of this study can be used as data of bench marking to develop the Green Care Complex or Cluster in rural area.