이 본문은 선박중개시스템으로써 분산객체기술을 이용한 CORBA환경하에서 설계되고 구현되었다. 최근 각광 받고 있는 웹에서의 전자상거래 시스템이 방대해 짐에 따라 호스트 중심의 중앙 집중식 방식이 한계를 가지게 되었다. 또한 시스템의 성능 향상도 크게 요구되어졌으며, 이러한 문제들을 해결하기 위해 이종 시스템간에 프로그램을 분산시켜 부하를 줄임으로써 시스템의 성능 저하와 네트워크 병목형상을 해결하고 있다. 본 연구는 에이전트 통신언어(ACL)를 이용하여 분산된 데이터베이스에fi의 에이전트 기반 모형을 제시한다. 또한 분산된 서로 다른 운영체제, 분산된 이종의 데이터베이스에서의 정보 공유와 교환이 가능한 CORBA를 이용한 지능형 선박검색 에이전트의 모형을 구현한다.
The -advent of electronic navigation equipment and trustworthy computer which provides people with convenience made the management system by one-man bridge operation or the least people who are needed possible through the integration of communication network with various navigation equipment and related institution. One of the most needed ultra-modem navigation device for a mate, ECDIS is a core equipment for navigation in ENS that notifies peril to mate as well as supervises all tasks in hydrographical chart, voyage planning, course monitoring and voyage recording. We should make coast and ocean voyage planning first, for the secure navigation which is considering the course circumstances and next, for the reduction of voyage dates in economical aspect. There needs a thoughtful consideration about the feature of the ship itself and the course with weather condition in taking up the course and also we have to take into accounts about appropriate distance between ships. Considering the essential conditions of ECDIS the indispensable device in the future, it was developed the basic principle for voyage planning algorithm for officer and programmed to real implementation available. In this paper including most of the requirements in ECDIS performance standard I mentioned about such a basic and a core Principle with real application by using the Visual C++ programming language. The voyage plan includes the function that indicate and modifies all the way points in the course from department port to arrival port with erasing the wrong way points. Also, it provides in a document form that shows ETA at glance in average speed sailing.