This study investigated how Japanese learners of Korean perceive the similarity of stop sounds between the Korean and Japanese languages. The results found, compared to the beginner’s group, the advanced group showed a lower rating value for the similarity for the same stimulus sound, and the learners with a higher perception ability distinguished lower similarities, even among the inner groups of the beginner’s and advanced group. This study also investigated how the related information in the native language affects how the learners perceive lenis consonants in word-medial position in the Korean language, as Japanese stop sounds are divided into two sounds depending on [±voiced] feature, whereas Korean stop sounds do not have a voiced sound in word-initial consonantal context, but the lenis consonants go through voicing in word-medial position. In result, Japanese learners tend to perceive the lenis consonants in word-medial position much better than other sounds, and it was shown that the related information in native language had played a positive role in perceiving Korean word-medial consonants.
This study was conducted to investigate the response of the human body to stress induced by wall recording of subway stations in the city center. The experiment was conducted as a simulation exercise, and six images were selected and produced based on Subway Line 2, a representative underground space in Seoul. The study participants included 24 male and female college students. A three-minute experiment was conducted, during which the participants were shown the control image and green wall image once each. To measure psychological status, the following measurement indicators were used: Semantic Differential, Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Physiological changes were investigated by tracking participants’ heart rate and blood pressure. Results showed that parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves were activated in the presence of the green wall in the subway station. The psychological evaluation analysis revealed that negative affect toward underground space decreased, while positive affect increased. This study found that the green wall in subway stations has a stable effect on the human body, both psychologically and physiologically. In the future, green walls in underground spaces can be used to reduce psychological stress and increase physiological relaxation.
경부 고속철 40 m 단경간 PSC 교량을 대상으로 38 자유도 KTX 동력차를 주행속도 500 km/h까지 12 단계 불규칙 궤도형상과 상호 작용력을 고려하여 해석하였다. 차량의 윤축하중과 중심회전각을 평가하기 위하여 170 m 일반도상을 교량과 조합하여 횡압과 탈선계수 그리 고 윤중감소율을 허용기준과 비교하였다. 단순교와 연속교의 교량받침 최대 변위와 누적이동거리를 주행속도별로 해석하였다. PTFE 마찰판 과 DP-mate의 EN-1337-2 기준의 장기마찰시험을 수행하였다. 수행된 장기마찰시험은 차세대 고속철의 증가되는 주행속도를 고려하여 개선 방안을 제안하였다.