술의 향미에 영향을 미치는 휘발성분에 관하여 진도홍주의 보존중 그 함량 변화를 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. Ethanol과 total acid 함량은 보존중 감소현상을 나타내었고, 휘발성분의 함량은 acetaldehyde, fusel oil, acetate, furfural, methanol 순으로 나타났는데 1년 경과 후 methanol은 검출되지 않았고 furfural을 제외한 다른 성분은 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 2년 경과 후에는 acetaldehyde는 21.4~58.4 mg%로 1년 경과 후와 비슷한 수준이었으며 n-propanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol이 주성분을 이루는 fusel oil은 감소현상을 나타내어 0.71~1.03 mg/ml 함량을 보였다. Acetate는 계속 증가현상을 보여 0.24~0.52 mg/ml로서 초기 함량보다 4~6배 증가하였으며 furfural은 0.01~0.02 mg/ml로 감소하였다.
Jindo Hongju is a traditional liquor in Jindo island of Korea. The characteristics of Hongju are its unique flavour by fermetation and red color of gromwell(Lithospermum erythrorhizon) root. However, the evaluation of red pigment is different from one manufactures to other manufactures and from place to place, also the standard method is not established. An attempt has made to compare the quality of gromwell root from different places and to standardize the extracting method. The results obtained from this study are summerized as follow, The chemical properties and composition of gromwell root from Jindo and other areas were compared. There were no difference among the samples in moisture content, content of naphtoquinone derivatives and absoption spectra. These results indicate that the pigments from Jindo and other region products seems to be the same quality. For efficient extraction of gromwell pigment, more than 40% ethanol as solvent and at least 10 hours extraction time was required. According to the visual test for Hongju pigment, the most preferable color was that it shows absorbance of 1.0 (contents of shikonin was 3.90 mg/45% EtOH 20 ml). From this visual test it can be proposed that the may be applied absorbance at 1.0 for the quality control of pigment.
The flavor and organoleptic properties of Hongju prepared by Kokja and Koji method were tested. There was no great difference of total acid in Hongju with different fermentation methods. The alcohol content of Hongju prepared by Koji method was higher than that of Kokja method and methanol content was very little as about 0.02~0.03 mg/ml in all samples. The aldehyde content was 7.5~32 mg% and fusel oil was higher in Hongju prepared by Koji method than that of Kokja method. As the result of sensory evaluation, new Hongju, S-N prepared by Kokja method with wheat and rice was to be best quality.
This study was conducted to establish traditional manufacturing process of Hongju, a traditional spirit by traditional Kokja and Koji method based on different materials. In the fermentation process, the changes of temperature, pH, total acid, alcohol, total sugar and microflora in mash were analyzed. During the whole fermentation period, the temperature in mash made by Kokja method was reached to 30℃, and that of Koji method was reached 33℃. There was no significant difference in pH by different treatments and the initial pH in Koji method was pH 6.0 and the final pH was 4.0. The content of total acid was higher in mash processed by Kokja method than that of Koji method. Alcohol content was higher in mash processed by Koji method. The content of total sugar in all samples were reduced gradually according to progress of fermentation. Yeast populations in all samples were increased up to 6 days of fermentation and then decreased gradually. Lactic acid bacteria were increased until 3 days of fermentation and then decreased until the fermentation completed.