
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cho, Dam Ock. 1996. The Grid Analysis of the English Rhythm. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 9: 185-204. Recent researches in metrical phonology are focused on rhythmic stress phenomena in larger domains than the representation of prominence patterns of words. There are three divergent theories which have been developed in these areas: grid-only theory, tree-only theory and tree-cum-grid theory. The main purposes of this paper is to review the grid-only theory developed by LP(1977), Prince(1983), Hayes(1980) and Selkirk(1984). Their argument is that prominence relations expressed in tree strictures are maybe better captured in grids alone and that tree structure is unnecessary. But there are some critical problems in a grid-only framework, for example, in arbitrary prosodic hierarchy, stress-shift operations and ordering in rule application. Hayes(1980) and Selkirk(1984) devised the solutions to these problems. They are eurhythmy theory and rhythmic adjustment rule. At the respects of summaries which have been discussed, we can conclude that the grid-only theory is necessary and useful for the description of rhythmic stress pattern in English.