
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The spatial distribution of meteoroids or cometary debris along the orbit of the Earth is investigated by analyzing the meteoric records in the Chronicle of the Koryo dynasty (918-1392) which is called Koryosa. Sporadic meteors in this period show the seasonal variation in number, which is similar to the current meteors. We also found that there are a few spikes showing large accumulation of records around the same dates. We regard these spikes as meteor showers in the Koryo period. We compared the dates of meteor showers with those compiled from the historical records around the world including Korea, Japan, China, Arab, and European countries. We discovered three prominent showers and four weak showers. The prominent ones are the Leonids, the Perseids, and the Aquarids and the Orionids pair. The last pair is the remnants of Halley's comet. The astronomical records written in the history book of the Koryo dynasty are turned out to be accurate and written in a steady manner. We can also see that those records can be useful to contribute the development of modern astronomy and astrophysics.