
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2025.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Until all vehicles are equipped with autonomous driving technology, there will inevitably be mixed traffic conditions that consist of autonomous vehicles (AVs) and manual vehicles (MVs). Interactions between AVs and MVs have a negative impact on traffic flow. Cloverleaf interchanges (ICs) have a high potential to cause traffic accidents owing to merging and diverging. Analyzing the driving safety of cloverleaf ICs in mixed traffic flows is an essential element of proactive traffic management to prevent accidents. This study proposes a comprehensive simulation approach that integrates driving simulation (DS) and traffic simulation (TS) to effectively analyze vehicle interactions between AVs and MVs. The purpose of this study is to identify hazardous road spots for a freeway cloverleaf IC by integrating DS and TS in mixed traffic flow. The driving behavior data of MVs collected through a DS were used to implement vehicle maneuvering based on an intelligent driver model in the TS. The driving behavior of the AVs was implemented using the VISSIM parameters of the AVs presented in the CoEXist project. Additionally, the market penetration rate of AVs, ranging from 10% to 90% in 10% increments, was considered in the analysis. Deceleration rate to avoid crashes was adopted as the evaluation indicator, and pinpointing hazardous spot technique was used to derive hazardous road spots for the cloverleaf IC. The most hazardous road spot was identified in the deceleration lane where greater speed changes were observed. Hazardous road spots moved downstream within the deceleration lane as traffic volumes increased based on level of service. The number of AVs decelerating stably increased as traffic increased, thereby improving the safety of the deceleration lane. These results can be used to determine the critical point of warning information provision for preventing accidents when introducing AVs.