We focus on the weapon target assignment and fire scheduling problem (WTAFSP) with the objective of minimizing the makespan, i.e., the latest completion time of a given set of firing operations. In this study, we assume that there are m available weapons to fire at n targets (> m). The artillery attack operation consists of two steps of sequential procedure : assignment of weapons to the targets; and scheduling firing operations against the targets that are assigned to each weapon. This problem is a combination of weapon target assignment problem (WTAP) and fire scheduling problem (FSP). To solve this problem, we define the problem with a mixed integer programming model. Then, we develop exact algorithms based on a dynamic programming technique. Also, we suggest how to find lower bounds and upper bounds to a given problem. To evaluate the performance of developed exact algorithms, computational experiments are performed on randomly generated problems. From the results, we can see suggested exact algorithm solves problems of a medium size within a reasonable amount of computation time. Also, the results show that the computation time required for suggested exact algorithm can be seen to increase rapidly as the problem size grows. We report the result with analysis and give directions for future research for this study. This study is meaningful in that it suggests an exact algorithm for a more realistic problem than existing researches. Also, this study can provide a basis for developing algorithms that can solve larger size problems.
We focus on the fire scheduling problem (FSP), the problem of determining the sequence of targets to be fired at, for the objective of minimizing makespan to achieve tactical goals. In this paper, we assume that there are m available weapons to fire at n targets (> m) and the weapons are already allocated to targets. One weapon or multiple weapons can fire at one target and these fire operations should start simultaneously while the finish time of them may be different. We develop several dominance properties and a lower bound for the problem, and suggest a branch and bound algorithm implementing them. Also, In addition, heuristic algorithms that can be used for obtaining an initial upper bound in the B&B algorithm and for obtaining good solutions in a short time were developed. Computational experiments are performed on randomly generated test problems and results show that the suggested algorithm solves problems of a medium size in a reasonable amount of computation time. The proposed lower bound, the dominance properties, and the heuristics for upper bound are tested in B&B respectively, and the result showed that lower bound is effective to fathoming nodes and the dominance properties and heuristics also worked well. Also, it is showed that the CPU time required by this algorithm increases rapidly as the problem size increases. Therefore, the suggested B&B algorithm would be limited to solve large size problems. However, the employed heuristic algorithms can be effectively used in the B&B algorithm and can give good solutions for large problems within a few seconds.
This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of feeding order bay-concentrate-silage, concentratehay- silage, silage-concentrate-hay, silage-concentrate-hay, concentrate-silage-hay) on ruminal characteristics change with 3 fistulated dry Hols
To find out the optimum mixing level of wheat bran to improve the quality of 1st cut Alfalfa silage, this trial was canied out at two-year's Alfalfa monoculture field of the National Livestock Research Institute, Suwon, Korea, from May 1955 to Oct. 1995.
본 실험은 가을에 파종하여 월동전 예취 높이를 달리 하였을 때 공식초종의 탄수화물함량변화, 월동성 및 다음해 봄철 수랑에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 초종(Italian ryegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass)을 주구로 하고 월동전 예취 높이 (무예취, 6cm, 15cm)를 세구로 하여 분활구배치 3반복으로 설계하여 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 초종별 예취 높이에 따른 목장내 온도변화는 tall fescue >