
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this paper is to find which types of pop-up store positively influence consumers and to analyze the factors that affect brand attitude and behavioral intention across different fashion pop-up store formats. The data was collected from 217 respondents in their 20s and 30s and then subjected to descriptive statistical analysis, oneway ANOVA and regression analysis using SPSS Statistics. The results of the oneway ANOVA test indicated that the 'Pop-up store of alliance with different kinds of industries' is the most effective type for increasing brand preference and brand recognition amongst consumers. Some further insights can be made from the regression analysis results. There are differences between pop-up store formats in terms of the cognitive factors influencing brand attitude and behavioral intention. Moreover, there are differences between pop-up store formats in terms of brand attitude factors influencing behavioral intention. Through the results of this study, fashion companies can determine the best type of pop-up store to open depending on their aims. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights to fashion marketers, helping them to determine the appropriate factors to consider when planning fashion pop-up stores. Academically, this paper contributes to expanding the range of research on fashion pop-up retail by studying consumer experiences of different pop-up store types.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Contemporary fashion companies have been planning marketing strategies that can promote brands and products more effectively for satisfying consumers’ increasingly diversified needs. For this reason, retail spaces have continued to evolve and the modern concept of pop-up stores appeared through this process. Therefore, the object of this study was to research domestic pop-up fashion store cases by collecting article data. These data are from Internet fashion-specialty sites and analyze the types and characteristics of pop-up fashion stores by providing basic information that will be useful in the pop-up fashion stores of companies when they establish their marketing strategies. This study utilized the content analysis method and derived the results by using SPSS Statistics. As a result of this study, the type of “pop-up fashion stores opening in distribution enterprises” comprised the highest percentage of the whole store types and the pop-up fashion stores’ management purposes were focused on product introduction, promotion, and market testing. As time passed, not only did pop-up fashion stores' growth rate increased, but also the types of pop-up fashion stores have become more diverse. In other words, contemporary fashion companies are utilizing more pop-up fashion stores as a marketing strategy than before. However, due to the short history of domestic pop-up fashion stores, the variety of research is still insufficient, so more extensive research on pop-up fashion stores is required.