선교적인 관점에서 감리교회의 창시자인 존 웨슬리 목사, 구세군 창시자인 윌리엄 부츠, 그리고 독일의 디아코니아를 통한 사회개혁의 핵심적인 인물로서 비헤른 목사 등에 대해서는 지금까지 많이 알려졌 고, 이들에 관한 연구는 많이 진행되었다. 그러나 상대적으로 대단한 선교적 영향력을 행사하였음에도 불구하고, 또한 영국과 유럽교회에 큰 도전을 주었음에도 불구하고 토마스 찰머즈(Thomas Chalmers, 1780-1847)목사의 근린운동(Neighbourhood Movement)은 선교 역사에서 잘 알려지지 않았고 그의 업적에 대한 구체적인 연구도 없었던 것이 사실이다. 찰머즈 목사의 근린운동은 교회가 디아코니아적 선교사 역을 감당하는데 있어서 결정적인 정책적 지표를 제공한다는 점에서 대단히 중요하다. 이런 점에서 이 논문에서는 찰머즈 목사의 성장배경 과 그가 전개한 근린운동의 배경, 그리고 근린운동의 정책과 방향성뿐 만 아니라 그 근린운동을 통한 결과 및 영향성에 대하여 고찰함으로써 효과적인 디아코니아 선교사역을 위한 시사점을 제공하려고 한다.
In this research, the submersible fish cage was designed to avoid structural and biological damage during harsh sea conditions. The submersible cage system consists of netting, mooring ropes, a floating collar, floats, sinkers and anchors. Whole elements of the cage were modeled on the mass-spring model. The computer simulations were carried out to investigate the dynamic behavior of the cage and to calculate mooring line tension subjected to tidal currents and waves. As expected, the tension values in the mooring line of the submerged position are 36% less compared to that of the surface cage under the same loading conditions. As the wave was used in combination with the current velocity of 1m/s, the average tensile load for the submerged cage showed 85% of the value for the floating cage. The simulation results provide an improved understanding of the behaviors of the structure and valuable information on the optimized design of the cage system exposed to open ocean environmental factors.
This paper focuses on the mackerel's visual ability and swimming capability, and aims to describe the behavior in capture and escape process by trawl. The visual sensory systems and reaction behavior based locomotory capability were analyzed and simulated. The ability of fish to see an object depends on the light intensity and the contrast and size of the object. Swimming endurance of the fish is dependent on the swimming speed and the size of the fish. Swimming speeds of the fish are simulated 3 types of the burst speed, the prolonged speed and the sustained speed according to the time they can maintain to swim. The herding and avoiding is typical reaction of the fish to the stimuli of trawl gear in the capture process. These basic behavior patterns of the virtual mackerel to the gear are simulated. This simulation will be helpful to understand the fishing processes and make high selectivity of fishing.
Otter boards in the trawl are the one of essential equipments for the net mouth to be spread to the horizontal direction. Its performance should be considered in the light of the spreading force to the drag and the stability of towing in the water. Up to the present, studies of the otter boards have focused mainly on the drag and lift force, but not on the stability of otter boards movement in 3 dimensional space. In this study, the otter board is regarded as a rigid body, which has six degrees of freedom motion in three dimensional coordinate system. The forces acting on the otter boards are the underwater weight, the resistance of drag and spread forces and the tension on the warps and otter pendants. The equations of forces were derived and substituted into the governing equations of 6 degrees of freedom motion, then the second order of differential equations to the otter boards were established. For the stable numerical integration of this system, Backward Euler one of implicit methods was used. From the results of the numerical calculation, graphic simulation was carried out. The simulations were conducted for 3 types of otter boards having same area with different aspect ratio(λ=0.5, 1.0, 1.5). The tested gear was mid-water trawl and the towing speed was 4k't. The length of warp was 350m and all conditions were same to each otter board. The results of this study are like this; First, the otter boards of λ=1.0 showed the longest spread distance, and the λ=0.5 showed the shorted spread distance. Second, the otter boards of λ=1.0 and 1.5 showed the upright at the towing speed of 4k't, but the one of λ=0.5 heeled outside. Third, the yawing angles of three otter boards were similar after 100 seconds with the small oscillation. Fourth, it was revealed that the net height and width are affected by the characteristics of otter boards such as the lift coefficient.