마늘을에서 일반 대기 및 CA 조건 하에서 4개월 저장하면서 기간 및 조건에 따른 저장 중 마늘의 생리적 품질을 폭정하고 pungency와 fructan 등의 화학적 성분 변화를 분석하였다. 저장 중 마늘의 생리적 품질은 저장 조건에 대해서 큰 차이는 없었으나, CA 저장한 마늘이 일반 대기에서 저장한 마늘에 비해서 수분 감량이 더 많이 일어나 dry weight와 경도가 낮게 나타났다. 표면색은 저장 4개월에서 어둡고 진하게 변했다. CA 저장이 마늘
마늘퓨레를 제조하였을 때 원료로 사용된 마늘의 저장온도와 퓨레의 pH 및 온도가 변색에 미치는 영향을 알아보고 그 원인을 구명하기 위하여 본 실험이 수행되었다. 마늘퓨레의 변색은 저온저장했던 마늘로 퓨레제조시 심하게 나타났으며 pH 4.0, 2와 조건에서 청변이 가장 심하였다. 변색의 양상은 녹변, 청변, 그리고 갈변의 세가지 형태로 나타났으며 산화적 갈변을 제외한 녹변과 청변은 변색정도의 차이일 뿐 같은 기작에 의한 것으로 생각되었다. 변색색
Garlic is an important condimental vegetable which has many minerals and numerous organic sulfur compounds. Owing to these components, garlic has many medicinal properties and physiological activities on human health. It can lower sect lipid levels and reduce the severity of cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis. And it appeals to protect against mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. Today's our eating habit is concentrated on the physiological function in floods rather than their taste or mutagenic. To improve garlic's value as a flood or a vegetable, further scientific researches about its volatile and nonvolatile sulfur compounds through the biochemical approach are needed. In addition to that, both areas that the development of garlic-processed goods and utilization of garlic as materials for medicine must be actively studied.
This study was conducted to blow the effect of postharvest physiological changes on garlic quality according to its ecotypes and storage temperatures. The changes of water, total soluble solids, crude stein, md total fructans were measured and the rates of respiration and sprouting were analyzed during storage at 20 and 30. The decrease of water content and the increase of total soluble solids were reversely appeared during garlic storage. The crude protein content was gradually increased during storage but total fructan content was decrased. The respiration late was maximized at 60days after storage and the spouting rate was gradually increased. In the aspect of ecotypic characteristics, the water content, fructan content and sprouting rate were higher in 'Namdo' cultivar than those of southern type. The high storage temperature (30) controlled spouting and loss of fructan, and it was effective to maintain the garlic quality.