Although it has been well known that the Saemaul Undong had a direct relation with the water resources development during 1970’s, its contribution to the water resources and increased income in rural communities has not been thoroughly quantified so far. In order to assess the contribution of the Saemaul Undong in terms of rural water resources development, we investigated various historical data produced by the central and local governments in relation to water resources development. The results show the direct and indirect contribution of the Saemaul Undong to the water resources development in rural communities such as sewage works, water supply facilities, shared wells, and river works. The results also showed a positive relation between per-house income in rural communities and areas of irrigated paddies, which were rapidly increased during 1970’s. These results can be utilized to transplant the positive aspect of the Saemaul Undong to developing countries focusing on water resources development in rural areas.
본 연구는 기후변화에 따른 수자원 영향평가를 위해 적합한 수문모형을 선택하고 지역기후모형인 SNURCM에서 생성한 모의기상자료로 유출량을 생성하여 모의정확성을 평가하였다. 4개의 월 물수지모형과 두개의 일 유출모형을 이용하여 대청댐 상류유역의 유입량 모의능력을 비교한 결과 abcd모형이 월 물수지모형 중에서는 가장 뛰어났고, 국내에서 널리 사용되고 있는 일 유출모형인 SSARR와 비슷한 모의정확성을 보였다. 다음으로 abcd모형을 금강유역의 12개 소유