연초 종자생산의 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 임성품종과 웅성불임 품종을 공시하여 격리거리 및 이식시기에 따른 자연교잡율을 조사하였다. 1. 임성품종간의 인접재배시 자연교잡율은 평균 1.6%이었고 0.9~2.5%범위로 나타났다. 2. 임성품종과 웅성불임 게통의 인접재배시 자연교잡율은 29%로 임성품종에 비하여 현저히 높게 나타났다. 3. 이식시기따른 자연교잡율은 4월20일 이식한 처리구가 5월 5일 및 5월20일 이식한 처리구보다 현저히 높았다. 4. 격리거리에 따른 자연교잡율은 격리거리가 멀수록 낮았고 300m 격리구에서도 자연교잡이 0.8%로 나타났다.
This paper comprised a review of published literature dealing with the evaluation of tobacco quality and usability. Evaluation of tobacco quality and usability seems to be difficult not only due to our inability to define them in simple and easily measurable term but also due to their relations to the profitability of tobacco companies and safety of comsumers. Chemical constituents and smoking taste and aroma of the tobacco represent the underlying basis for tobacco quality: however, tobacco is still purchased upon its physical appearance. Grade and value system is very convenient for evaluating the tobacco quality, if the system is based on the triangular relationship of physical appearance, chemical and smoking properties of tobacco, and also based on intrinsic quality of the tobacco independent of external influences. Grade and value system for tobacco in Korea is thought to be influenced by external factors besides intrinsic quality. Therefore, we have to concern new systems that could be supplement to, or replacement for currently available grade and value system.