In terms of coastal and marine tourism, Busan’s Haeundae had the nation’s representativeness, and is pushing for many kinds of related policies to revitalize the special tourism zone. Due to a drop in the number of beach users, it is inevitable for the Haeundae Special Tourist Zone to face active responses to new trends emerging in the global tourism market. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to present a tourism strategy for making the Suyeong River as a more competitive ourist resource along the zone. First, a language network analysis is conducted through interviews to understand the ideas of interest groups for the river cruise activation project. Second, the frame structure of stakeholders is used to analyze solutions by comparing the similarities and differences in recognition frames of interest groups. Third, we intend to analyze the detailed frame types of stakeholders and present new alternatives based on the structure of relationships between types.
본 연구는 국제여객터미널 대합실의 환경요소와 감정, 만족 간의 영향관계에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 일본으로 출국 하기 위하여 대기하고 있는 관광객을 대상으로 하였고, 자료 수집은 자기기입방식을 이용한 설문조사를 이용하였다. 그리고 설문지의 통계처리 는 SPSS 18.0을 이용하였고, 가설검증을 위하여 AMOS 18.0을 이용하여 분석하였다. 구조모형 검증결과 첫째, 대합실의 물리적 환경요소는 감 정에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대합실의 사회적 환경요소는 감정에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 감정은 만족도에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 환경요소는 감정에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요소임을 알 수 있다. 그러므로 장 소의 특성에 따라 환경적 요소들에 대한 관리가 요구되어진다. 또한 환경적 요소는 감정을 매개로 만족도에 영향을 미치게 되므로 관광객들의 감정에 부정적 영향을 미치지 않도록 국제여객터미널과 관련된 주체는 대합실 환경에 대한 지속적인 관심과 관광객들의 이용 만족도를 향상 시킬 수 있는 환경마련에 노력하여야 할 것이다.
By employing primarily the Kendall's Concordance Test, the paper attempted to conduct an experts' evaluation on the interaction among the agents in Busan marine tourism cluster and recommend some measures for policy consideration for the cluster's activation. For this purpose, a conceptual framework was developed to guide the assessment by using inter-agent cooperation and network approaches regarding the nature of the marine tourism cluster. Such factors as cooperation, competition, relationship marketing, and networking were identified as critical. Findings of the study imply that Busan marine tourism cluster is at its embryonic stage and needs desperate measures for improvement in the inter-organizational cooperation and networking, the major regional characteristics that determine the competitiveness of marine tourism.
This study is designed to analyze the production, employment, value added and income impacts tha, in the event of designation and development of Haeundae as 'Convention, Movie, Marine Leisure Special Zone', its marine sector would have on the local economy. The realization of marine leisure special zone of Haeundae in Busan is expected to lead to a direct and indirect investment of approx. \13.6 billion, resulting in \68.0 billion in production impact, 850 jobs in employment impact, \28.0 billion in value added impact and \14.5 billion in income impact. This is expected to give a boost to a stagnant local economy, offering opportunities for the revival of Busan's tourist industry.
This study is to integratedly examine coastal management policy and marine tourism development project for Korean coasts, especially for the South Sea of high development pressure, presenting sustainable tourism development policies for the future. To do so, it is examined central government-level coastal development projects set up by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Ministry cf Construction and Transportation, setting the direction of south coastal management and tourism development at a level of national territory planning. The problems of coastal management first and then the problems of the South Coast Tourism Belt Project are analyzed in order to present political and administrative alternatives. To overcome such problems and make Korea a marine tourism base in East Asia, there is a need for re-recognition of the value of the project and its continuous push through cooperation between central and local governments. Also, under the presupposition of consensus building among local people and the sustainable development of environments, there should be are-recognition that the future cf Korean marine tourism in the 21st-century and the success of an inverted π-axis national development depend on the South coastal Tourism Belt Development Project.
The purpose of this study is the comparative analysis of Busan citizens' images of Eulsook-do as a coastal tourism destination before and after the construction of a road bridge across the Nakdong estuary in order to analyze local people's changes in leisure patterns. Analysis of the images of a pre-construction Eulsook-do that people aged both 40 and less and 50 and more had on five dimensions showed values higher than zero(0) that suggests neutral image, while their images of a post-construction Eulsook-do showed the shrinking size of pentagon on all five dimensions: ET(Entertainment), CA(Culture & Art), EE(Environment & Ecology), RC(Recreation) and LP(Leports) dimensions. Its pre- and post- construction image analysis conducted 20 years after it came to be built finds that the road bridge construction has led to the ecological, environmental disruption of the coast and the lower Nakdong river, having negative influence on the images of Eulsook-so.
The purposes of this study were to investigate ecotourism goals which are providing educational tourism, generating environmental conservation, and residents’ economic benefits based on the 7th Muju Firefly festival.
The sample was 243 visitors from August 23rd to 30th, 2003.
The results were as follows: First, visitors showed high satisfaction for the educational tourism program. Experiencing educational "Mysterious Firefly Field Trips" contributed to the tourists` educational satisfaction. It was found that these experience programs were very popular.
Second, residents` and domestic visitors` satisfaction was high with 5.50 on Likert 7 points concerning environmental conservation.
Third, foreigners showed high satisfaction for visiting tourism sites and understanding regional culture in terms of understanding region and economic benefits. The average economic effect was decreased compared to 2002. So there should be more diverse strategy to increase economic effect. Also more festival related products, diverse and unique foods and beverages based on regional products should be developed.
The purposes of this study were to investigate visitors' environmental attitudes of educational tourism, environmental preservation, and regional economic benefits satisfaction through the Chunsuman Bay Birdwatching Festival.
The results of this study were as follows: First, the degree of educational satisfaction was high and this festival provided environmental preservation mind for visitors and local residents as well. The festival participants had a positive attitude toward migratory birds. Especially, the residents who had negative perceptions toward migratory birds due to physical harms of agricultural crops was positively changed after visiting this festival. So there should be prepared for more strategic approaches for residents' visiting and participating this birdwatching festival.
Second, while the number of tourists was increased, it did not make a practical contribution to residents' income Particularly, farmers' satisfaction was low. So there should be more strategic programs to improve residents' economic rewards for sustainable development.
The purpose of this study is the assessment of changes in the leisure patterns of users of the Eulsook-do before and after the estuary dike construction. The following survey research method was conducted to implement the study, sampling by age was carried out selectively and randomly alike. A total of 319 persons were chosen for final analysis, excluding questionnaires answered found to be inappropriate. To measure the image of the lower Nakdong River around the Eulsook-do, with advice sought from experts, researchers, through several pilot tests, developed a 24-item semantic differential scale(SDS) that has two bi-polar adjectives at each end Study of the pre- and post- construction images of the Eulsook-do located on the coast of Busan suggests the dike construction has brought about negative changes in the Eulsook-do's overall image. There can be two alternatives for improving the negative image: restoration and development.
The competitiveness of a country or a city plays an important role as a determining factor in this age of globalization In view of tourism studies, the potential for a region to develop depends primarily on its ability to use and maintain economic advantages in its provision of tourist products and services. In spite of the importance of competitiveness in tourism studies, few researches have been done on competitiveness in Korea The purpose of this study is, therefore, to conduct a comparative analysis of competitiveness between coastal metropolitan cities in Korea-Busan, Ulsan and Incheon- developing tourism index and finding out urban competitiveness. The findings of this study will contribute to enhancing tourism promotion and mutual network with other cities and attracting domestic and international tourists.
A theme park is a tourism destination attracting a lot of tourists. Many local authorities establish theme parks within their own territory. Busan Metropolitan City tries to host an attractive theme park, and to make the city known as the tourism destination for 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a policy and management strategy of theme park based on questionnaire analysis for international tourists visiting Busan. First, it is needed to supply low land price to reduce construction cost and to attract investors from the public and private sectors. Second, the theme park has to have attractive themes and new events for repeaters. Third, infra structures related to the theme parks should be provided for the easy accessibility. Finally more emphasis should be placed on public relation and service education for employees.
Study of the background and state of Osaka's waterfront space development and analysis of the functions of 22 chosen major facilities of development project reveals the following four types: amenity-oriented development, large-scale synthesis type development, renewal compound area type development, exchange communication promotion type development. Osaka bay area has served primely as the base of harbors, industry and energy, while analysis of the ongoing project has found that the city has been making a functional transition to a type of development to live up to the needs of the times, suggesting that is wise that Korea's future direction of waterfront development be oriented toward environmental-friendly development by taking advantage of low-density area's natural resources. Given the plurality and complexity of the law of coastal zone, what is needed is a legal maintenance for coastal zone's clear-cut coordinating function and for environmental-friendly development with the limitations of seaside and coastal functions in mind.
Pusan has experienced some different paths of urbanization and industrialization compared to other cities, and has faced the problem of over-saturation in environmental capacity. Pusan needs to find out sustainable development strategies based on Agenda 21 by UNCED in 1992 to secure urban renewal.
Therefore, Pusan`s sustainable development strategies focus on the 1)research on environmental capacity and reasonable population accommodation 2)supply of basic environmental facilities for the human settlement 3)protection and efficient management of environmental pollution 4)saving and control of energy and other resources 5)independent and stable execution of plan based on biological relation 6)harmony between nature and urban spatial organization.
In addition, these policies can be suggested along with the conclusions; First, establishment of green plan-middle and long term environmental goals included in the urban planning to reduce environmental deterioration and pollution. Second, computation of sustainability index-the index is necessary to sustainable urban development, which is related with green GNP of the national level.
Third, capacity estimation of nature and social environment-estimation of environmental capacity to the civilized area is required become an ecopolis, and is required to focus on the western area of Pusan which has high degree of potentiality.