PWR spent nuclear fuel generally showed an oxide film thickness of 100 um or more with a combustion rate of 45 MWD/MTU or higher, while CANDU spent nuclear fuel with an average combustion rate of about 7.8 MWD/MTU had few issues related to hydride corrosion. Even based on the actual power plant data, it is known that the thickness of the oxide film is 10 μm or less on the surface of the coating tube, and brittleness caused by hydride is shown from the thickness of the oxide film of about 80 μm, so it is not worth considering. However, since corrosion may be accelerated by lithium ions, lithium ions may be said to be a very important factor in controlling the hydro-chemical environment of heavy water. Lithium has a negative effect on the corrosion of zirconium alloys. However, since local below 5 ppb to prevent corrosion. maintained at a concentration between 0.35 and 0.55 ppm. Hydrogen is known to have a positive effect by suppressing radioactive decomposition of the coolant and suppressing cracks in nickelbased alloys. However, too much hydrogen can produce hydride in a pressure tube composed of Zr-2.5Nb, so DH (Disolved Hydrogen) maintains the range of 0.27–0.90 ppm. pH and conductivity are completely determined by lithium ions, and DH can be completely removed below 5 ppb to prevent corrosion. Therefore, for cladding corrosion simulation of the CANDU spent nuclear fuel, a hydrochemical of the equipment, not 310°C, and 14 uS·Cm−1 is targeted as conditions for corrosion acceleration. In addition, for acceleration, the temperature was set to 345°C (margin 10°C), which is the maximum accommodation range of the equipment, not 310°C.
이 연구는 형질전환 고추로부터 토양 근권 미생물로의 유전자 이동 가능성을 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 재배중인 오이 모자이크 바이러스 저항성 고추와 대조구의 근권토양으로부터 DNA를 추출한 후 형질전환 고추 도입유전자에 특이적인 프라이머를 사용하여 PCR 분석을 수행하였다. PCR 결과 도입유전자인 NPTII 유전자가 수집된 전 기간의 근권 토양 샘플에서 발견되었다. 발견된 도입유전자가 고추로부터 토양 미생물로의 유전자 이동에 의한 결과인지를 조사하기 위하여 토양 샘플로부터 미생물들을 분리하여 카나마이신이 첨가된 세균 및 진균 배지에 배양하였다. 약 43만개의 세균 코로니와 16만개의 진균 코로니를 조사 한 결과 카나마이신에 저항성을 나타내는 개체는 발견되지 않아 형질전환 고추로부터 근권 미생물로의 유전자이동은 발생하지 않은 것으로 사료되었다.