신체의 이동과 정지 시 동적 안정성과 균형성에 영향을 미치는 인솔에 대해 분석하였다. 특히 종족궁의 아치를 인위적으로 서서 체중을 가한 상태와 같은 평상시와 동일한 상태로 지속적으로 지지하였을 경우에 개별적인 균형능력의 변화를 추적하였다. 정상적인 신체 조건과 발모양을 유지하는 20대 남녀 각 10명씩 20명을 대상으로 종족궁 내측아치를 측정하여 아치를 지지하는 인솔을 개별적으로 제작하였으며, Tetrax 균형성 평가 장비를 이용하여 COP의 변위 패턴과 힘점의 이동거리를 착용 전, 후 비교하였다. 아치를 지지하는 인솔을 착용한 실험군이 균형능력 평가에서 약 22% 정도 상승되는 결과를 나타내었다. 본 비교 실험을 통해 종족궁의 내측아치를 지지하는 인솔 착용이 신체의 균형능력을 향상시키는데 도움이 되는 것으로 나타났다.
The interaction between Agrobacterium and soybean has been studied at the transcriptome level but not at the metabolic level. However, it is necessary to investigate the difference in metabolites between susceptible and non-susceptible cultivars for high efficiency transformation. We investigated the difference in metabolites from sonicated soybean cotyledons of Korean cultivars and Bert cultivar. To identify difference in metabolites, sonicated extracts were analysed by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR/MS). The soybean cultivars were classified by susceptibility using green fluorescent protein expression. We found a difference in metabolites between the high susceptible and low susceptible cultivars. The FT-ICR/MS experimental m/z data of different metabolites were compared with theoretical m/z in KNApSAcK database. The candidate list was made using KNApSAcK and focused on phenolic compounds. These candidate metabolites are speculated to influence factors in the interaction. This list of candidates may be useful to investigate the interaction between Agrobacterium and plants to increase transformation efficiency.
Recently, detection of esophageal diverticula by neck ultrasonography has been increasing. In particular, esophageal diverticula near the thyroid gland can be diagnosed as thyroid nodule on ultrasonography. To date, 13 cases of ultrasonographic features of Killian-Jamieson (K-J) diverticula have been reported. We report on four cases of K-J diverticula and discuss clinical characteristics, including ultrasonographic findings, in comparison with previously reported cases. Awareness of ultrasonographic finding of esophageal diverticula, a hypoechoic nodule containing echogenic foci found in the posterolateral aspect of the thyroid, is most important for making a differential diagnosis of K-J diverticulum from a thyroid nodule.