An experiment was conducted to study effects of abomasal infusions of casein, glucose or starch on milk production and blood metabolites in dairy cows. Four lactating cows (559±41.9kg) fitted with 100 mm ruminal cannulas were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square experiment. The cows were given access ad libitum to grass silage and received 6.2 kg dry matter (DM) of a mixture of rapeseed meal (5.3kg/d DM) and barley grain (0.9kg/d DM) as a basal diet (CON), the basal diet plus intra-abomasal infusions of 270 g sodium caseinate (CAS), 300 g of glucose (GLU) or 243 g of starch (STA) starting at 09:00 h each day. Abomasal infusion of different nutrients did not affect (p>0.05) grass silage intake and rumen fermentation parameters (rumen pH, ammonia N and volatile fatty acids). As unexpected, milk yield and composition data did not differ between CON and the treated groups (p>0.05). Most of plasma amino acids were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by the abomasal infusions of CAS, GLU or STA except for histidine, tryptophan and glycine. Although histidine, known as the first limiting amino acid in dairy cows fed grass silage based diets, was significantly (p=0.003) increased by CAS, we failed to result in a clear increase in milk yield and protein yield. This discrepancy between plasma AA profiles and milk production could be presumably explained by relatively high concentration of total amino acids in the present study (2,039μmol/l).
A survey project of TRAO with the fifteen beam array receiver system is presented. A multibeam array receiver system has been purchased from FCRAO, and is being installed on TRAO 14m telescope. The target region of the survey is from ι=120° ~137°, b=-1°~+1°, and velocity resolution would be 1 km/sec after smoothing from the original resolution of 0.64km s-1in the transition of J = 1-0 of 13CO The survey region is a part of the 12CO Outer Galaxy Survey(OGS), and would be an extension of the Bell Laboratories 13CO Galactic Plane Survey. By combining with the existing 12CO database of the Outer Galaxy Survey, we will derive physical properties of identified molecular clouds and will conduct and statistical analysis of the Outer Galalxy molecular clouds. Reduction process and analysis methods will be introduced.
A characterization of the permeation and separation using single salt solution was carried out with charged composite membranes. Various charged composite membranes were fabricated by blending an ionic polymer with a nonionic polymer in different ratios. In this study, sodium alginate, chitosan and poly(vinyl alcohol) were employed as anionic, cationic and nonionic polymers, respectively. The permeation and separation behaviors of the aqueous salt solutions have been investigated through the charged composite membranes with various charge densities. As the content of the ionic polymer increased in the membrane, the hydrophilicity of the membrane increased, and pure water flux and the solution flux increased correspondingly, indicating that the permeation performance through the membrane is determined mainly by its hydrophilicity. Electrostatic interaction between the charged membrane and ionic solute molecules, that is, Donnan exclusion, was observed to be attributed to salt rejection to a greater extent, and molecular sieve mechanism was effective for the separation of salts under a similar electrostatic circumstance of solutes.
긴덜이리응애와 dicofol 저항성 및 감수성 점박이응애에 대한 아바맥틴의 선택독성을 실험실 내에서 엽침지법으로 조사하였다. 아바멕틴은 긴털이리응애에 대해서는 독성이 낮은 반면, 점박이응애에 대해서는 살균효과가 높았다. 0.12 ppm과 0.6 ppm의 농도에서 점박이응애는 두 계통 모두 침지 후 48시간 0]내에 사망하였고, 0.06 ppm과 0.012 ppm의 낮은 농도에서 120시간 이후에는 77% 이상이 사망하였다. 그러나긴털이리응애의 암컷성충은 0.12ppm에서는 생존솔과 활동력이 영향을 받지 않았고, 0.6ppm과 6ppm의 높은 농도에서도 사망솔이 약 20~23%이었다. 아바맨틴은 산란후 l일 이내의 점박이응애의 난에 대해서는 패화솔에 영향을 미치지 않았으나 산란후 4일된 란에서는 패화솔이 멸소하였다. 반면에0.006-6ppm 용액에 긴털이리응애 난을 침지한경우 난의 패화솔과 그 난에서 부화한 약충의 발육에는 영향이 없었다. 긴털이리응애의 암컷 성충을 0.6 ppm과- 0.12ppm에 침지했을 때 산란수가 줄어들지 않았으나 잠박이응애의 산란수는0.006-0.6 ppm의 농도에서 현저히 감소하였다. 이상과 같이 아바맥틴은 점박이응애와 긴털이리응애에 대한 선택독성이 높은 약제로 점박이응애의 결합방제에 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각되며, 점박이응애에 대한 아치사농도(0.012-0.06 ppm)는 긴털이리응애와 점박이응애의 밀도를 조사하는데 이용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
벼멸구 생태형 1, 2, 3의 형태의 차이를 구별하고자 장시형과 단시형 암수를 대상으로 형태적 변화를 관찰하였다. 암컷은 생식 부위인 Abdominal lateral lobes의 좌우 부위를 비교 조사하였다. 수컷은 앞다리, 가운데 다리, 뒷다리 부절의 Unguitractor plate를 조사하였다. 생태형 2의 단시형 암컷은 Abdominal lateral lobes의 기부가 잘라진 것으로 생태형 1과 3보다 많았다. Unguitractor plate의 경우 생태형 2는 장단시형 암 수 모두 부절 안쪽으로 함입되어 있었다.
Among the developed bío-degradable polymer fílms as compared wíth transparent fílm(Whíte), black polymer fílm was sígnífícantly more effectíve for controllíng weeds ín red pepper. Also, we found that whíte and black polymer mulchíng had 81.8% and 97.9% of managing weed controllíng effects in rice, respectively. Compared to nonmulched rice paddy with water supply, the non-mulched rice paddy wíthout any water supply has stopped its growth at 41 days after transplantíng, whíle polymer -mulched rice paddy without water supply had about 60% of normally growing rice plants. This shows the polymer treatment has a remarkable effect on water and power saving, solution of herbicidal resistance, avoidance of herbícidal influence to eco-system etc. When the naturally decomposíng polymer was used, a temperature was elevated as high as 4.7 ℃ on maximum and 2.6 ℃ on average. Also the naturally decomposing polymer accelerated rooting by 7 days and lowered a stress level from transplanting. The weed control effect mulched by polymer was remarkable as 98. 7%. The p이ymer now, after 294 days treated on the rice paddy, has been completely decomposed.